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Vincere Identity

Vincere Identity give partners the ability to access Vincere Rest API since v2. Using Oauth 2.0 as the authorization mechanism for the Vincere Rest API, developers now can obtain OAuth keys for developing applications with Vincere REST API.

To start with Vincere Oauth2, you must have a valid OAuth 2.0 data below:

parameters description
redirect_uri URI for the location of your application provided to Vincere when registered
client_id ID generated by Vincere to identity your account

All of those can be obtained by going to Vincere application -> Settings -> App Store and look for the API Authentication & Throttling tab.

There are 2 environments provided for Vincere Identity:

The sequence diagram describing the process:

Sequence Diagram

Complete the authorization flow

  • Get an authorization code

GET /oauth2/authorize

The /oauth2/authorize endpoint only supports HTTPS GET. The user pool client typically makes this request through the system browser. This step would return you authorization code (which is expired shortly).

Request parameters

parameters location description
client_id query param Required. your client_id generated by Vincere
state query param Optional The param would be returned with authorization_code
redirect_uri query param Required your redirect uri that registered with Vincere.
response_type query param Required Only accept code

Sample Request



Vincere Identity redirects back to your app with authorization code and your state. The code and state must be returned in the query string parameters.

Sample Response


It is highly recommended that you have to store refresh_token securedly (for example server-side to avoid exposing it externally).

  • Get tokens

POST /oauth2/token
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The /oauth2/token endpoint only supports HTTPS POST. Right after receiving authorization code, your responsibility is to make first request to this endpoint to get refresh_token, access_token and id_token. Remember that refresh_token is allocated only one time/code. Repeated calls would result in invalid_grant. Following calls with refresh token in body would return only new id_token + access_token.

Request Parameters

parameters location description
client_id query param Required. your client_id generated by Vincere
code body Optional Authorization code. Required in case grant_type is authorization_code
grant_type body Required authorization_code OR refresh_token
refresh_token body Optional refresh token. Required in case grant_type is refresh_token


Depending on your requests to token endpoint, the response would return refresh_token + access_token + id_token (in case of grant_type=authorization_code), or only access_token + id_token in case of grant_type=refresh_token.

Sample Response

Content-Type: application/json




The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter value, or is otherwise malformed. For example, grant_type is refresh_token but refresh_token is not included.


Client authentication failed.


Refresh token has been revoked.

Authorization code has been consumed already or does not exist.

  • LOGOUT Endpoint

GET /oauth2/logout

The /oauth2/logout endpoint only supports HTTPS GET. Logout action would clear out the existing session and shows the login screen, using the same parameters for GET /oauth2/authorize.

Request parameters

parameters location description
client_id query param Required. your client_id generated by Vincere
state query param Optional The param would be returned with authorization_code
redirect_uri query param Required your redirect uri that registered with Vincere.
response_type query param Required Only accept code
  • Get user services

GET /oauth2/user
Header: id-token: id_token

To get the list of Vincere service that authenticated user is using, you need to call this API.

Request parameters

parameters location description
id-token header param Required. user's id_token


List of services related to user would be returned in JSON format.

Content-Type: application/json

 "tenants": [
 		"tenant": "",
 		"userId": 1234,
 		"apiKey": "faad49b3935a5127be470102c95f50eb"
 		"tenant": "",
 		"userId": 123,
 		"apiKey": "ckih88b3935a5127be470102c95f10yy"
  • Token to use APIs v2

After obtaining tokens you can make REST calls that get data or perform CRUD operations on Vincere data. The request has to pass in id-token: id_token as header param. Example is below:

Header: id-token: id_token

For more information about OAuth2, please refer to