List of languages that were implemented in a dialect of Lisp, to your surprise !
Contributions welcome.
Some Dylan implementations were initially built with Lisp systems.
JavaScript was sketched in Common Lisp.
With the sources here !
The readme says:
“js/semantics contains experimental code used to generate LR(1) and LALR(1) grammars for JavaScript as well as compile and check formal semantics for JavaScript. The semantics can be executed directly or printed into either HTML or Microsoft Word RTF formats. This code is written in standard Common Lisp. It’s been used under Macintosh Common Lisp 4.0, and Allegro Common Lisp 5.0.1 for Windows, but should also work under other Common Lisp implementations.”
Julia's parser is written in FemtoLisp, a dialect of Scheme.
The Shen language is primarily developed in Common Lisp.
FYI, Shen features:
- pattern matching,
- lambda calculus consistency,
- macros for defining domain specific languages,
- optional lazy evaluation,
- static type checking based on sequent calculus, one of the most powerful systems for typing in functional programming,
- an integrated fully functional Prolog,
- an inbuilt compiler-compiler,
- has a BSD kernel that runs under a host of different languages (Lisp, Python, Javascript, C ...) and operating systems (Windows, Linux, OS/X),
- is extensively documented in a book
The Yale implementation of Haskell was written in Common Lisp.
written between 1991 and 1993; was built from sources using CMU Common Lisp, Lucid Common Lisp, Allegro Common Lisp, Harlequin LispWorks, Kyoto Common Lisp.
- STELLA - STELLA is a strongly typed, object-oriented, Lisp-like language, designed to facilitate symbolic programming tasks in artificial intelligence applications. STELLA programs are translated into a target language such as C++, Common Lisp, or Java, and then compiled with the native target language compiler to generate executable code.