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This repository contains the code for a simple RESTful API to manage notes. The API allows users to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on notes stored on the server.


  • Create Note: Users can create a new note by sending a POST request to the /notes endpoint with the note data in the request body.
  • Read Note: Users can retrieve all notes or a specific note by sending GET * requests to the /notes endpoint or /notes/{id} endpoint respectively.
  • Update Note: Users can update an existing note by sending a PUT request to the /notes/{id} endpoint with the updated note data in the request body.
  • Delete Note: Users can delete a note by sending a DELETE request to the /notes/{id} endpoint.

API Endpoints

  • Create Note: POST /notes
  • Read All Notes: GET /notes
  • Read Single Note: GET /notes/{id}
  • Update Note: PUT /notes/{id}
  • Delete Note: DELETE /notes/{id}
  • Request and Response Formats
  • Request Format: JSON
  • Response Format: JSON


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.