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survstan: Fitting Survival Regression Models via Stan


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The aim of the R package survstan is to provide a

toolkit for fitting survival models using Stan.

The R package survstan can be used to fit right-censored survival data under independent censoring. The implemented models allow the fitting of survival data in the presence/absence of covariates. All inferential procedures are currently based on the maximum likelihood (ML) approach.


You can install the released version of survstan from CRAN with:


You can install the development version of survstan from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Inference procedures

Let $(t_{i}, \delta_{i})$ be the observed survival time and its corresponding failure indicator, $i=1, \cdots, n$, and $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ be a $k \times 1$ vector of parameters. Then, the likelihood function for right-censored survival data under independent censoring can be expressed as:

$$ L(\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \prod_{i=1}^{n}f(t_{i}|\boldsymbol{\theta})^{\delta_{i}}S(t_{i}|\boldsymbol{\theta})^{1-\delta_{i}}. $$

The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ is obtained by directly maximization of $\log(L(\boldsymbol{\theta}))$ using the rstan::optimizing() function. The function rstan::optimizing() further provides the hessian matrix of $\log(L(\boldsymbol{\theta}))$, needed to obtain the observed Fisher information matrix, which is given by:

$$ \mathscr{I}(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}) = -\frac{\partial^2}{\partial \boldsymbol{\theta}\boldsymbol{\theta}'} \log L(\boldsymbol{\theta})\mid_{\boldsymbol{\theta}=\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}}, $$

Inferences on $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ are then based on the asymptotic properties of the MLE, $\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}}$, that state that:

$$ \hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \asymp N_{k}(\boldsymbol{\theta}, \mathscr{I}^{-1}(\hat{\boldsymbol{\theta}})). $$

Baseline Distributions

Some of the most popular baseline survival distributions are implemented in the R package survstan. Such distributions include:

  • Exponential
  • Weibull
  • Lognormal
  • Loglogistic

The parametrizations adopted in the package survstan are presented next.

Exponential Distribution

If $T \sim \mbox{Exp}(\lambda)$, then

$$ f(t|\lambda) = \lambda\exp\left{-\lambda t\right}I_{[0, \infty)}(t), $$ where $\lambda>0$ is the rate parameter.

The survival and hazard functions in this case are given by:

$$ S(t|\lambda) = \exp\left{-\lambda t\right} $$ and $$ h(t|\lambda) = \lambda. $$

Weibull Distribution

If $T \sim \mbox{Weibull}(\alpha, \gamma)$, then

$$ f(t|\alpha, \gamma) = \frac{\alpha}{\gamma^{\alpha}}t^{\alpha-1}\exp\left{-\left(\frac{t}{\gamma}\right)^{\alpha}\right}I_{[0, \infty)}(t), $$ where $\alpha>0$ and $\gamma>0$ are the shape and scale parameters, respectively.

The survival and hazard functions in this case are given by:

$$ S(t|\alpha, \gamma) = \exp\left{-\left(\frac{t}{\gamma}\right)^{\alpha}\right} $$ and $$ h(t|\alpha, \gamma) = \frac{\alpha}{\gamma^{\alpha}}t^{\alpha-1}. $$

Lognormal Distribution

If $T \sim \mbox{LN}(\mu, \sigma)$, then

$$ f(t|\mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}t\sigma}\exp\left{-\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{log(t)-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^2\right}I_{[0, \infty)}(t), $$ where $-\infty < \mu < \infty$ and $\sigma>0$ are the mean and standard deviation in the log scale of $T$.

The survival and hazard functions in this case are given by:

$$S(t|\mu, \sigma) = \Phi\left(\frac{-log(t)+\mu}{\sigma}\right)$$ and $$h(t|\mu, \sigma) = \frac{f(t|\mu, \sigma)}{S(t|\mu, \sigma)},$$ where $\Phi(\cdot)$ is the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution.

Loglogistic Distribution

If $T \sim \mbox{LL}(\alpha, \gamma)$, then

$$ f(t|\alpha, \gamma) = \frac{\frac{\alpha}{\gamma}\left(\frac{t}{\gamma}\right)^{\alpha-1}}{\left[1 + \left(\frac{t}{\gamma}\right)^{\alpha}\right]^2}I_{[0, \infty)}(t), ~ \alpha>0, \gamma>0, $$

where $\alpha>0$ and $\gamma>0$ are the shape and scale parameters, respectively.

The survival and hazard functions in this case are given by:

$$S(t|\alpha, \gamma) = \frac{1}{1+ \left(\frac{t}{\gamma}\right)^{\alpha}}$$ and $$ h(t|\alpha, \gamma) = \frac{\frac{\alpha}{\gamma}\left(\frac{t}{\gamma}\right)^{\alpha-1}}{1 + \left(\frac{t}{\gamma}\right)^{\alpha}}. $$

Regression models

When covariates are available, it is possible to fit four different regression models with the R package survstan:

  • accelerated failure time (AFT) models;
  • proportional hazards (PH) models;
  • proportional odds (PO) models;
  • accelerated hazard (AH) models.
  • Yang and Prentice (YP) models.

Let $\mathbf{x}$ be a $1\times p$ vector of covariates, $\boldsymbol{\beta}$ a $p \times 1$ of regression coefficients, and $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ a vector of parameters associated with some baseline survival distribution, and denote by $\boldsymbol{\Theta} = (\boldsymbol{\theta}, \boldsymbol{\beta})^{T}$ the full vector of parameters. Here, to ensure identifiability, in all regression structures the linear predictor $\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}$ does not include a intercept term.

The regression survival models implemented in the R package survstan are briefly described in the sequel.

Accelerate Failure Time Models

Accelerated failure time (AFT) models are defined as

$$ T = \exp{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}\nu, $$ where $\nu$ follows a baseline distribution with survival function $S_{0}(\cdot|\boldsymbol{\theta})$ so that

$$ f(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta}, \mathbf{x}) = e^{-\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}f_{0}(te^{-\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}|\boldsymbol{\theta}) $$ and

$$ S(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta}, \mathbf{x}) = S_{0}(t e^{-\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}|\boldsymbol{\theta}). $$

Proportional Hazards Models

Proportional hazards (PH) models are defined as

$$ h(t|\Theta, \mathbf{x}) = h_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\exp{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}, $$ where $h_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})$ is a baseline hazard function so that

$$ f(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta}, \mathbf{x}) = h_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\exp\left{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta} - H_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})e^{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}\right}, $$ and

$$ S(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta}, \mathbf{x}) = \exp\left{ - H_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})e^{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}\right}. $$

Proportional Odds Models

Proportional Odds (PO) models are defined as

$$ R(t|\Theta, \mathbf{x}) = R_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\exp{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}, $$ where $\displaystyle R_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta}) = \frac{1-S_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})}{S_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})} = \exp{H_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})}-1$ is a baseline odds function so that

$$ f(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta}, \mathbf{x}) = \frac{h_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\exp{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta} + H_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})}}{[1 + R_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})e^{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}]^2}. $$


$$ S(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta}, \mathbf{x}) = \frac{1}{1 + R_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})e^{\mathbf{x} \boldsymbol{\beta}}}. $$

Accelerated Hazard Models

Accelerated hazard (AH) models are defined as

$$h(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta},\mathbf{x}) = h_{0}\left(te^{\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta}}|\boldsymbol{\theta}\right)$$

so that

$$S(t|\boldsymbol{\Theta},\mathbf{x}) = \exp\left{- H_{0}\left(t e^{\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta}}|\boldsymbol{\theta}\right)e^{-\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta}} \right} $$ and $$f(t|\boldsymbol{\theta}, \mathbf{x}) = h_{0}\left(te^{\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta}}|\boldsymbol{\theta}\right)\exp\left{- H_{0}\left(t e^{\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta}}|\boldsymbol{\theta}\right)e^{-\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta}} \right}. $$

Yang and Prentice Models

The survival function of the Yang and Prentice (YP) model is given by:

$$S(t|\boldsymbol{\theta},\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\phi}) = \left[1+\frac{\kappa_{S}}{\kappa_{L}}R_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\right]^{-\kappa_{L}}. $$

The hazard and the probability density functions are then expressed as:

$$h(t|\boldsymbol{\theta},\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\phi}) = \frac{\kappa_{S}h_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\exp{H_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})}}{\left[1+\frac{\kappa_{S}}{\kappa_{L}}R_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\right]} $$ and

$$f(t|\boldsymbol{\theta},\boldsymbol{\beta}, \boldsymbol{\phi}) = \kappa_{S}h_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\exp{H_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})}\left[1+\frac{\kappa_{S}}{\kappa_{L}}R_{0}(t|\boldsymbol{\theta})\right]^{-(1+\kappa_{L})}, $$

respectively, where $\kappa_{S} = \exp{\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\beta}}$ and $\kappa_{L} = \exp{\mathbf{x}\boldsymbol{\phi}}$.


survstan: Fitting Survival Regression Models via Stan







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