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Releases: vinhtantran/monoClust

monoClust 1.2.1

15 Feb 17:50
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Bugs and Improvements

  • MonoClus(): default value for distmethod argument is now NULL so that
    the it can be set to Euclidean (when cir.var is not set) or Gower distance
    (when cir.var is set).
  • Fix typos and a trailing space in the warning message of as_MonoClust() function.
  • Small improvement in how ncores argument is processed in perm.test() and
    cv.test(). It did not have a problem before but the improvement helps remove
    errors in Github Actions CI in Windows environment.
  • \@fig tags in the vignette is removed.
  • URL to lifecycle badge in is updated.
  • Start unit test component with the first test is for as_MonoClust() function.


24 Nov 12:55
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monoClust 1.2.0

New functions

  • inertia_calc() and medoid() are now exported functions.
  • is_MonoClust() to check if an object is an inherited class of MonoClust.
  • Create a S3 function as_MonoClust() so other packages (such as PULS) can
    reuse print and plot functions. However, no implementation is done in this

Changes to functions

  • plot.MonoClust() allows the cols argument to have the length greater
    than the number of leaves. In that case, function will not throw error and
    only a subset of it will be used.
  • MonoClust.object gains alt object as an indicator of whether an alternate
    route is available.

Bugs and Improvements

  • Fix typos.
  • More minimum version requirements for other dependencies.


17 Nov 12:58
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monoClust 1.1.0

Changes to functions

  • Remove bipartvar column from frame object of MonoClust object. var
    column should be sufficient for showing splitting variable names.
  • alt column in frame object of MonoClust is now a nested tibble containing
    alternate split details. However, the package does not support specifying an
    alternate splitting route so users may have to run step-by-step by indicating
    nclusters = 2 in MonoClust() and then on each branch.
  • Remove arctic_2019 data set. It was not used anywhere in the examples.


  • Add documentation for MonoClust.object to explain its structure.

Fix bugs

  • Min version of dependency tibble() is 3.0.0 because tibble::add_row() is
    used with the new behavior.
  • Fix some typos and clarify some documentation


06 Nov 14:36
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monoClust 1.0.0

  • Package is now fully working with all features intended.
  • Rewrote a lot of internal functions to clean up unnecessary codes.
  • Added ggplot2 versions of CV plot.
  • PCP plot for circular data is now named ggpcp and uses ggplot2.
  • New circular add/subtract operators: %cd+%, %cd-% (in degree), %cr+%,
    and %cr-% (in radian)
  • Added wind_sensit_2008 data set.
  • Added a vignette using R Markdown.
  • Updated documentation.

Changes to functions

  • MonoClust() removed perm.test and alpha arguments. Users now need to run
    perm.test() separately to perform permutation test on a MonoClust.
    • Removed labels, corders, ran from the output.
    • Membership and Dist outputs of MonoClust() are now membership and
      dist, respectively.
  • plot.MonoClust() added uniform, branch, minbranch, stats,
    cols.type, and `show.pval.
  • cv.test() now returns unified output for both LOOCV and k-fold. It includes
    MSE and SE table and a note with the type of cross-validation.
  • abbrev argument in plot.MonoClust() and print.MonoClust() now accepts
    descriptive options "no", "short", "abbreviate".
  • method argument in perm.test() now uses descriptive options "sw", "rl"
    and "rn". Users can now decide whether to apply Bonferroni correction with
    bon.adj argument.
  • predict.MonoClust() removed na.action. type argument now accepts more
    meaningful options "centroid" or "medoids".
  • Added parallel processing capability to perm.test() and cv.test().

monoClust 0.4.0

  • Removed the categorical variable feature to make sure it works well for all
    other cases.

monoClust 0.3.0

  • Added support for foreach when searching for the best split.
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.