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Basic Attributes

Vinicius Reif Biavatti edited this page Oct 5, 2019 · 15 revisions


To start scripting, the first thing to do is define some attributes that will be used to create the projection. The table below list the attributes used for this tutorial:

Attribute Description Value
Screen width The width of the screen 640
Screen height The height of the screen 480
Screen half width The screen width divided by 2 Screen width / 2
Screen half height The screen height divided by 2 Screen height / 2
Render delay The delay time for every render iteration 30 milliseconds
Player FOV The field of view of the player. Normally, the value for games is 60. (In real case, humans have a FOV of 90 but this is not pretty good for 2D screens) 60
Player Half FOV The FOV divided by 2 Player FOV / 2
Player X The x coordinate of the player 2
Player Y The y coordinate of the player 2
Player angle The angle for the player view direction 90
RayCasting increment angle The value to increment for each ray in relation of the screen width Player FOV / Screen width
RayCasting precision The amout of every ray position to check the wall (higher the value, more iterations) for each ray 64 is a good value
Map The integer matrix to be the map. Important: This map needs to be rounded with wall value, otherwise our RayCasting logic will get out of the matrix bounds (Check the code for the value)
Screen The canvas element Created at runtime
Screen Context the context of the canvas element Got at runtime


We will work with the raycasting.js file now. To define these values in the code (javascript), we can use an object for all values to be more organized. Some values need to be calculated, so, the null value will be used for these.

// Data
let data = {
    screen: {
        width: 640,
        height: 480,
        halfWidth: null,
        halfHeight: null
    render: {
        delay: 30
    rayCasting: {
        incrementAngle: null,
        precision: 64
    player: {
        fov: 60,
        halfFov: null,
        x: 2,
        y: 2,
        angle: 90
    map: [

Note: You can use these values as separated variables. I put these in an object to organize it and be easier to access the values.

Calculated values

For calculated values, we will define this code after the object defined.

// Calculated data
data.screen.halfWidth = data.screen.width / 2;
data.screen.halfHeight = data.screen.height / 2;
data.rayCasting.incrementAngle = data.player.fov / data.screen.width;
data.player.halfFov = data.player.fov / 2;

Canvas creation

The canvas is the element that will be used to draw the projection. In this tutorial, we will create the canvas at runtime, but you can create the canvas element in your HTML page. It is up to you. This code creates the canvas with the specified screen width and height, and get the context of the element.

// Canvas
const screen = document.createElement('canvas');
screen.width = data.screen.width;
screen.height = data.screen.height; = "1px solid black";

// Canvas context
const screenContext = screen.getContext("2d");

Well done. Our values are defined and we can go to the next part of the tutorial!