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Install dependencies

yarn install

Copy the file .env.example and rename it to .env.

You need to configure an VF_API_KEY and VF_VERSION_ID;

To get these values, autenticate into voiceflow and download this template as a Voice Assistant.

You will find this information inside the editor, on the sidebar menu "Integrations".

After you have this value configure, run yarn start.


To deploy this without exposing the API_KEY, it was used the vercel servless function. In order to run this locally, you will need to configure vercel cli, but you should be good to go with the default values the CLI suggest you.

Vercel CLI will run the server and react-scripts under the hood.


under src folder we have 5 directories


Most components we have inside app, usually containing business logic. They are groupped by domains. For example, in this application, we have two domains: User and Chat;


Page level components, only responsible to glue the other components. I like to keep it as simple as possible, without to much logic. Sub folders as organized accordingly to the routes definition, trying to match the exact path we defined for the routes. That's why the folder names are in lowercase.


Redux or other global state code configuration. The logic for each domain will be hold inside the components/[Domain] folder, here we just put config code and code that applies for the whole application


The ui folder will contain generic ui components, that doesn't contain business logic (Just like the ones we have in external UI libs). The general rule is: If it's a component that we could just copy and move to another project without business logic, should be in ui folder.


Global utils code. Usually functions that could be used anywhere in the application.

Naming components.

I name the components as what I call NAIL (Name as its location).

So, if a component is located at components/Chat/TextMessage/TextMessage, its name will be ChatTextMessage. This makes very easy to find a component in a project.

Let's say you inspect the application with react dev tools. You will see a component named ChatTextMessage, so, it's easy to guess where that component will be.

Also, this helps avoid redundancy in the folders names. As we have to include the location in the name, we avoid repeating the terms. For example. Instead of having components/User/UserList, I just have components/User/List, because UserUserList it's obviously redundant.

Still on name, the components (folder name) is omitted from the component name, because it wouldn't make sense to prefix the components with Components. But we still include the other folders names as a prefix: PagesChat or UIButton for example. This helps having unique names.