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1944 lines (1617 loc) · 97.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1944 lines (1617 loc) · 97.6 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.



  • More Italian translations (albanobattistella)
  • Simplified Chinese translations (antipeth)
  • Detecting an Arch-based system based on /etc/os-release (Boria138)
  • Removing unnatural spaces from english translations (EGYT5453)
  • Arch: allow auto-selecting optional dependencies (NoobKozlegeny)

[0.10.7] 2024-01-10


  • AppImage
    • regression on the database backend preventing long time installed AppImages to receive updates
  • UI
    • regression from 0.10.6: "name" filter not working for packages whose names contain the typed words


  • AppImage: using the latest Python standards to build and install bauh (using build and installer packages)
  • PyPI: adding more exclusions to unneeded files

[0.10.6] 2023-12-23


  • new verified filter for the management table


  • AppImage
    • supporting AppImages from GitLab repositories
    • info window: displaying "unknown" when there is no mapped license
  • Arch
    • parallelized installed packages reading
    • parallelized search
    • adding the AUR's URL on the package information dialog #339
  • General
    • new download implementation replaces wget (implemented in Python using the requests library)
    • replaced the internet checking old host ( by a more general one ( #300
    • faster exit (threaded calls won't be waited)
    • adding a new project definition/setup (pyproject.toml) file to comply with the latest standards
  • UI
    • faster package icons download
    • faster packages filtering (type, category, name, etc... up to 95% less time)
    • the "Skip" button on the initialization panel is now enabled after 10 seconds #310
    • displaying the download progress for screenshots
    • on the package information dialog is now possible to open fields associated with URLs in the browser #340
    • displaying a text warning before installing an unverified package (unverified = not verified by the system maintainers or a trustable source)
      • at the moment the following packaging formats are considered completely unverified: AppImage, AUR, Web
      • Snap supports both verified and unverified software
    • minor reduction in the table loading time
    • improvements to help with random widget centralisation issues
    • more translations


  • AppImage
    • upgrade fails when the package was initially imported, but later available on bauh's database #321
  • General
    • random segmentation fault errors associated with threads and caching
  • Web
    • search not working for some typed addresses (e.g: those returning 403)



  • bauh's AppImage is now based on Debian bullseye and had a small size reduction

[0.10.5] 2022-12-17


  • Arch
    • not properly checking all provided packages by the system when checking for conflicts (upgrade requirements). it could lead to an unbootable system or package losses.
  • UI
    • some windows not properly being centralized (regression introduced in 0.10.4)
    • some windows being displayed in the wrong place (regression introduced in 0.10.4)


  • Arch
    • added several test cases to ensure conflicting scenarios are properly covered when checking for upgrade requirements
  • General
    • replaced the use of Python's LegacyVersion for version comparison since it will be deprecated in the next Python's major release (affects Arch, AppImage and Flatpak gems)
      • python-packaging dependency is no longer needed


[0.10.4] 2022-11-05


  • Arch
    • replaced some system calls by Python calls


  • AppImage
    • some desktop entries not being displayed on the desktop environment menu (requires the AppImage to be reinstalled) #287
  • Arch
    • not detecting some package replacements when upgrading due to conflict information having logic operators (e.g: at-spi2-core: 2.44.1 -> 2.46.0 should replace the installed at-spi2-atk: 2.38)
    • not considering some conflict expressions when retrieving upgrade requirements (it could lead to a system breakage depending on the conflict)
  • Debian
    • not properly handling packages with names ending with :i386 #298
  • Packaging
    • AppImage: download certificate issue #280
  • GUI
    • initialization panel size not based on the current display device size
    • management panel:
      • not fully maximizing
      • not maximizing based on the current display device size (for multiple display setups)
      • not respecting a minimal/maximum width based on the current display device size (for multiple display setup)
      • dialogs not respecting the current display device width
      • not readjusting size after maximizing/minimizing

Localization (i18n)

[0.10.3] 2022-05-30


  • General
    • new parameter --suggestions: forces loading software suggestions after the initialization process #260
    • allowing custom suggestions / curated software to be mapped by Linux distributions (more on #260


  • Arch

    • suggestions available for repository packages (and the associated caching expiration property suggestions_exp. Default: 24 hours)
  • General

    • preventing command injection through the search mechanism #266
    • code refactoring
  • UI

    • manage window minimum width related to the table columns
    • table columns width for maximized window
    • settings window size rules moved to stylesheet files
    • enforcing maximum width and height for the management window based on the primary screen resolution #261
    • some columns of the management window now have their widths limit based on a percentage of the primary screen's width:
      • name limit: 15%
      • description limit: 18%
      • publisher limit: 12%
      • version: the limit for displaying both the installed and latest versions is 22% (otherwise just the latest version will be displayed)
    • auto-resizing the management panel when filters are applied
  • Settings

    • new property to disable SSL checking when downloading files (disabled by default)

    • the default value for suggestions.by_type is now 15.


  • Arch

    • conflict resolution: removing hard dependencies that would be satisfied with the inclusion of the new package #268
      • e.g: pipewire-pulse conflicts with pulseaudio. pulseaudio-alsa (a dependency of pulseaudio) should not be removed, since pipewire-pulse provides pulseaudio
    • AUR:
      • build: error raised when the temporary directory does not exist (when changing the CPUs governors)
      • date parsing when checking for updates
      • not caching the 'LastModified' field of installed AUR dependencies (could lead to wrong display updates)
  • Flatpak

    • not all selected runtime partials to upgrade are actually requested to be upgraded
  • Web

    • not reading from the cached suggestions file after the first request
    • not detecting some generated apps as installed
  • UI

    • double suggestions loading call when no app is returned

[0.10.2] 2022-04-16


  • Arch

    • install:

      • missing dependencies dialog now displays the packages sizes and descriptions (only from repositories)
      • optional packages installation dialog appearance (aligned with other dependencies dialogs)
    • uninstall:

      • displaying hard and unnecessary requirements versions and descriptions
    • settings:

      • displaying different tabs for general Arch configurations and AUR's

  • Debian

    • install: installation/download sizes order (to follow the upgrade dialog order)
    • uninstall: dependencies dialog size
    • settings: new property to enable "purge" as the default removal method

  • Flatpak

    • faster updates reading (threaded)
  • General

    • code refactoring
  • UI

    • update summary:
      • displaying a '+' for positive sizes (previously the sign was only displayed for negative numbers) #250
      • changing some words and symbols to improve readability and cohesion #250
      • displaying update sizes as localized numbers #250
    • settings: some components' width reduced
  • Web

    • installation form width


  • Arch:

    • displaying already installed packages when suggesting optional dependencies (pacman >= 6.0)
  • Debian

    • install/upgrade: hanging when packages require manual configuration
    • info: crashing when the package size has unexpected symbols #251
    • displaying wrong symbols among numbers in install/uninstall/upgrade outputs for systems without english encoding installed
    • removing unused packages on any type of transaction (this is the default behaviour for aptitude)
  • Flatpak

    • some updates or download sizes not being displayed when there are new required runtimes for installed Flatpaks
    • not displaying new required runtimes as updates (requires Flatpak >= 1.12)
    • upgrade: informing the download size as the additional installation size
    • random index out of bounds exception when reading updates
  • General

    • not properly converting bibyte (KiB, MiB, ...) and byte (kB, MB, ...) based sizes to bytes
    • uninstall and downgrade logs are not available #255
  • UI

    • not displaying the right unit symbol for byte based sizes (kB, MB, TB, ...) #250
    • some components do not properly adjust the text size #253

[0.10.1] 2022-03-31


  • Flatpak

    • new custom action "Full update": fully updates all installed Flatpak apps and components (useful if you are having issues with runtime updates)


  • General

    • code refactoring
    • backup:
      • single mode: now supports two remove methods #244

        • self: it removes only self generated backups/snapshots (default)
        • all: it removes all existing backup/snapshots on the disc

  • AppImage

    • Limiting the UI components width of the file installation and upgrade windows
  • Arch

    • text length of some popups reduced
  • Snap

    • allowing the actions output locale to be decided by the Snap client
  • UI

    • only displaying the "Installed" filter when installed packages are available on the table
    • settings: margin between components reduced #241
    • "close" button added to the screenshots window (some distributions hide the default "x" on the dialog frame) #246


  • Arch

    • regression: not displaying ignored updates
    • dependency size: display a '?' instead of '0' ('?' should only be displayed when the size is unknown)
  • Debian

    • packages descriptions are not displayed on the system's default language (when available)
  • Flatpak:

    • executed commands are not displayed on the system default language and encoding (requires Flatpak >= 1.12) #242
    • applications and runtimes descriptions are not displayed on the system default language (when available) #242
  • Web

    • using the wrong locale format for the Accept-Language header
  • UI:

    • rare crash when updating table items
    • some action errors not being displayed on the details component when they are concatenated with sudo output

[0.10.0] 2022-03-14


  • Debian

    • allowing Debian packages to be managed

      • required dependencies: aptitude
      • basic actions supported: search, install, uninstall, upgrade
      • custom actions supported:
        • synchronize packages: synchronize the available packages on the repository (aptitude update)
        • index applications: maps runnable installed packages (automatically done during initialization)
        • software sources: launches the application responsible for managing software sources (at the moment only software-properties-gtk is supported)
      • custom package actions supported:
        • purge: removes the packages and all related configuration files

  • AppImage

    • new custom action to self install bauh if it is running as an AppImage

  • Arch

    • AUR:
      • able to filter orphan packages by the new "orphan" category #236
      • able to filter outdated packages by the new "out of date" category #236


  • General

    • minor memory improvements
    • code refactoring
    • update checking interval on tray mode is now measured in minutes instead of seconds (default: 5)
  • Arch

    • info dialog:
      • displaying the "executable" field if the package is recognized as an application
      • displaying "description" and "version" as primary fields for repository packages
      • displaying the "out of date" field for AUR packages #236
      • displaying the "orphan" field for AUR packages #236
    • removing the "%U" parameter before launching applications to prevent error messages
    • minor code refactoring
  • Flatpak

    • cli/tray: removed some unneeded API calls when listing updates #234
  • UI

    • search:

      • sorting packages by closest match instead of considering installed first
      • new "Installed" filter

    • upgrade summary dialog size

    • displaying tips for some custom actions (on mouse hover)

    • screenshots: displaying the current image index as a label in the button bar (e.g: 1/3)

    • some unneeded cursor icons removed from the apps table

    • some icons replaced

  • Distribution

    • AppImage: -~9% size reduction (96.32 MB -> 88.16 MB)


  • General

    • not accepting blank root passwords #235
    • human-readable sizes (packages, files, updates, ...)
  • AppImage

    • info: displaying attributes related to the installation after the application has been removed (search)
    • history: not properly sorting releases by version
  • Arch:

    • AUR:
      • info: exception when trying to retrieve the PKGBUILD of a package without a base defined
  • UI

    • some package icons would not appear if there is no URL associated with them
    • info: not displaying boolean fields

[0.9.28] 2022-02-14


  • Distribution
    • AppImage: not able to detect updates on the tray mode because the bauh-cli call was referencing the system's Python interpreter instead of the containerized one #230

[0.9.27] 2022-02-11


  • Arch:

    • preventing AUR's installed packages from not being mapped in cases the communication with the API fails
    • code refactoring (String formatting method)
  • Setup

    • able to install bauh with python/pip without enforcing requirements through the environment variable BAUH_SETUP_NO_REQS=1
  • Distribution

    • AppImage: -~32% size reduction (141.93 MB -> 96.32 MB)


  • Arch

    • silent crash when handling and displaying transaction sub-status
    • AUR: not detecting installed packages anymore due to recent AUR API changes
    • installation fails when several dependent packages conflict with the installed ones
    • removing a duplicate call to checking for AUR updates
  • AppImage

    • search: displaying duplicate installed apps for some cases

[0.9.26] 2022-01-31


  • Arch
    • not rechecking sub-dependencies of an AUR dependency to be installed
    • allowing AUR packages to be installed as dependencies of a repository package
    • always listing repository packages as primary options when multiple providers for a given dependency are available
    • installation: explicitly marking installed dependent packages as "dependencies" (--asdeps)
    • settings:
      • "Auto-define dependency providers" property renamed to "Auto-match dependency by name"
      • new property 'prefer_repository_provider': automatically picks the single package from the repositories among several external (AUR) available as the provider for a given dependency


  • General

    • not handling unicode decode errors when reading a subprocess output
  • Arch

    • not upgrading a package when a dependent package relies on a specific version with epoch (e.g: alsa-plugins 1:1.2.6-1 would not be upgraded to 1:1.2.6-2 because lib32-alsa-plugins relies on 1:1.2.6)
    • not informing all the provided packages on the transaction context to the dependency sorting algorithm (could lead to a wrong installation order)
    • not displaying all possible AUR providers for a given dependency
    • not displaying any substatus when retrieving packages (pacman)
  • UI:

    • settings panel: confirmation dialog icon when launched alone


  • new logo by DN-debug
  • new dark theme (knight) based on Kimi-dark gtk by DN-debug

[0.9.25] 2021-12-24


  • General

    • --reset: cleaning the temporary files as well (/tmp/bauh@$USER)
    • code refactoring
  • Arch

    • AUR: letting the API perform the semantic search


  • AppImage package
    • not able to reinitialize (e.g: when settings are changed)
    • tray mode: not able to call bauh-cli to notify updates

[0.9.24] 2021-12-17


  • Web
    • new custom action button to install apps (to improve usability since some users don't know about how to install Web apps through the search bar)

    • using the new Web environment specifications downloaded from bauh-files


  • General

    • handling http redirect errors
    • memory usage improvements when retrieving available custom actions
    • code refactoring
  • AppImage

    • not enabled for non-x86_64 systems
  • Web

    • using custom installation properties by Electron version if required (available on bauh-files). e.g: custom User-Agent for WhatsApp Web on Electron 13.6.X.
    • checking for javascript fixes based on the Electron version (saved on disk as ~/.local/share/bauh/web/fixes/electron_{branch}/{app_name}.js)
    • handling http redirect errors
    • installation form title
    • default pre-selected installation category is now "Network" (Internet)
  • UI

    • only displaying a confirmation dialog for custom actions that start immediately
    • not depending on system's confirmation dialog icon


  • Web

    • wrong spelling (i18n)
  • UI

    • crashing when resizing with floats instead of integers #216
    • crashing when using floats for spinner components #217
    • crashing for custom actions that can request a system backup (e.g: Arch -> Quick system upgrade)
    • initialization panel's lower components positioning

[0.9.23] 2021-12-10


  • General

    • new configuration file /etc/bauh/gems.forbidden can be used by system administrators/distribution package managers to disable the management of supported packaging formats globally (more on that here)
  • Arch

    • allowing AUR packages to be installed when bauh is launched by the root user #196
      • it creates a non-root user called bauh-aur for building the packages (useradd and runuser commands must be installed)


  • code refactoring (String formatting method)


  • Arch
    • not updating the view (GUI) status correctly after uninstalling a package whose PKGBUILD file was edited (specifically the name)
    • missing error handling when hard requirements for optional dependencies cannot be found by pacman

[0.9.22] 2021-11-30


  • General

    • directory paths changed for a root user using bauh:
      • caching: /var/cache/bauh
      • configuration: /etc/bauh
      • temp dir: /tmp/bauh@root (/tmp/bauh@$USER for non-root users)
      • autostart: /etc/xdg/autostart (only used by the Web gem at the moment)
      • desktop entries: /usr/share/applications
      • custom themes: /usr/share/bauh/themes
      • symlinks/binaries : /usr/local/bin
      • shared files: /usr/local/share/bauh
    • adding the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable if not available (following the pattern /run/user/$UID)
    • refactorings related to String formatting
    • refactorings related to shared information
    • useless code removed
  • UI

    • settings panel:
      • always displaying all supported packaging technologies
      • displaying a tooltip with the missing dependencies for a supported packaging technology

  • AppImage

    • faster reading of installed applications (subprocess call replaced by Python call)
  • Flatpak

    • settings: not displaying the installation target option when bauh is launched by the root user
    • always considering system as the installation level for the root user
  • Web

    • the Electron builds cache directory has been moved to the environment directory ~/.local/share/bauh/web/env/electron
    • letting the Electron client to download the Electron build file instead of bauh (to avoid wrong caching paths)


  • General

    • single thread downloader (wget) does not create the directory where the file will be stored
  • AppImage

    • trying to download a file without a URL associated with #210
    • regressions:
      • not able to import AppImage files (introduced in 0.9.21)
      • not able to upgrade imported AppImage files (introduced in 0.9.21)
  • Arch

    • wget as a hard requirement for Arch package management
  • UI

    • settings panel:
      • not re-enabling the action buttons when a validation error is displayed

[0.9.21] 2021-11-20


  • General

    • more fixes related to some backend commands hanging
    • crashing when trying to retrieve a file size without proving its URL #207
  • AppImage

    • displaying updates without the associated download URL for some applications #207
    • uninstalling the application when an update/downgrade download fails #207
  • Flatpak

    • not displaying update components not associated with installed packages
    • not displaying the updates size for Flatpak 1.2
    • not displaying updates for "partials" listed as installed apps/runtimes
  • UI

    • upgrade summary: not displaying the icon type for some applications
    • displaying initial warnings related to supported technologies even when they are not enabled or have the required dependencies
    • crashing when QT components sizes are not integers #198


  • General

    • multi-threaded download not enabled by default since it fails for some scenarios (still can be enabled through the settings panel/file)
    • refactorings related to String concatenation
  • AppImage

    • not stopping the upgrade process when one of several applications have been selected to upgrade

[0.9.20] 2021-11-05


  • AppImage:

    • not displaying "imported" besides the imported application name on the table (only for the name tip)
  • UI:

    • always displaying the "any file filter" (*) as the last option for file chooser components #193


  • General
    • some backend commands could hang when require user interaction
  • AppImage
    • not displaying the filter for any kind of file (*) when updating imported AppImages #193
  • Flatpak
    • not listing installed packages for Flatpak 1.2 #201
    • not listing updates for Flatpak 1.2
  • UI
    • always requesting the password on the initialization dialog when launched by the root user #195

[0.9.19] 2021-08-23


  • AppImage
    • manual installation: adding generic file filter extension (.*) since some desktop environments filters are case sensitive #185
    • installation: generating a default .desktop file for AppImages that provide empty desktop entries #186
    • hiding the app's launching output
  • Arch
    • AUR: rebuild-detector integration disabled by default since it has a great impact on the overall refresh time (it can be enabled through the settings panel -> "Check reinstallation need")
  • UI
    • not using native dialogs for file/directory choosing to prevent unexpected behaviors and wrong theming


  • AppImage
    • search: not matching manually installed applications
    • info button remains "clickable" after an imported Appimage is uninstalled

[0.9.18] 2021-06-18


  • Arch
    • install/upgrade/downgrade: some dependencies not being matched during comparisons between numeric and alphanumeric versions

[0.9.17] 2021-06-16


  • general: replacing subprocess commands to detect installed CLIs by Python faster calls (shutil.which)


  • Arch
    • skipping the package version epoch when checking the updates requirements

[0.9.16] 2021-04-06


  • Arch
    • not skipping dependency checking when the user opts to proceed with a transaction that would break other packages
    • AUR: not restoring the CPUs to previous scaling governors after the package is built when optimizations are on
    • randomly crashing when solving repository packages dependencies (RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration)

[0.9.15] 2021-03-03


  • UI
    • checking if the internet connection is available before trying to upgrade the selected packages


  • AppImage

    • crashing when trying to upgrade and the internet connection is off
  • Arch

    • Upgrading: when an installed package does not meet a dependency expression, it is displayed to be installed (e.g: 'optimus-manager-qt' relies on 'optimus-manager' >= 1.4, but the current provided version is '1.3'. Even so, 'optimus-manager' will be displayed to be installed)
    • Not checking the dependency version expression when it is only available on AUR
    • Not properly treating a dependency version before comparing with others (could display that a given dependency was not found)
  • Flatpak

    • displaying duplicate runtimes on the upgrade summary when a runtime is available at the system and user levels
    • installation level tooltip not being localized
    • displaying installation level tooltip for not installed apps
  • UI

    • wrongly formatted tooltips
    • conflict resolution: still displaying that updates are ignored for a given package after its uninstallation

[0.9.14] 2021-02-03


  • AppImage
    • caching suggestions to disk. The cache expiration can be controlled through the new settings property suggestions.expiration (in hours. Default: 24).
  • Web


  • Arch

    • crashing when trying to upgrade repository packages which data could not be retrieved #164
    • multi-threaded download: crashing when could not retrieve download data for packages to upgrade #164
  • Installation setup

    • wrong style resources paths
  • Web

    • failing to install some applications when the expected temp directory does not exist
    • using the old nativefier GitHub URL

[0.9.13] 2021-01-20


  • missing Python hard dependency: packaging

[0.9.12] 2021-01-19


  • Arch
    • AUR
      • rebuild-detector integration #139

        • if a package needs to be rebuilt, it will be marked for update (rebuild-detector must be installed on your system, but it is not a hard requirement).
        • if you hold the mouse over the package 'version' (on the table), a tip will be displayed with the message "It needs to be reinstalled".
        • this integration can be controlled though the new settings property aur_rebuild_detector (default: true).

        • new package actions to Allow/Ignore rebuild check for a specific package

        • new settings property aur_rebuild_detector_no_bin to ignore binary packages when checking with rebuild-detector (e.g: package-bin ). Default: true

      • new custom action to quickly reinstall a package


  • Arch

    • repositories/AUR search time (=~ -70%)
    • new category to filter packages removed from AUR (only available for packages installed from AUR through bauh)

  • Core

    • saving settings time (=~ -11%)
    • internet checking time (=~ -58%)
  • UI

    • not displaying the number of packages when none is displayed / available
    • minor improvements


  • Arch
    • crashing when information of a given package is not available
    • displaying "provided" repository packages on the search results (e.g: nvidia would appear as a package)
    • calling pacman to read installed packages when "Repositories" and "AUR" properties are set to "false" (it would not display the packages, but the call was unnecessary being done)
    • not displaying installed AUR packages when AUR support is disabled
    • displaying packages removed from AUR as AUR packages
    • downloading AUR index during the initialization process when AUR support is disabled
  • Flatpak
    • crashing for version 1.10 #167
    • crashing when trying to retrieve size of runtimes subcomponents #164
  • UI
    • initialization dialog hanging sometimes (due to thread locking)
    • settings dialog hangs sometimes when the button "Change" is clicked
    • displaying a popup when information of a given package is not available
    • wrong package type icon size depending on resolution

[0.9.11] 2020-12-30

New system requirements

  • python-dateutil: better Python library for date handling (install the equivalent package for your Linux distribution before upgrading bauh)
  • git: for AUR support.


  • AppImage

    • database updater daemon dropped. Now the database is only downloaded/updated during the initialization process (if it is considered expired). Its expiration are controlled through the new settings property database.expiration (in minutes. default: 60 minutes. Use 0 so it is always updated).

    • old settings properties were dropped (db_updater.interval, db_updated.enabled)
    • database files (apps.db and releases.db) are now stored at ~/.cache/bauh/appimage
    • displaying a warning when the cached database files could not be found
    • new custom action Update database to perform a database update anytime:

  • Arch

    • AUR

      • upgrade checking now considers modification dates as well (needed because not all AUR packages follow versioning standards)
      • downgrade: using the cached package commit (if available) to determine the correct version to downgrade (otherwise only the version will be used -> old behavior)
      • history: using the cached package commit (if available) to properly determine the current version (otherwise only the version will be used -> old behavior)
      • the task responsible for generating the local index is displayed on the initialization dialog
      • the index is not always being updated during the initialization process. It its kept for a period of time controlled by the settings property aur_idx_exp (in HOURS -> default: 1). (P.S: this index is always updated when a package is installed/upgraded)

      • the index is now stored at ~/.cache/bauh/arch/aur/index.txt.
    • info window

      • date fields format changed to numbers (e.g: Thu Dec 17 17:19:55 2020 -> 2020-12-17 17:19:55)
    • new settings property "categories_exp": it defines the expiration time (in HOURS) of the packages categories mapping file stored in disc. Default: 24 hours.

  • Core

    • new settings property boot.load_apps (General -> Load apps after startup) that allows the user to choose if the installed packages/suggestions should be loaded on the management panel after the initialization process. Default: true.

  • Snap

    • new settings property "categories_exp": it defines the expiration time (in HOURS) of the Snaps categories mapping file stored in disc. Default: 24 hours.

  • Web

    • now the environment settings are cached in disk for 24 hours. This period can be controlled through the new settings property environment.cache_exp (in HOURS -> default: 24). Use 0 so that they are always updated).
    • now the suggestions are cached in disk for 24 hours. This period can be controlled through the new settings property suggestions.cache_exp (in hours -> default: 24 hours. Use 0 so that they are always updated).

    • displaying the "Indexing suggestions" task during the initialization process
    • code refactoring
  • all types now display an initialization task Checking configuration file responsible to create/update the respective configuration file

  • minor translation improvements


  • AppImage
    • some installed applications cannot be launched by their desktop entries (regression from 0.9.10) #155. If any of your installed AppImages are affected by this issue, just reinstall them.
  • Arch
    • some operations are keeping the wrong substatus during specific scenarios
    • not able to install a package that replaces another (regression introduced in 0.9.9)
    • displaying installed packages that have been removed from AUR when AUR supported is disabled
  • Flatpak
    • crashing for Flatpak 1.6.5 when there are updates #145
    • history: not highlighting the correct version (regression introduced 0.9.9)
  • UI
    • number input fields are not displaying 0

[0.9.10] 2020-12-11


  • Web

    • allowing generated apps to interact with protected/encrypted content (DRM) through a new installation option #49:

    • this new installation option uses an alternative Electron implementation provided by castLabs.
    • nativefier handles the switch between the official Electron and the custom provided by castLabs.


  • Web
    • environment tools upgraded (settings are now retrieved from this new URL:
        - nodejs: 12.18.0 -> 14.15.1
        - nativefier: 7.7.1 -> 42.0.2
        - electron: 5.0.13 -> 11.0.3


  • AppImage
    • missing Exec parameters on generated desktop entries #152
    • crashing when trying to retrieve an AppImage history not available on the database anymore (downgrade is affected as well)
  • Flatpak
    • crashing when trying to downgrade (regression introduced in 0.9.9)
  • Snap
    • Channel changing status (UI)
  • UI
    • upgrading: only requesting the root password if required #151
    • install/uninstall/downgrade + specific backup settings could lead to crashing
    • bauh release notification not working properly
  • Web
    • installation options window size


  • UI
    • "backup" dialog is displayed before the "trim" dialog during the upgrade process (if both are enabled)

[0.9.9] 2020-12-02


  • Themes (stylesheets)

    • new settings property theme: it points to a file defining a set of customizations over the current style (QT). In other words, a stylesheet file. At the moment 3 will come bundled with bauh:
      • Light: default light theme
      • Darcula: dark based on JetBrain's Darcula theme
      • Sublime: dark based on Sublime Text's editor theme
    • the theme can be changed through the new lower bar button:


  • Flatpak

    • history: only displaying the commit's 8 first characters
  • UI

    • root dialog design and behavior
    • tooltip for the label displaying the number of applications on the table/available #138
    • screenshots:
      • dialog resizing behavior
      • "loading" message displays the number of images being loaded
    • "name filter" now requires ENTER or click to be triggered
    • some app actions icons are now displayed with a different picture when disabled to prevent confusion (e.g: launch, screenshots) #138
    • suggestions button moved to the lower bar (label removed)

  • Settings

    • new property system_theme (UI -> System theme): merges the system's theme/stylesheet with bauh's (default: false)
    • property style renamed to qt_style and its default value now is fusion. If this property is set to null, fusion will be considered as well. Fusion is the default style that all default themes (stylesheets) are based on, so if you change this property the final style may not look like as expected.
    • Applications displayed property (Interface) tooltip now informs that 0 (zero) can be used for no limit #138
  • Parameters

    • new parameter --offline: it assumes the internet connection is off. Useful if the connection is bad/unstable and you just want to check your installed packages.


  • AppImage

    • not able to launch AppImage files installed inside folders named with spaces (e.g: "/path/my folder/abc.appimage")
  • Arch

    • search: not able to find installed packages that were renamed on the repositories (e.g: xapps -> xapp)
    • not able to replace an installed package for a new one that replaces it during conflict resolutions (e.g: xapp replaces xapps)
    • AUR: not able to find some repository dependencies when their names are not an exact match (e.g: sc-controller [0.4.7-1] relies on "pylibacl". This dependency now is called "python-pylibacl")
  • UI

    • history dialog: not able to maximize/minimize it on some systems
    • wrong tooltips


[0.9.8] 2020-10-02


  • Arch
    • info window: not displaying all installed files
    • upgrade:
      • sometimes crashing when there are packages to be removed
  • AppImage
    • "Checking symlinks" initial task hanging if an installed AppImage data does not contain the installed directory field ('install_dir')
  • Flatpak
    • not displaying the runtimes icons on the summary window

[0.9.7] 2020-09-11


  • Arch

    • AUR
      • allowing to edit the PKGBUILD file of a package to be installed/upgraded/downgraded. If enabled, a popup will be displayed during these actions allowing the PKGBUILD to be edited.

      - mark a given PKGBUILD of a package as editable (if the property above is enabled, the same behavior will be applied)

      - unmark a given PKGBUILD of a package as editable (it prevents the behavior described above to happen)

    • new "Check Snaps support" action: it checks all system requirements for Snaps to work properly (only available if the 'snapd' package is installed)

  • Snap

    • new settings property install_channel: it allows to select an available channel during the application installation. Default: false. #90

    • new custom action Change channel: allows to change the current channel of an installed Snap


  • AppImage

    • Manual file installation/upgrade:
      • default search path set to '~/Downloads'
      • trying to auto-fill the 'Name' and 'Version' fields
  • Arch

    • initializing task "Organizing data from installed packages" is taking about 80% less time (now is called "Indexing packages data") #131

    • upgrade

      • upgrading firstly the keyring packages declared in SyncFirst (/etc/pacman.conf) to avoid pacman downloading issues
      • only removing packages after downloading the required ones
      • summary: displaying the reason a given package must be installed

      - checking specific version requirements and marking packages as "cannot upgrade" when these requirements are not met (e.g: package A depends on version 1.0 of B. If A and B were selected to upgrade, and B would be upgrade to 2.0, then B would be excluded from the transaction. This new checking behavior can be disabled through the property (**check_dependency_breakage**):

      • allowing the user to bypass dependency breakage scenarios (a popup will be displayed)
      • new settings property suggest_unneeded_uninstall: defines if the dependencies apparently no longer necessary associated with the uninstalled packages should be suggested for uninstallation. When this property is enabled it automatically disables the property suggest_optdep_uninstall. Default: false (to prevent new users from making mistakes)
      • new settings property suggest_optdep_uninstall: defines if the optional dependencies associated with uninstalled packages should be suggested for uninstallation. Only the optional dependencies that are not dependencies of other packages will be suggested. Default: false (to prevent new users from making mistakes)

    • AUR

      • caching the PKGBUILD file used for the package installation/upgrade/downgrade (~/.cache/bauh/arch/installed/$pkgname/PKGBUILD). Directory: **~/.cache/bauh/arch/installed/my_package/PKGBUILD
      • new settings property aur_build_dir -> it allows to define a custom build dir.

      • new settings property aur_remove_build_dir -> it defines if a package's generated build directory should be removed after the operation is finished (installation, upgrading, ...). Default: true
      • new settings property aur_build_only_chosen: some AUR packages have a common file definition declaring several packages to be built. When this property is 'true' only the package the user select to install will be built (unless its name is different from those declared in the PKGBUILD base). With a 'null' value a popup asking if the user wants to build all of them will be displayed. 'false' will build and install all packages. Default: true.

    • "Multi-threaded download (repositories)" is not the default behavior anymore (current pacman download approach is faster). If your settings has this property set as 'Yes', just change it to 'No'.

    • preventing a possible error when the optional deps of a given package cannot be found

  • Flatpak

    • creating the exports path ~/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share (if it does not exist) and adding it to install/upgrade/downgrade/remove commands path to prevent warning messages. #128
    • downgrade function refactored
  • Snap

    • full support refactored to use the Snapd socket instead of the Ubuntu's old Snap API (which was recently disabled). Now the 'read' operations are faster, a only the icon is cached to the disk.
  • UI

    • faster initialization dialog: improved the way it checks for finished tasks
    • 'name' filter now holds for 3 seconds instead of 2 before being applied
    • minor improvements


  • AppImage

    • manual file installation
      • crashing if the AppImage icon is not on the extracted folder root path #132
      • not properly retrieving the 'Category' field options translated
    • some environment variable are not available during the launch process
  • Arch

    • not able to upgrade a package that explicitly defines a conflict with itself (e.g: grub)

    • downloading some AUR packages sources twice when multi-threaded download is enabled

    • upgrade summary

      • not displaying all packages that must be uninstalled
      • displaying "required size" for packages that must be uninstalled
      • not displaying packages that cannot upgrade due to specific version requirements (e.g: package A requires version 1.0 of package B, however package B will be upgrade to version 2.0)

    • some conflict resolution scenarios when upgrading several packages

    • not handling conflicting files errors during the installation process

    • displaying wrong progress during the upgrade process when there are packages to install and upgrade

    • uninstall: not detecting hard requirements properly

    • not displaying and uninstalling dependent packages during conflict resolutions

    • some environment variables are not available during the common operations (install, upgrade, downgrade, uninstall, makepkg, launch)

    • AUR

      • info dialog of installed packages displays the latest PKGBUILD file instead of the one used for installation/upgrade/downgrade (the fix will only work for new installed packages)
      • multi-threaded download: not retrieving correctly some source files URLs (e.g: linux-xanmod-lts)
      • importing PGP keys (Generic error). Now the key server is specified: gpg --keyserver SERVER --recv-key KEYID (the server address is retrieved from bauh-files)
      • not installing the correct package built when several are generated (e.g: linux-xanmod-lts)
      • some packages dependencies cannot be downloaded due to the wrong download URL (missing the 'pkgbase' field to determine the proper url)
      • not properly extracting srcinfo data when several pkgnames are declared (leads to wrong dependencies requirements)
      • not detecting some package updates
      • not properly handling AUR package dependencies with specific versions. e.g: abc>=1.20
  • Flatpak

    • downgrading crashing with version 1.8.X
    • history: the top commit is returned as "(null)" in version 1.8.X
    • crashing when an update size cannot be read -> #130 #133
    • installation fails when there are multiple references for a given package (e.g: openh264)

    - some environment variables are not available during the common operations (install, upgrade, downgrade, uninstall, launch) - minor fixes
  • Snap

    • not able to install classic Snaps due to Ubuntu's old Snaps API shutdown
    • some environment variables are not available during the common operations (install, upgrade, downgrade, uninstall, launch)
    • refresh app action: not returning an error when there is no update available
    • not updating the table with the installed runtimes after a first Snap installation
  • Web

    • some environment variable are not available during the launch process
  • UI

    • crashing when nothing can be upgraded
    • random C++ wrapper errors with some forms due to missing references
    • application icons that cannot be rendered are being displayed as empty spaces (now the type icon is displayed instead)
    • some application icons without a full path are not being rendered on the 'Upgrade summary'
    • tray mode: always displaying the "About" dialog in english

[0.9.6] 2020-06-26


  • AppImage
    • creating a symlink for the installed applications at ~.local/bin (the link will have the same name of the application. if the link already exists, it will be named as 'app_name-appimage') #122
    • new initialization task that checks if the installed AppImage files have symlinks associated with (it creates new symlinks if needed)

    - able to update AppImages with continuous releases
  • UI
    • not performing a full table refresh after installing and uninstalling packages
    • filters algorithm speed and sorting
    • "ignore updates" action now takes less time to update the table content
    • displaying the "wait cursor" over some components while performing some actions
    • sorting installed packages by their names #124
    • some components compatibility with the system's color scheme
    • allowing "Oxygen" as a default style
    • big refactoring regarding the components states (now it is easier to maintain the code)
  • Settings
    • new property ui.scale_factor responsible for defining the interface scale factor. Useful if bauh looks small on the screen. It can be changed through the settings window (Interface tab):


  • AppImage
    • allowing some apps to be filled with empty category elements
  • Web
    • handling unexpected connection errors
    • handling web page fetch errors
    • not able to search applications by their names after being enabled on settings
  • UI
    • displaying empty categories
    • not scrolling the table to top after updating its content
    • not calling initial required tasks for a given type after enabling it on settings
    • not updating the type filters if only one type is available after refreshing the table
    • displaying the type filters on the search results when there is only one type available after some actions finish
    • using the sleep function wrongly within the Qt threads (causes random crashes)
    • minor fixes
  • Tray
    • update notifications not working on Ubuntu 18.04
  • Regressions (from 0.9.5):
    • not displaying the default type icon besides the package when its icon path does not exist (Snap runtimes were rendered without icons)

[0.9.5] 2020-06-07


  • new custom action (+) to open the system backups (snapshots). It is just a shortcut to Timeshift.


  • Arch

    • new automatch_providers settings: bauh will automatically choose which provider will be used for a package dependency when both names are equal (enabled by default).

  • UI

    • not limiting the name filter size
    • rendering package icons with no full paths declared
    • refreshing custom actions (+) after installing/uninstalling/downgrading/upgrading packages
    • minor improvements
  • download clients parameters


  • regressions (from 0.9.4)
    • resetting the main configuration when tray mode is active #118
    • bauh-cli crashing
    • tray mode not publishing update notifications
    • Arch: not checking if pacman-mirrors is available before starting to download repository packages (when multi-threaded download is enabled) #117
  • Arch
    • uninstall: not checking if there are other installed providers for the target package
    • not recursively asking for dependencies providers when installing / upgrading / downgrading
    • not displaying "removing" substatus during the upgrade process
  • UI
    • table overwrite effect when updating its content

i18n contributions

[0.9.4] 2020-05-29


  • Ignore updates: now it is possible to ignore updates from software packages through their actions button (+). Supported types: Arch packages, Flatpaks and AppImages

  • Packages with ignored updates have their versions displayed with a brown shade

  • It is possible to filter all you packages with updates ignored through the new category Updates ignored

  • Arch

    • supporting multi-threaded download for repository packages (enabled by default)

  • Settings

    • axel added as an alternative multi-threaded download tool. The download tool can be defined through the new field Multi-threaded download tool on the settings window Advanced tab (check Default for bauh to decide which one to use)


  • Arch

    • faster caching data process during initialization
    • i18n
  • AppImage

    • Categories are now translated on the Info window
  • UI

    • only centralizing the apps table after the initialization process
    • defining a minimum width and height based on the screen size
    • info window now has a height limit, a lower bar with Back and Close buttons, and is scrollable
    • minor changes
  • Downloads

    • retrieving the downloading file sizes asynchronously


  • Flatpak

    • not displaying application updates on the search results
  • Arch

    • crashing while reading the installed packages when the internet is unstable
  • initialization dialog hangs when there is no task to wait for #112

  • not caching data of installed packages with no signatures and unknown repositories

[0.9.3] 2020-05-12


  • new restore action to restore all bauh settings and cache through the 'custom actions' button (+). It is equivalent to the command bauh --reset.


  • some custom actions not related to installed packages state will not refresh the table after succeeded


  • Arch

    • "clean cache" operation was not working in some scenarios
    • upgrading progress when conflicting files are detected
    • not detecting some installed "not-signed" repository packages
    • not properly caching data of installed dependencies
  • UI

    • some fields in the table are overlapped by others when maximized #107
  • upgrade: crashing when there are packages to be displayed on the summary window that cannot upgrade

  • settings: crashing when an empty Qt style is detected or defined #104


  • Arch-based distro users: clean the bauh's Arch cache after upgrading to this release so it will remap all installed packages during the next initialization. 3 possible ways to do it:

    • type on the command line: rm -rf ~/.cache/bauh/arch/installed (it will reset only the Arch cache)
    • type on the command line: bauh --reset (it will reset all caches and settings)
    • click on the new Restore custom action on the UI (it will reset all caches and settings)

[0.9.2] 2020-05-04


  • UI
    • it is possible to view details of some initialization tasks by clicking on their icons


  • Backup
    • new type field on settings to specify the Timeshift backup mode: RSYNC or BTRFS

  • Trim
    • the dialog is now displayed before the upgrading process (but the operation is only executed after a successful upgrade)
  • Settings
    • new option to disable the reboot dialog after a successful upgrade (updates.ask_for_reboot)

  • Arch
    • able to handle upgrade scenarios when a package wants to overwrite files of another installed package

    - displaying more upgrade substatus


  • Arch
    • file not found error while organizing the data of installed packages #101
  • Settings
    • crashing when an unknown Qt style is set #69


  • icons, buttons and colors changes

  • more unnecessary x buttons were removed from dialogs
  • "click" cursor set for most "clickable" components
  • minor improvements

i18n contributors

Code changes (PullRequest): #103

[0.9.1] 2020-04-24


  • Tray
    • displaying a notification when there is a new bauh release
  • Arch
    • allowing to uninstall no longer needed packages after a package uninstall #87


  • Internet availability checking code
  • Arch
    • displaying if an AUR package was successfully upgraded on the details output #89
  • Settings
    • disk.trim_after_update has changed to disk.trim.after_upgrade and accepts 3 possible values: false (No): disabled, true (Yes): automatically trims, null (Ask): displays a confirmation dialog


  • Arch
    • not stopping the upgrade process if a transaction error happens
    • search not displaying installed packages that are no longer available on the databases ( e.g: indicator-application )
    • wrong upgrade substatus in some scenarios
    • wrong dialog titles
  • AppImage
    • not detecting some updates ( e.g: RPCS3 )


  • Changed the main toolbar buttons and custom actions button ('+') styles
  • Changed some colors
  • Removed the x button from some dialogs

[0.9.0] - 2020-04-15


  • Backup

    • Timeshift integration ( if available on the system ): it can generate snapshots before installing, uninstalling, upgrading...
    • you can enable / disable this feature via the settings file or UI.
  • UI

    • new initialization dialog showing tasks that need to be done before use
    • new custom actions button ( displays specific action available for each packaging provider )
  • Arch

    • supporting packages from configured repositories ( search, install, upgrade and info. History and downgrade are not supported yet )
    • custom actions ( available through the new custom actions button )
      • synchronize packages database: synchronizes the databases against the configured mirrors
      • refresh mirrors: allows the user to define multiple mirrors locations and sort by the fastest
      • quick system upgrade: it executes a default pacman upgrade ( pacman -Syyu --noconfirm )
      • clean cache: it cleans the pacman cache diretory ( default: /var/cache/pacman/pkg )
    • mirrors refreshing on startup ( disabled by default. Can be enabled on settings -> refresh_mirrors_startup )
    • new settings to enable / disable AUR and repository packages management: aur and repositories
    • uninstall: allowing to remove all transitive dependencies
    • able to handle the installation of dependencies with multiple providers
    • multi-threaded downloads ( using aria2c ) are not supported yet for repository packages
  • AppImage

    • Custom actions
      • Install AppImage file: allows to install a external AppImage file
      • Upgrade file: allows to upgrade a manually installed AppImage file
  • Web

    • Custom actions
      • Clean installation environment custom action: removes all the installation environment folders ( it does not remove installed apps )
  • CLI mode:

    • a beginning for the command line mode (bauh-cli). Only list updates command is available for now ( bauh-cli updates ) #54
  • Core

    • allowing to trim the disk after all upgrades are applied ( disabled by default. It can be enabled on settings, Make sure your SSD supports TRIM before enabling this option. )
    • new warning dialog informing when there is a new bauh update / release available


  • Core

    • root password is asked only once ( can be disabled through the new settings property store_root_password )
    • upgrade logs are now generated at /tmp/bauh/logs/upgrade
    • new upgrade model: now all packages selected to upgrade are handled at once by the underlying gem
  • Arch

    • dependency checking algorithm
      • faster for scenarios involving several packages ( taking =~ 95% less time )
      • faster for AUR installations ( taking an average of 23% less time )
    • the AUR compilation optimizations now include setting the device processors to performance mode
    • if the pacman database is locked, a dialog is displayed requesting if the database should be unlocked to proceed with the ongoing action
    • displaying missing repository dependencies sizes
    • dialog design when the package cannot be uninstalled due to required packages
    • removing old cached versions from the disk cache when uninstalling a package ( can be disabled on settings -> clean_cached )
    • database synchronization on startup ( enabled by default. Can be disabled on settings -> sync_databases_startup )
    • single pacman call to install repository dependencies
    • improved conflict checking algorithm
    • overall speed improvements
    • code refactoring
  • UI

    • the name filter now delays 2 seconds before being applied
    • upgrades: upgrade order and required dialogs were merged in a single summary dialog
    • displaying the upgrade size ( Flatpak, AppImage and Arch )
    • time to determine the selected packages to upgrade takes less time
    • table update performance
    • tray
      • treated as an application apart and not sharing the memory with the management panel ( first step to reduce its memory usage )
      • sorting types on update notification


  • table not displaying all updates when the "updates filter" is clicked several times
  • installation logs written to the wrong temp directory
  • crashes when Python is not able to retrieve the default locale #84
  • Arch / AUR:
    • sorting algorithm was providing wrong results for some cases
    • not caching data about packages with no desktop entry files
    • error output when it was not able to optimize the makepkg.conf #84
    • error when building AUR packages with .tar.zst extensions


  • Default
    • pre_dependency_checking dropped ( now is always enabled )
    • sort_packages dropped ( now the gems decide if it makes sense to sort the packages )
    • disk_cache dropped ( now is always enabled )
  • Arch / AUR:
    • transitive_checking dropped ( now is always enabled )
    • simple_checking dropped ( now is always disabled )

Params / Environment Variables

  • param --show-panel dropped
  • env vars BAUH_TRAY and BAUH_LOGS dropped ( the equivalent parameters remain )
  • new parameter --settings: opens only the settings panel
  • now to open the tray use only the parameter --tray instead of --tray=1
  • now to activate the logs use only the parameter --logs instead of --logs=1
  • adding mutual exclusion to some parameters (--settings, --tray, --reset)

i18n contributions

[0.8.5] - 2020-03-11


  • Web
    • not able to inject javascript fixes ( WhatsApp Web not working) #74
    • not informing StartupWMClass on generated desktop entries ( prevents Gnome to link the Favorite shortcut with the app instance #76 )
    • some installed apps were not being displayed as installed in the search results
  • UI
    • categories filter being displayed during ongoing actions
    • settings: not matching the default system locale with the available options


  • AUR
    • preventing the dependencies checking algorithm to add duplicates
  • UI
    • error handling when it is not possible to load icon files

i18n additions / fixes

[0.8.4] - 2020-02-21


  • UI
    • treating multiple lines on the application's description displayed on the table
  • AUR
    • generating the semantic search map on demand instead of storing it in memory
  • Russian translations by:


  • Snap
    • not able to launch applications on some distros ( e.g: OpenSuse ) #58
  • AUR
    • package name tooltip was displaying only the repository ( table row )
  • UI
    • not displaying some priority search results at the top of the table

[0.8.3] - 2020-02-13


  • New update lifecycle:
    • now every package manager must provide all requirements before upgrading all selected packages ( can be disabled through the settings file ~/.config/bauh/config.yml or the UI )
    • now every package manager must provide the best upgrade order for all the selected packages ( can be disabled through the settings file ~/.config/bauh/config.yml or the UI )
  • AUR
    • allowing the user to bypass checksum errors when installing / upgrading / downgrading packages
    • improved how missing dependencies are checked when installing a new package ( the old way was not identifying some missing dependencies of anbox-git ). It is possible to use the old algorithm by setting simple_checking to true in ~/.config/bauh/arch.yml. More information at README.
    • checking architecture dependencies (x86_64, i686)
    • architecture dependencies are displayed on the info window as well
    • optimizations to speed up zst packages building
    • showing a warning message when trying to install / update / downgrade a package with the root user
  • UI:
    • Settings available as a tray action as well
    • minor improvements
  • the temp dir used now has a different name if you launch bauh as the root user to avoid permissioning issues ( /tmp/bauh_root )


  • AUR:
    • not able to downgrade some packages with multiple equal versions on their release history
  • Web:
    • not able to launch applications for the root user
    • not able to upgrade the environment's NodeJS version
  • handling internet timeout errors
  • minor fixes

[0.8.2] - 2020-01-31


  • New Settings panel ( displayed when the lower Settings button is clicked ). It allows to change all settings.


  • Flatpak
    • configuration file ( flatpak.yml ) will be created during the initialization ( on 0.8.1 it would only be created during the first app installation )
  • AUR
    • the custom makepkg.conf generated at ~/.config/bauh/arch will enable ccache if available on the system
    • downgrading time reduced due to the fix described in Fixes
    • package databases synchronization once a day ( or every device reboot ) before the first package installation / upgrade / downgrade. This behavior can be disabled on ~/.config/arch.yml / or the new settings panel
    sync_databases: true  # enabled by default
  • Configuration ( ~/.config/bauh/config.yml )
    • new property hdpi allowing to disable HDPI improvements
        hdpi: true # enabled by default
    • new property auto_scale activates Qt auto screen scale factor ( QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR ). It fixes scaling issues for some desktop environments ( like Gnome ) #1
          auto_scale: false  # disabled by default


  • AUR
    • not treating makedepends as a list during dependency checking ( anbox-git installation was crashing )
    • not considering the package name itself as provided during dependency checking ( anbox-git installation was crashing )
    • not pre-downloading some source files ( e.g: from anbox-image )
    • not able to install packages based on other packages ( package name != package base ). e.g: anbox-modules-dkms-git > anbox-git
    • downgrade: pre-downloading sources from the latest version instead of the older
  • Flatpak
    • downgrade: displaying "No Internet connection" when an error happens during commits reading
    • Flatpak < 1.5: an exception happens when trying to retrieve the information from partials
  • UI:
    • About window icons scaling
    • Toolbar buttons get hidden #5
    • not displaying icons retrieved from a HTTP redirect
    • minor bug fixes


  • Style selector and Application types menu action moved to the new Settings panel
  • About menu action split from the Settings menu as a new button
  • The file chooser component now has a clean button alongside

[0.8.1] 2020-01-14


  • Flatpak
    • allow the user to choose the application installation level: user or system #47
    • able to deal with user and system applications / runtimes #47
    • able to list partial updates for Flatpak >= 1.4
    • new configuration file located at ~/.config/bauh/flatpak.yml ( it allows to define a default installation level )


  • All icons are now SVG files
  • HDPI support improvements ( by octopusSD )
  • Flatpak
    • the application name tooltip now displays the installation level. e.g: gedit ( system )
    • info window displaying the installation level
    • "remote not set" warning dropped in favor of the new behavior: automatically adds Flathub as the default remote at the user level
  • Snap
    • snapd checking routine refactored
  • Web
    • not using HTTP sessions anymore to perform the searches. It seems to avoid URLs not being found after an internet drop event
    • supporting JPEG images as custom icons
  • UI
    • widgets visibility settings: the main widgets now should always be visible ( e.g: toolbar buttons )
    • scaling


  • missing categories i18n #48
  • Flatpak:
    • updating application dependencies during updating and downgrading
  • Web:
    • not handling HTTP connection issues
  • not passing the Home path as a String for subprocesses ( an exception happens for Python 3.5 )
  • UI:
    • not verifying if an icon path is a file
    • minor fixes


  • Default Type icon removed from the Type filter to make the design more consistent

[0.8.0] 2019-12-24


  • Native Web applications support:
    • if an URL is typed on the search bar, a native web application result will be displayed on the table.
    • bauh relies on NodeJS, Electron and nativefier to install the Web applications, but there is no need to have them installed on your system. Bauh will create its own installation environment with these technologies in ~/.local/share/bauh/web/env.
    • suggestions are retrieved from suggestions.txt
    • requires only python-beautifulsoup4 and python-lxml to be enabled
  • Suggestions button: it shows some application suggestions


  • configuration file ~/.config/bauh/config.json renamed to ~/.config/bauh/config.yml
  • some parameters and environment variables were moved to the configuration file ( ~/.config/bauh/config.yml )
disk_cache:  # old '--disk_cache'
  enabled: true
  icons: true # old '--download-icons'
  multithreaded: true  # old '--download-mthread'
gems: null 
locale: null  # old '--locale'
  data_expiration: 3600 # old '--cache-exp'
  icon_expiration: 300  # old '--icon-exp'
  by_type: 10  # new -> defines the max number of suggestions by package type
  enabled: true  # old '--sugs'
  notifications: true  # old '--system-notifications'
  single_dependency_checking: false  # old '---check-packaging-once'
  style: null  
    max_displayed: 50  # old '--max-displayed'
    default_icon: null  # old environment variable 'BAUH_TRAY_DEFAULT_ICON_PATH'
    updates_icon: null  # old environment variable 'BAUH_TRAY_UPDATES_ICON_PATH'
  check_interval: 30  # old '--check-interval'

  • The default update checking interval is now 30 seconds

  • New tray icons loading priority:

    1. Icon paths defined in ~/.config/bauh/config.yml
    2. Icons from the system with the following names: bauh_tray_default and bauh_tray_updates
    3. Own packaged icons
  • Now bauh considers the default system icon for the notifications and panel. If there is none, then it will use its own.

  • AppImage:

    • cleaning the downloaded database files when --reset is passed as parameter
    • environment variables BAUH_APPIMAGE_DB_UPDATER and BAUH_APPIMAGE_DB_UPDATER_TIME dropped in favor of the new configuration file located at ~/.config/bauh/appimage.yml
    • suggestions are now retrieved from suggestions.txt
  • AUR:

    • The AUR indexer daemon is not running every 20 minutes anymore. It will only run during the boot, and will generate the optimized index at /tmp/bauh/arch/aur.txt. This new behavior does not harm the current experience, and reduces memory usage. More information about this behavior in README.
    • Environment variable BAUH_ARCH_AUR_INDEX_UPDATER dropped in favor of the behavior described above.
    • Environment variables BAUH_ARCH_OPTIMIZE and BAUH_ARCH_CHECK_SUBDEPS dropped in favor of the new configuration file located at ~/.config/bauh/arch.yml
    • suggestions are now retrieved from suggestions.txt
  • Flatpak:

  • Snap:

  • Minor memory improvements

  • Minor UI improvements


  • AUR:
    • an exception happens when retrieving matches from the cached AUR index
    • not using the optimized compilation settings if the custom makepkg file is not found during the installation process
  • minor fixes

[0.7.5] 2019-12-20


  • Fix missing i18n keys when there are no mapped translations for the system's default locale #40
  • Tray icon is not updating its status after an application is uninstalled

[0.7.4] 2019-12-09


  • AUR
    • retrieving and displaying all transitive required dependencies ( it can be disabled via the new environment variable BAUH_ARCH_CHECK_SUBDEPS=0 )
    • displaying makedepends and checkdepends in the info window
    • Some AUR labels have been changed to not confuse the user
  • --clean param renamed to --reset
  • Minor UI improvements


  • AUR
    • not finding some dependencies declared as files instead of the package names (e.g: dolphin-emu-git )
    • replaces the term mirror by repository

[0.7.3] 2019-11-29


  • Not breaking the application when a i18n (translation) key was not found
  • Adding all english (en) i18n keys to help people with the application translation
  • AppImage
    • AppImage updater daemon replaced by a default Python thread to reduce memory usage
  • AUR
    • The optimized makepkg.conf file is now generated at ~/.config/bauh/arch/makepkg.conf and passed as a parameter during package builds to not provoke the auto-merge of /etc/makepkg.conf and the old generated ~/.makepkg.conf. (P.S: if your ~/.makepkg.conf was generated by bauh, consider deleting it as it will be useless for bauh now and may impact your other Arch compilation tools). Behavior discussed in #30.
    • Removing an unnecessary prepare step executed during dependency checking reducing the packages installation time. Also this step was preventing some packages to install due to its repeated execution ( e.g: xdman )
    • Now AUR packages are enabled by default, but a warning is displayed in the installation dialog
    • New package suggestions
  • Caching Snap and Flatpak suggestions #23
  • i18n:
  • minor UI improvements


  • New command line argument to clean the configuration and cache files: --clean


  • Flatpak
    • Ignoring no related updates ( there are some scenarios the updates are not listed due to warnings / suggestions related to some specific runtimes if the param --no-related is not informed )


  • AUR
    • Textual dependencies replaced by read-only checkboxes on Required Dependencies confirmation dialog
    • Optional Dependencies installation dialog now has a type icon beside the dependency name

[0.7.2] 2019-11-01


  • Snap
    • not showing License in the info window if it defined as unset
  • Flatpak:
    • "Remotes not set" warning informing to the user that Flatpak support can be disabled
  • showing suggestions if the user changes the application types available and there are no applications installed
  • i18n: spanish contributions by fitojb
  • minor labels improvements


  • Displaying a verified green icon next to a verified publisher's name


  • Snap
    • The application crashes due to Snap API checking when snap is not installed ( introduced in 0.7.1 )

[0.7.1] 2019-10-25


  • Snap:
    • if the stable channel is not available while an application is being installed, a popup is displayed allowing the user to choose a different one ( e.g: dbeaver-ce )


  • 3 password attempts for root authentication
  • not changing the table applied filters after a uninstall
  • cleaning the progress bar substatus after each upgrade
  • sorted categories
  • AppImage:
    • showing an error popup when AppImageLauncher messes up with an application installation
  • Flatpak:
    • Runtimes now are categorized as "runtime"
    • Formatting the API categories to the same format provided by the other packaging technologies
  • AUR:
    • showing a "user-friendly" popup when there are integrity issues with the source-files of a building package
    • not waiting for the categories file to be retrieved from the cloud during application boot ( reduces boot time )
    • caching cloud categories to the disk so they can be used in scenarios when it is not possible to retrieve them ( e.g: internet is off )
    • mapping known search key words to the specific package name ( e.g:"google chrome" will become "google-chrome" )
  • Snap:
    • not waiting for the categories file to be retrieved from the cloud during application boot ( reduces boot time )
    • caching cloud categories to the disk so they can be used in scenarios when it is not possible to retrieve them ( e.g: internet is off )
    • showing a warning popup when the Snap API is out
    • Snaps not treated as applications with be categorized as "runtime" at least
  • minor thread improvements


  • Screenshots panel:
    • "downloading" label replaced by a progress bar


  • application not initializing when there is no internet connection
  • not loading application icons after some filters are applied to the table results
  • not reloading the available categories after asynchronous data is fetched
  • not keeping the update toggle-button state after a filter is applied
  • AUR:
    • update-checking for some scenarios
    • not respecting ignorepkg settings in pacman.conf
    • not able to handle missing dependencies with symbols ( e.g: libpng++ )
    • not able to work with .xpm icons
    • not mapping categories to the search results

[0.7.0] 2019-10-18


  • AppImage support ( see below )
  • Screenshots button and panel
  • Categories filter


  • Flatpak:
    • History panel now shows formatted dates
    • Info available for not installed applications
  • Snap:
    • Improved how the the application verification is done ( if a given Snap is an application )
  • AUR:
    • Optional dependencies are not checked by default in their installation popup.
  • History panel can now me maximized, minimized and allows to copy column content.
  • It is possible to use custom tray icons via the environment variables: BAUH_TRAY_DEFAULT_ICON_PATH and BAUH_TRAY_UPDATES_ICON_PATH ( displayed when there are updates )
  • Minor UI improvements


  • cache thread lock that was eventually hanging the application
  • Flatpak:
    • Runtimes update-checking for version 1.5.X
  • Snap:
    • retrieving installed applications information for Ubuntu based distros
  • Application icon replaced by the type icon in the Info, History and Screenshots panels due to unexpected Qt crashes
  • minor UI fixes

AppImage support

  • Search, install, uninstall, downgrade, launch and retrieve the applications history
  • Supported sources: AppImageHub ( applications with no releases published to GitHub are currently not available )
  • Adds desktop entries ( menu shortcuts ) for the installed applications ( ~/.local/share/applications)

[0.6.4] 2019-10-13


  • Flatpak update-checking for version 1.5.X

[0.6.3] 2019-10-11


  • AUR update check for some scenarios
  • table not showing some update versions due to a strange Python String comparison behavior ( e.g: the string version '0.1.90' is being handled as higher than '0.1.120' )

[0.6.2] 2019-10-02


  • Update notifications showing the number of updates by type as well ( if they are from more than one packaging type )
  • Snap:
    • Installed info field split into version and size
  • AUR:
    • Installed files available in the Info window
    • Improving Arch distro checking


  • Update-check daemon not showing notifications
  • Not retrieving the system default locale to translate the application texts
  • Not updating translations when the default locale is different from 'en'
  • Installed button available after a recent installation if a new search is done
  • Flatpak:
    • error when retrieving information ( Flatpak 1.0.X )
  • Snap:
    • apps with commands different from their names do not launch
  • AUR:
    • not ignoring downgrade warnings for different locales

[0.6.1] 2019-09-26


  • Better warning presentation when there are several messages
  • Better AUR update check handling
  • "Show" button available for all information fields


  • Error when retrieving suggestions
  • snapd health check when snapd.service is available
  • AUR: not showing all optional dependencies ( Info )

[0.6.0] 2019-09-25


  • Supporting AUR packages ( see below )
  • Now it is possible to enable / disable the packaging technologies via graphical interface using the Application types action in the lower Settings button
  • Environment variables / parameters BAUH_FLATPAK (--flatpak) and BAUH_SNAP (--snap) removed in favor of the feature above
  • Qt style / theme combo selector ( environment variable / parameter BAUH_THEME (--theme) removed )
  • New Launch button: can launch application packages
  • New Installed button: quickly retrieves the installed packages without a full refresh ( available after a search )
  • Publisher / maintainer column in the packages table
  • Extra actions button located in right lower corner
  • Package "Name" filter field ( above the packages table )
  • Showing the number of packages being shown by the total found in the right lower corner
  • Show button for large fields in the Info window


  • Reading installed Snaps now takes around 95% less time
  • Reading Snap suggestions now takes around 75% less time
  • Reading installed Flatpaks now takes around 45% less time
  • "snap" and "snapd" installation check response time reduced
  • Refreshing only the associated package type after a successful operation (uninstall, downgrade, ...) ( installation has a different treatment. See below )
  • Only the installed package is displayed after a successful installation
  • Progress bar status can now be controlled by the software manager (gem) while an operation is being executed
  • Flatpak: showing runtime branches as versions when they are not available
  • better internet offline handling
  • installation logs are saved at /tmp/bauh/logs/install
  • Environment variable / parameter BAUH_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION renamed to BAUH_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATIONS and now works for any system notification
  • Environment variable / parameter BAUH_DOWNLOAD_MULTITHREAD: if source files should be downloaded using multi-threads (not supported by all gems).
  • Environment variables / parameter BAUH_MAX_DISPLAYED: controls the maximum number of displayed apps ( default to 50 )
  • Environment variables / parameter BAUH_LOGS: activates console logging.
  • small UI improvements

UI Changes

  • Upgrade selected and Refresh buttons now have text labels and new colors
  • Updates warning icon removed
  • Progress bar height reduced
  • Packaging type checkbox filters replaced by a combo box (single select)
  • Search bar resized


  • flatpak: cached app current version
  • flatpak: update notification for runtimes with the same name
  • flatpak: some warnings are treated as errors after downgrading
  • disk loader not filling all requested cached data from the disk
  • Ubuntu root password check
  • Ubuntu 19.04 pip3 install issue

AUR support (arch gem):

  • Search, install, uninstall, downgrade, retrieve history and launch packages
  • Faster source files downloads improving installation speed ( see for more information )
  • Automatically improves package compilations ( see for more information )


  • Code was internally modularized as: api (conceptual classes used to create custom software managers or gems), gems (software managers), commons (common classes shared among the view and gems), view (UI code)
  • api allows custom operations so the gems can provide actions that the current GUI does not support (Snap "refresh" was refactored as a custom operation)


  • the application settings are stored in ~/.config/bauh/config.json

[0.5.2] 2019-09-06


  • New environment variable / parameter to set a custom QT theme for the application: BAUH_THEME (--theme)


  • wrong management panel resizing for some scenarios
  • bad application theme when fusion or breeze are not set as default QT theme / style

[0.5.1] - 2019-08-12


  • suggestions are now retrieved asynchronously taking 45% less time.
  • search response takes an average of 20% less time ( reaching 35% for several results )
  • app boot takes 98% less time when snapd is installed, but disabled
  • BAUH_TRAY (--tray) is not enabled by default (0).


  • not showing correctly the latest flatpak app versions when bringing the search results
  • flatpak client dependency