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GitHub Popular Searches

Github Popular Searces Postman Collection

A Postman collection to discover popular repositories on GitHub for a given search query. It sends the popular repository on Slack channel.

This collection is published here.

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How does it work?

  • Put a search query for GitHub Repositories

  • Fetch GitHub Repo URLs through API call to NPM

  • Collect all the comments, download count, stars count, fork count from GitHub API

  • Perform Sentiment Analysis on Comments

  • Suggest best available repository for given search term on Slack

Run in Postman

Set the following environment variables before you run this collection :

  • {{searchTerm}} : the query you want to search
  • {{maxSize}} : maximum number of repositories you want to fetch

It sends the popular repository on Slack channel using webhook.

This collection uses Github API to fetch comments and sends a report to an internal Slack channel using a webhook.

API Calls made


  1. GET npm search - API call to NPM to fetch the popular GitHub Repositories for a given search query.{{searchTerm}}&size={{maxSize}}
  1. GET fetch comments - Fetching comments for each repositories using GitHub API.{{userName}}/{{repoName}}/comments  
  • {{repoName}} : Name of the GitHub repository
  • {{userName}} : GitHub username for the given repository
  1. POST calculate sentiments - Calculating sentiment using ParallelDots API for the comments of given GitHub repository.{{sentimentText}}&api_key={{apiKey}}
  1. POST push to slack - Pushing most popular repos to Slack using webhook.

Made by Vinit Shahdeo Powered By


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