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Map of India

A Node.js script to generate the Map of India in terminal

Quick Start 🚀

Open your terminal and run npm start

Setup ⚙️

npm install && npm start

Commands 🔥

  • npm run draw: Prints Map of India 🇮🇳 in the terminal

  • npm run wish: Prints a Happy Independence Day message in the terminal

Explained 🏗️

cd src && cat index.js

Navigate to src/ folder and check out index.js.

For the binary version of the map, please checkout republic day/index.js.

cd republic\ day
node index.js
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Dependencies 🎉

  • Figlet: An NPM module used to turn a string into ASCII art.

  • Chalk: An NPM module used for terminal string styling.

Support ❤️

Acknowledgement 🤗

  • The image used in this repo is taken from here.

  • This repository is inspired from a StackOverflow thread.

Author 🏆

Vinit Shahdeo

Follow on Twitter @Vinit_Shahdeo

if (_.isAwesome(thisRepo)) {; // thanks in advance :p