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Vinjn Zhang edited this page May 16, 2013 · 4 revisions

##Predefined Macros

##tab Tools/Options/Text Editor/All Languages/Tabs/ Indent: Smart Insert space Tab Size : 4

##Display Line Number

Tools/Options/Text Editor/All Languages/
check Line numbers


File.OpenContainingFolder alt+K
Windows.CloseDocumentWindow ctrl+W

##C/C++ folder (General category)


##Linker folder (Debugging category)

Generate Debug Info (/DEBUG)	

#How to avoid stepping into Boost source code in Visual Studio?

Launch regedit and navigate to the following key:

Under a 32bit OS:


Under a 64bit OS:


Create a new string value there. Name it as you wish. Enter this as a content:

operator new=NoStepInto

operator new

(You need to restart Visual Studio.)

##pragma warning stack

#ifdef _MSC_VER
 #pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
 #pragma warning(push,3)
 #pragma warning(disable: 4100 4180 4244)
#endif  /* _MSC_VER */

// ......

#ifdef _MSC_VER
 #pragma warning(default: 4100 4180 4244)
 #pragma warning(pop)
 #pragma pack(pop)
#endif  /* _MSC_VER */
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