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HDR Windows software for Hawkeye

Note: Hawkeye board V12 or higher and MSP FW mod are required for proper HDR operation to provide two camera triggers for a single external trigger.

This is the windows software that runs hdr on the Wolverine scanner that has the Hawkeye mod.
The software is written in Visual Basic and it connects to the camera and waits for the image ready event.
After the event is receied the sw stores the first image and lowers the camera exposure for the second image.
When the second event is received it stores the second image.
The process then repeats.
The hawkeye MSP430 firmware has a mod to trigger the camera twice for each external trigger.
To run the sw go to .../bin/Release dir and run the HDR.exe file. The Device Settings window will pop up.
Select the device and resolution as required and click OK.
The Device Window will close and the app window will pop up.
Select the destination directories for the hi exposure and low exposure images by clicking on the ImgPath1 and ImgPath2 buttons.
Then click on Trigger buton a few times.
It will go from red to white.
Leave it white for free run.
Click Start.
The camera preview will be displayed in the preview window.
Click on ZoomIn and ZoomOut buttons and set the zoom as needed.
Click on Settings button.
The familiar camera settings will pop up.
Set the color, partial scan etc
Make sure the auto reference on the exposure tab is set higher that 84.
Around 100 is a good setting which gives overexposed image.
Click on OK.
The window will close.
Click on Start button.
It should go white.
Click on SaveConf button to save the device settings.
Make sure the Start buttoon is not active, otherwise an exception will pop up.
The next time when you run the app you can use the LoadConf to retrieve the settings.
The settings are stored in device_state.txt file in the same directory where the app resides. Select the bit depth by clicking the Bit64 button.
The Bit64 button will turn red indicating 64 bit mode.
Make sure that the Start button is not active when you are doing this otherwise teh app will crash.
Essentially the start botton starts the live display and the bit depth and soem other camera critical settings can not be changed in Live mode.
Most of other settings can be changed in Live mode however.
The SaveTiff button also can be set in Live mode.
If active it will switch from default Jpeg format to Tiff.
Click on IncLow button.
A message box will pop up and show number 1 in it.
That means the exposure low settings will be 1 stop down.
Repeat the procedure until the desired low setting is reached.
Around 3 seems to work good.
Click on Trigger button to activate external trigger.
Click on ImgSave.
It should turn red.(Keep an eye on this button when testing. It could flood your drive with images if trigger is left on FreeRun).
Click on Start Button.
The app is now ready for images.
Run the scanner.
The images with High Exposure will be in Path1 and images with Low Exposure will be in Path2.
Note, once the scan process is complete you can use an app to run the high and low images.
The app that seems to work very can be obtained from the following site:
Download enfuse and use the enfuse-hdr.bat (included here in the repository) script to run combine the images.

Additional notes:
If tiff file transfer, is unreliable (occasional dropped frames), switch to jpeg. The difference is not perceptible not even on a large screen.The jpg files can be converted to a combined HDR tiff file, if needed, with Enfuse.

Can use basic script batch file to process 2 exposure HDR files in separate folders using Enfuse v4.2.

It is better however to have all these files in one folder, use "HDR-UX178-3-Exposure-ONE-FOLDER-main" program for 3 exposures, or for two exposures.
To process the files/frames use EnfuseGUI v2.1.3, this gui uses Enfuse v4.0 and makes the process very simple.

If one wanted to use the later command line Enfuse v4.2, there are included Droplets v0.2.1 by Erik Krause, there is also a newer v0.4.2 available, with added extra options like EXIF copy feature (not needed for this simple application). Because some changes have been made to Enfuse over time, these Enfuse droplets no longer function as they are, but with a very minor one line change, they still work.
Change line from:- set enfuse_additional_parameters= --wExposure=1 --wSaturation=1 --wContrast=0
To :- set enfuse_additional_parameters= --exposure-weight=1 --saturation-weight=0.2 --contrast-weight=0 --hard-mask


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