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vintagepc edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 7 revisions

Much like MK404, Mini404 has a scripting interface for automating certain tasks and interacting with the hardware.

Action support is currently limited, but will expand in the future as more capability is added.

To view scripting options, add -append scripthelp to the QEMU commandline, e.g.

./qemu-system-buddy -machine prusabuddy -kernel mini_debug_noboot.bin -append scripthelp

To run a script you've written, use script=[file] instead, for example:

./qemu-system-buddy -machine prusabuddy -kernel mini_debug_noboot.bin -append script=myscript.txt


See Scripting Options for an up-to-date list of available options. They are regenerated every time a branch is merged.

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