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Processes and transfers message between Kafka topics with exactly-once delivery guarantees.


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Queue Streamer


Queue Streamer is a Go package that processes and transfers data between Kafka topics with exactly-once delivery guarantees. This package receives messages from Kafka brokers and transfers them to specified topics. This document explains how to install and use Queue Streamer.


To install Queue Streamer, use the Go modules:

go get


Here is an example code to use Queue Streamer.


package main

import (

func main() {
	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
	brokers := []string{"localhost:9092"}
	origin := qstreamer.Topic("origin-topic", 3)           // Topic name and partition

	// Serializer that converts the message to the message to be produced.
	// In this case, the message is not converted, so it is a pass-through serializer.
	serializer := qstreamer.NewPassThroughSerializer()
	destination1 := qstreamer.Topic("destination-topic-1", 5) // Topic name and partition
	streamer := qstreamer.NewTopicStreamer(brokers, origin)

	cfg := qstreamer.NewStreamConfig(serializer, destination1)

	streamer.Run() // Non-blocking
	defer streamer.Stop()



  1. Set Topics: Use the NewTopic() to set the start and end topics.

  2. Use PassThroughSerializer: Create a pass-through serializer using NewPassThroughSerializer() which does not manufacture the message.

    • If you want to convert the message, you can create a custom serializer that implements the Serializer interface.
  3. Set StreamConfig: Use the NewStreamConfig() to configure the stream settings.

  4. Create and Configure TopicStreamer: Use the NewTopicStreamer() to create the topic streamer and the AddConfig() method to add the stream configuration.

  5. Run and Stop Streamer: Call the Run() method to start the streamer and the Stop() method to stop the streamer.


Contributions are welcome! You can contribute to the project by reporting bugs, requesting features, and submitting pull requests.


Queue Streamer is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.