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244 lines (149 loc) · 7.79 KB

File metadata and controls

244 lines (149 loc) · 7.79 KB 64-bit lighting


This is the primitive layer rendered by HexagonLayer after aggregation. Unlike the HexagonLayer, it renders one column for each data object.

The ColumnLayer can be used to render a heatmap of vertical cylinders. It renders a tesselated regular polygon centered at each given position (a "disk"), and extrude it in 3d.

import DeckGL from '';
import {ColumnLayer} from '';

const App = ({data, viewport}) => {

   * Data format:
   * [
   *   {centroid: [-122.4, 37.7], value: 0.2},
   *   ...
   * ]
  const layer = new ColumnLayer({
    id: 'column-layer',
    diskResolution: 12,
    radius: 250,
    extruded: true,
    pickable: true,
    elevationScale: 5000,
    getPosition: d => d.centroid,
    getColor: d => [48, 128, d.value * 255, 255],
    getElevation: d => d.value,
    onHover: ({object, x, y}) => {
      const tooltip = `height: ${object.value * 5000}m`;
      /* Update tooltip

  return (<DeckGL {...viewport} layers={[layer]} />);


To install the dependencies from NPM:

npm install
# or
npm install
import {ColumnLayer} from '';
new ColumnLayer({});

To use pre-bundled scripts:

<script src=""></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
new deck.ColumnLayer({});


Inherits from all Base Layer properties.

Render Options

diskResolution (Number, optional)
  • Default: 20

The number of sides to render the disk as. The disk is a regular polygon that fits inside the given radius. A higher resolution will yield a smoother look close-up, but also need more resources to render.

radius (Number, optional)
  • Default: 1000

Disk radius in meters.

angle (Number, optional)
  • Default: 0

Disk rotation, counter-clockwise in degrees.

vertices (Array, optional)

Replace the default geometry (regular polygon that fits inside the unit circle) with a custom one. The length of the array must be at least diskResolution. Each vertex is a point [x, y] that is the offset from the instance position, relative to the radius.

offset ([Number, Number], optional)
  • Default: [0, 0]

Disk offset from the position, relative to the radius. By default, the disk is centered at each position.

coverage (Number, optional)
  • Default: 1

Radius multiplier, between 0 - 1. The radius of the disk is calculated by coverage * radius

filled (Boolean, optional)
  • Default: true

Whether to draw a filled column (solid fill).

stroked (Boolean, optional)
  • Default: false

Whether to draw an outline around the disks. Only applies if extruded: false.

extruded (Boolean, optional)
  • Default: true

Whether to extrude the columns. If se to false, all columns will be set to flat.

wireframe (Boolean, optional)
  • Default: false

Whether to generate a line wireframe of the column. The outline will have "horizontal" lines closing the top and bottom polygons and a vertical line (a "strut") for each vertex on the polygon. Only applies if extruded: true.

fp64 (Boolean, optional)
  • Default: false

Whether the layer should be rendered in high-precision 64-bit mode. Note that since v6.1, the default 32-bit projection uses a hybrid mode that matches 64-bit precision with significantly better performance.

elevationScale (Number, optional)
  • Default: 1

Column elevation multiplier. The elevation of column is calculated by elevationScale * getElevation(d). elevationScale is a handy property to scale all column elevations without updating the data.

lineWidthUnits (String, optional)
  • Default: 'meters'

The units of the outline width, one of 'meters', 'pixels'. When zooming in and out, meter sizes scale with the base map, and pixel sizes remain the same on screen.

lineWidthScale (Boolean, optional)
  • Default: 1

The line width multiplier that multiplied to all outlines if the stroked attribute is true.

lineWidthMinPixels (Number, optional)
  • Default: 0

The minimum outline width in pixels.

lineWidthMaxPixels (Number, optional)
  • Default: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER

The maximum outline width in pixels.

material (Object, optional)
  • Default: new PhongMaterial()

This is an object that contains material props for lighting effect applied on extruded polygons. Check PhongMaterial for more details.

Data Accessors

getPosition (Function, optional) transition-enabled
  • Default: object => object.position

Method called to retrieve the position of each column, in [x, y]. An optional third component can be used to set the elevation of the bottom.

getFillColor (Function|Array, optional) transition-enabled
  • Default: [0, 0, 0, 255]

The rgba color of each object, in r, g, b, [a]. Each component is in the 0-255 range.

  • If an array is provided, it is used as the color for all objects.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its color.
  • If not provided, it falls back to getColor.
getLineColor (Function|Array, optional) transition-enabled
  • Default: [0, 0, 0, 255]

The rgba outline color of each object, in r, g, b, [a]. Each component is in the 0-255 range.

  • If an array is provided, it is used as the outline color for all columns.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its outline color.
  • If not provided, it falls back to getColor.
getElevation (Function|Number, optional) transition-enabled
  • Default: 1000

The elevation of each cell in meters.

  • If a number is provided, it is used as the elevation for all objects.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its elevation.
getLineWidth (Function|Number, optional) transition-enabled
  • Default: 1

The width of the outline of the column, in units specified by lineWidthUnits (default meters). Only applies if extruded: false and stroked: true.

  • If a number is provided, it is used as the outline width for all columns.
  • If a function is provided, it is called on each object to retrieve its outline width.

