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* The provided Makefile:
  1) builds a kernel
  2) copies it into rootfs/boot/kernel/kernel
  3) creates an ISO CD image with the rootfs/ contents

* To boot the system in QEMU, run:
qemu-system-x86_64 -curses -drive id=boot,format=raw,file=$USER.img,if=none -drive id=data,format=raw,file=$USER-data.img,if=none -device ahci,id=ahci -device ide-drive,drive=boot,bus=ahci.0 -device ide-drive,drive=data,bus=ahci.1 -gdb tcp::9999

Explanation of parameters:
  -curses         use a text console (omit this to use default SDL/VNC console)
  -drive ...      connect a CD-ROM or hard drive with corresponding image
  -device ...     configure an AHCI controller for the boot and data disks
  -gdb tcp::9999  listen for "remote" debugging connections on port NNNN
  -S              wait for GDB to connect at startup
  -no-reboot      prevent reboot when OS crashes

* When using the -curses mode, switch to the qemu> console with ESC-2.

* To connect a remote debugger to the running qemu VM, from a different window:
gdb ./kernel

At the (gdb) prompt, connect with:
target remote localhost:9999

**************   Description    ******************

BINARIES AVAILABLE: cd, cat, ls , ps, pwd, logout, echo, clear, date.
users:  jvishal, aahangar, admin.
pass: root

50 point project with
(a):Cooperative multi-tasking w/ all functional requirements
(b):Interrupt handlers, Virtual memory.

10 Points:
(a):Preemptive multi-tasking.
