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Dev Environment Setup

  • Install Dependencies

      npm install
  • Starting Dev Server

      npm run dev
  • Starting supabase

    • Pre-requisite: Docker should be installed
      npx supabase start
  • Update env variables

    • Create a .env file in the root directory

      cp .env.example .env
  • Applying migrations

      npx zenstack generate && npx prisma migrate dev



  • Tailscale Install in both pc & mobile

  • Get hostname from admin console Dashboard - DNS

  • Create a directory for certs

    mkdir certs
    cd certs
  • Run

    tailscale cert <device_name>.<hostname>
    # Eg: tailscale cert mac.yourhostname.something
  • Update the device names in admin console. Dashboard - Devices Rename 'em to something short (Eg: pixel for mobile device & mac for your machine)

  • Now, you can access the app with the hostname

    https://mac.<hostname>:3000 #for the app
    # OR
    https://pixel.<hostname> # won't be useful for now
  • Update the App url in capacitor.config.json to the hostname

     "server": {
      "url": "https://mac.<hostname>:3000"

Setup for android build

UI Library
