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🚨 Pre-alpha 🚨

Warning: the vf-child-template is pre-alpha, things will change. We welcome usage and feedback, but updates will be tricky.

Visual Framework Child template

tl;dr Clone and edit me.

This is a child template to use the core Visual Framework (vf-core) patterns, override them and add your own.

Why use a child? Programatically use (and update from) Visual Framework core patterns, but with complete flexibility in the look and function of your patterns (in addition to the Visual Framework's style isolation principles).

🚼 Know the basics

If you've not already, take a few minutes to read the basics of the Visual Framework.

1️⃣ 📦 Clone the Visual Framework Child template

(You'll need gulp and node; head here if you don't know what those are)

  • git clone (add repo url once ready)
  • cd vf-child-playground
  • npm install

2️⃣ 🎫 Decide on project name, namespace

Open pacakage.json and edit:

"vfConfig": {
  "vfName": "Visual Framework Child pattern library",
  "vfNamespace": "vct-"
  • vfName examples:
    • My Company Name pattern library
    • Visual Framework for My Company Name
  • vfNamespace prefix:
    • Custom patterns will be prefixed by a short abbreviation or phrase. So, your custom pattern for a countdown timer might be acme-countdown-timer or if you're building for Bob's Pizza, bp-countdown-timer. We'd encourage you to make it:
      • unique
      • no longer than four letters

3️⃣ ⌨️ Launch the local pattern library

Enter gulp dev and the pattern library will build and open in your browser. Be sure to keep an eye on the console for any compile errors or style linting.

4️⃣ 🖌 Make and edit patterns

Override vf-core patterns

  1. If you haven't already, install the pattern via npm
    • npm install --save @visual-framework/vf-heading
  2. Move a pattern's source folder from ./components/vf-core-patterns to ./components
    • mv components/vf-core-patterns/vf-heading components/vf-heading
  3. If the pattern is present in package.json remove its reference
    • Delete: "@visual-framework/vf-heading": "0.0.21",
  4. Edit the pattern in ./components as you see fit

Install additional patterns

You can install patterns from vf-core or from other Visual Framework-compliant pattern libraries.

To add additional Visual Framework core patterns, find one you like and use npm; for example, the vf-heading pattern:

npm install --save @visual-framework/vf-heading

If a pattern you wish to use isn't available on npm, copy it to your /components directory.

In either case, after adding the pattern you'll needed to reference the Sass in your /components/vf-core/index.scss

Create new patterns

This codebase includes a folder and file creation tool. It allows you to quickly create all the required files to make a component. It gives you the option to create am element, block, or container.

  1. Install Yeoman
    • If you've come this far and you don't have yo, you should be able to install it with npm install -g yo@latest
    • If you get stuck, see the official install guide
  2. Create a new component
    • Run gulp component and answer the questions when prompted.
      • Type of component: We use a variation of the atomic design methodology, read about the differences here. We use: elements, blocks, and containers.
        • an element would be a heading, or a button
        • a block would be a teaser, or a search form
        • a container would be a group of teasers
      • Name of component: Go for something simple and obvious (todo: we need a guide/documentation on how we name things). Don't worry about namespacing and prefixing, the tooling will take care of this.
      • NPM package: If you're making something interesting (probably not an 'element'), then saying 'yes' will allow the component to be shared as an optional part of the framework on NPM.
    • You customised template pattern will have been added to your /components directory.
  3. Add the @import 'vfc-your-pattern.scss'; to /components/vf-core/index.scss.
  4. Developing your component
    • Edit your template files in the /components/your-pattern-name folder
    • Run gulp dev to compile and preview the pattern
  5. Sharing you component back
    • Publish it to npm; or
    • If you think your pattern is of use to the wider vf-core community, make a Pull Request.

5️⃣ 💅 Customise the pattern library

The Visual Framework uses the Fractal pattern library.

You can customise the layout of the pattern library by editing the Fractal theme in tools/frctl-mandelbrot-vf-subtheme.

For more guidance, see the Fractal documentation.

6️⃣ 🏎 Put your pattern library into use

Once you've configured your pattern library, selected patterns and made a few new ones, here's how you make use of them.

Generate CSS and JS for your website

Running gulp build will generate a /build directory where you'll find:

  • global assets
    • css/styles.css
    • scripts/scripts.js
  • per-pattern JavaScript and image assets
    • assets/vf-*

Consume patterns as Sass

You can @import your sass, follow the example in components/vf-core/index.scss.

Deploy your pattern library

To come.

Keeping you pattern template up to date

The vf-child-template follows the vf-core versioning, that means you shouldn't have to update very often; that said:

  1. Most improvements will be found by updating VF patterns, to see what updates are available: npm outdated
  2. Watch for new releases of vf-child-template. We'll provide guidance on how to update.
  3. Any updates will be easier if you're using a git repository, you are doing that, right?

7️⃣ 🎁 Contribute your Patterns

To come: how to add patterns back to the global vf-core

8️⃣ ⁉️ Ask the community


This project is deprecated. It's better to use vf-eleventy






No releases published
