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@khawkins98 khawkins98 released this 28 Jan 12:24
· 1234 commits to develop since this release

After rc.2 we're ready for our third and likely final RC before a stable release.

What's new in Release Candidate 2?

We've found a few small optimisations:

  • Improved the testing prior to npm publishing #706
  • Fixes Babel to correctly compile JS to ES2015 #723
  • Documentation note on yaml component syntax #736
  • Fix a sporadic issue when running vf-clean #737

Here's a list of work in rc.3

Does a RC mean the VF is "done"?

No. The release candidate of vf-core is for the portable build process that compiles the Sass, JS, Nunjucks templates and Fractal component documentation. We're still actively building components to be used by vf-core.

🔰 What is the VF 2.0?

A modular, compatible framework for life science websites and services.

Want to know more, or build something with the VF? Read the guide

👋 How can you get involved?

Open an issue and say hello.