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JaRG - Just a RPG Game

Netlify Status

The game is available on Netlify.

JaRG is a - hopefully not for long - simple RPG game. Game mechanics were inspired by Final Fantasy X and Disgaea.


Why not?

Who is partecipating?

Just me. If you want/are able to, feel free to contribute.

When will it be ready?

Idk, hopefully soon. Depends what you mean by "ready".

Nothing is working, WTF?!

If you find issues, please open a ticket on GitHub.

Project setup

npm install

If you are working with VSC, FilePreferencesSettingsUser Settings, search typescript.preferences.importModuleSpecifier and set to non-relative.

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

One time activity

npm install http-server -g

Development start-up

# Starts the appliction
npm run serve

# Starts the static assets site
http-server ../jarg-assets/static -p 8081 --cors -c-1 -g

# --cors: enable cors
# -c-1: max-age cache = -1s
# -g: enable gzip

Note: if you are using Visual Studio Code you can automate the startup process.

cd jarg-fe
mkdir .vscode
copy docs/vscode/tasks.json .vscode/tasks.json

# restart VSC

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your unit tests

npm run test:unit

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Report build status

npm run report

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


No releases published


No packages published
