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Toast Notifications made simple.

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ReactNoti toast notifications screenshot

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A demo is worth a thousand words


$ npm install react-noti styled-components@5
$ yarn add react-noti styled-components@5


import React from 'react'
// POSITION is a helper variable that provides available position values to avoid typos
import { ReactNoti, notify, POSITION } from 'react-noti'

function App() {
  const handleSuccessClick = () => {
    notify.success('You can put almost anything here.')
  const handleInfoClick = () => {'Info message', { title: 'Title here' })
  const handleWarningClick = () => {
    notify.warning('Warning message', {
      title: 'Do not auto dismiss',
      autoDismiss: false,
  const handleErrorClick = () => {
    notify.error('Error message', {
      title: 'Close after 9000ms',
      timeOut: 9000,

  return (
    <div className="App">
      <ReactNoti position={POSITION.TOP_RIGHT} />

        <button onClick={handleSuccessClick}>Success!</button>
        <button onClick={handleInfoClick}>Info!</button>
        <button onClick={handleWarningClick}>Warning!</button>
        <button onClick={handleErrorClick}>Error!</button>

export default App


ReactNoti container

Props Type Default Required Description
position string top-right Defines location of the ReactNoti component on the screen. Available options: top-right, top-left, top-center, bottom-right, bottom-left, bottom-center.
autoDismiss boolean true Auto dismisses notification after the timeOut. Can be overridden individually.
timeOut number 5000 The default time in ms for the all toast notifications in the container tray. Can be overridden individually.
single boolean false Single notification mode. Show only the last notification.
icons boolean true Show default toast notifications icons or not.
pauseOnHover boolean true Pause auto-dismissing countdown on mouse hover. Can be overridden individually.
showProgress boolean true Show countdown progress-bar on toast notifications. Can be overridden individually.
className string undefined Adds a class to the ReactNoti container for custom styling.

notify toast options

Params Type Default Required Description
content string | element - A text string or a component containing the content of the Toast notification.
options object {} Options are listed bellow.

Optional notify methods parameters

Options Type Default Description
title string undefined Text string containing the title of the Toast notification.
autoDismiss boolean true Auto dismiss notification after the timeOut. Overrides global ReactNoti autoDismiss.
timeOut number 5000 Time in ms for individual Toast in the tray. Overrides global ReactNoti timeOut.
pauseOnHover boolean true Pause auto-dismissing countdown on mouse hover. Overrides global ReactNoti pauseOnHover.
showProgress boolean false Show countdown progress-bar on toast notifications. Overrides global ReactNoti showProgress.

⚠️Toast options supersede ReactNoti container props ⚠️

const Img = ({ src }) => <span><img width={48} src={src} /></span>
const options = {
  title: 'Toast title'
  autoDismiss: true,
  timeOut: 5000,
  pauseOnHover: true,
  showProgress: false

// Success.
// Info. Pass optional params that overwrites the default ones'World', options)
// Warning. Passes React Component as a message content
notify.warning(<Img />)
// Error. Passes optional param that disables toast auto dismiss
notify.error('Oops!', { autoDismiss: false })

// Removes all toasts!
