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Asynchronous and parallel work with large arrays without slowing down the GUI. The length of chunk to process automatically calculated to avoid slowing down the GUI.

Allow to you process array or run functions of array in serially/parallel (you can specify number of parallel operations), without waiting until the previous function has completed.

You can process big array without slowing down the GUI, just write process func for one element. It automatically calculates chunk size for optimal array process.

Install with npm:


npm install run-array --save

How to use

import * as Array from "run-array";

const arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 0xFFFF; i++) arr.push(i + 1);
Array.asyncForEach(arr, (x, i, a, stop) => {
    // call stop() to stop iteration. It return success false.
}).then(x => console.log('asyncForEach', x.success)); // asyncForEach true
Array.asyncEvery(arr, x => !!x).then(x => console.log('asyncEvery', x.result)); // asyncEvery true
Array.asyncSome(arr, x => x == -1).then(x => console.log('asyncSome', x.result)); // asyncSome false
Array.asyncFind(arr, x => x == -1).then(x => console.log('asyncFind', x.result)); // asyncFind undefined
Array.asyncFind(arr, x => x == 10).then(x => console.log('asyncFind', x.result)); // asyncFind 10
Array.asyncFindIndex(arr, x => x == 10).then(x => console.log('asyncFindIndex', x.result)); // asyncFindIndex 9
Array.asyncIndexBy(arr, 10).then(x => console.log('asyncIndexOf', x.result)); // asyncIndexOf 9
Array.asyncLastIndexBy(arr, 10).then(x => console.log('asyncLastIndexOf', x.result)); // asyncLastIndexOf 9
Array.asyncReduce(arr, r => ++r.count && r, {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('asyncReduce', x.result)); // asyncReduce {count: 65535}
Array.asyncReduceRight(arr, r => ++r.count && r, {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('asyncReduceRight', x.result)); // asyncReduceRight {count: 65535}

// Four parallel operations
Array.prlForEach(4, arr, (done, x, i, a, stop) => {
    // call stop() to stop iterations. It return success false.
}).then(x => console.log('prlForEach', x.success)); // prlForEach true
Array.prlEvery(4, arr, (done, x) => done(!!x)).then(x => console.log('prlEvery', x.result)); // prlEvery true
Array.prlSome(4, arr, (done, x) => done(x == -1)).then(x => console.log('prlSome', x.result)); // prlSome false
Array.prlFind(4, arr, (done, x) => done(x == -1)).then(x => console.log('prlFind', x.result)); // prlFind undefined
Array.prlFind(4, arr, (done, x) => done(x == 10)).then(x => console.log('prlFind', x.result)); // prlFind 10
Array.prlFindIndex(4, arr, (done, x) => done(x == 10), 0).then(x => console.log('prlFindIndex', x.result)); // prlFindIndex 9
Array.prlReduce(4, arr, (done, r) => done(++r.count && r), {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('prlReduce', x.result)); // prlReduce {count: 65535}
Array.prlReduceRight(4, arr, (done, r) => done(++r.count && r), {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('prlReduceRight', x.result)); // prlReduceRight {count: 65535}

// Or you can extend Array prototype

arr.asyncForEach((x, i, a, stop) => {
    // call stop() to stop iteration. It return success false.
}).then(x => console.log('asyncForEach', x.success)); // asyncForEach true
arr.asyncEvery(x => !!x).then(x => console.log('asyncEvery', x.result)); // asyncEvery true
arr.asyncSome(x => x == -1).then(x => console.log('asyncSome', x.result)); // asyncSome false
arr.asyncFind(x => x == -1).then(x => console.log('asyncFind', x.result)); // asyncFind undefined
arr.asyncFind(x => x == 10).then(x => console.log('asyncFind', x.result)); // asyncFind 10
arr.asyncFindIndex(x => x == 10).then(x => console.log('asyncFindIndex', x.result)); // asyncFindIndex 9
arr.asyncIndexBy(10).then(x => console.log('asyncIndexOf', x.result)); // asyncIndexOf 9
arr.asyncLastIndexBy(10).then(x => console.log('asyncLastIndexOf', x.result)); // asyncLastIndexOf 9
arr.asyncReduce(r => ++r.count && r, {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('asyncReduce', x.result)); // asyncReduce {count: 65535}
arr.asyncReduceRight(r => ++r.count && r, {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('asyncReduceRight', x.result)); // asyncReduceRight {count: 65535}

arr.prlForEach(4, (done, x, i, a, stop) => {
    // call stop() to stop iterations. It return success false.
}).then(x => console.log('prlForEach', x.success)); // prlForEach true
arr.prlEvery(4, (done, x) => done(!!x)).then(x => console.log('prlEvery', x.result)); // prlEvery true
arr.prlSome(4, (done, x) => done(x == -1)).then(x => console.log('prlSome', x.result)); // prlSome false
arr.prlFind(4, (done, x) => done(x == -1)).then(x => console.log('prlFind', x.result)); // prlFind undefined
arr.prlFind(4, (done, x) => done(x == 10)).then(x => console.log('prlFind', x.result)); // prlFind 10
arr.prlFindIndex(4, (done, x) => done(x == 10), 0).then(x => console.log('prlFindIndex', x.result)); // prlFindIndex 9
arr.prlReduce(4, (done, r) => done(++r.count && r), {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('prlReduce', x.result)); // prlReduce {count: 65535}
arr.prlReduceRight(4, (done, r) => done(++r.count && r), {count: 0}).then(x => console.log('prlReduceRight', x.result)); // prlReduceRight {count: 65535}


 * Asynchronously determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
 * The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array until returns a value which is coercible to the
 * Boolean value false, or until the end of the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: true or false, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncEvery: <T = any>(arr: T[], next: (x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => boolean) => Promise<ArrayResult<boolean>>;

 * Asynchronously returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a *next* function.
 * The length of chunk to process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next The filter function. Called one time for each element in the array.
 * To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: new array, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncFilter: <T = any>(arr: T[], next: (x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => boolean) => Promise<ArrayResult<T[]>>;

 * Asynchronously returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
 * otherwise. The length of chunk to process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next The predicate method. Called one time for each element in the array, until it finds one where
 * predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find immediately returns that element value. Otherwise,
 * find returns undefined. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. By default the search starts at index 0.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: value of found element, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncFind: <T = any>(arr: T[], next: (x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => boolean) => Promise<ArrayResult<T>>;

 * Asynchronously returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1 otherwise.
 * The length of chunk to process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next The predicate method. Called one time for each element in the array, until it finds one where
 * predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find immediately returns that element index. Otherwise,
 * find returns -1. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. By default the search starts at index 0.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: index of found element, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncFindIndex: <T = any>(arr: T[], next: (x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => boolean, fromIndex?: number) => Promise<ArrayResult<number>>;

 * Asynchronously performs the specified *next* action for each element in an array.
 * The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: arr, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncForEach: <T = any>(arr: T[], next: (x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => void) => Promise<ArrayResult<T[]>>;

 * Asynchronously returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array. The length of chunk to
 * process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param value The value to locate in the array.
 * @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. By default the search starts at index 0.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: index of found element, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncIndexBy: <T = any>(arr: T[], value: T, fromIndex?: number) => Promise<ArrayResult<number>>;

 * Asynchronously returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array. The length of chunk to
 * process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param value The value to locate in the array.
 * @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. By default the search starts at the last index
 * in the array.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: index of found element, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncLastIndexBy: <T = any>(arr: T[], value: T, fromIndex?: number) => Promise<ArrayResult<number>>;

 * Asynchronously calls the specified *next* function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
 * contains the results. The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the
 * GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: new array, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncMap: <T = any, R = any>(arr: T[], next: (x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => R) => Promise<ArrayResult<R[]>>;

 * Asynchronously calls the specified *next* function for all the elements in an array.
 * The return value of the *next* function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
 * call to the *next* function. The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down
 * the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param init If value is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation.
 * The first call to the *next* function provides this value as an argument instead of an first array value.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: accumulated result, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncReduce: <T = any, R = any>(arr: T[], next: (r: R, x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => void, init: R) => Promise<ArrayResult<R>>;

 * Asynchronously calls the specified *next* function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
 * The return value of the *next* function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
 * call to the *next* function. The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down
 * the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param init If value is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation.
 * The first call to the *next* function provides this value as an argument instead of an first array value.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: accumulated result, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncReduceRight: <T = any, R = any>(arr: T[], next: (r: R, x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => void, init: R) => Promise<ArrayResult<R>>;

 * Asynchronously determines whether the specified *next* function returns true for any element of an array.
 * The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array until returns a value which is coercible to the
 * Boolean value true, or until the end of the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: true or false, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const asyncSome: <T = any>(arr: T[], next: (x: T, i: number, arr: T[],
    stop: () => void) => boolean) => Promise<ArrayResult<boolean>>;

 * Async-parallel determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
 * The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Promise that called one time for each element in the array until returns a value which is
 * coercible to the Boolean value false, or until the end of the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: true or false, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlEvery: <T = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: boolean) => void, x: T, i: number,
    arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void) => Promise<ArrayResult<boolean>>;

 * Async-parallel returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a *next* promise.
 * The length of chunk to process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next The filter promise. Called one time for each element in the array.
 * To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: new array, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlFilter: <T = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: boolean) => void, x: T, i: number,
    arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void) => Promise<ArrayResult<T[]>>;

 * Async-parallel returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
 * otherwise. The length of chunk to process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next The predicate promise. Called one time for each element in the array, until it finds one where
 * predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find immediately returns that element value. Otherwise,
 * find returns undefined. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. By default the search starts at index 0.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: value of found element, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlFind: <T = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: boolean) => void, x: T, i: number,
    arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void) => Promise<ArrayResult<T>>;

 * Async-parallel returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1 otherwise.
 * The length of chunk to process calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next The predicate method. Called one time for each element in the array, until it finds one where
 * predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find immediately returns that element index. Otherwise,
 * find returns -1. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param fromIndex The array index at which to begin the search. By default the search starts at index 0.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: index of found element, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlFindIndex: <T = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: boolean) => void, x: T, i: number,
    arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void, fromIndex?: number) => Promise<ArrayResult<number>>;

 * Async-parallel performs the specified *next* action for each element in an array.
 * The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: arr, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlForEach: <T = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: () => void, x: T, i: number,
    arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void) => Promise<ArrayResult<T[]>>;

 * Async-parallel calls the specified *next* function on each element of an array, and returns an array that
 * contains the results. The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the
 * GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: new array, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlMap: <T = any, R = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: R) => void, x: T, i: number,
    arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void) => Promise<ArrayResult<R[]>>;

 * Async-parallel calls the specified *next* function for all the elements in an array.
 * The return value of the *next* function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
 * call to the *next* function. The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down
 * the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param init If value is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation.
 * The first call to the *next* function provides this value as an argument instead of an first array value.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: accumulated result, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlReduce: <T = any, R = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: R) => void, r: R,
    x: T, i: number, arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void, init: R) => Promise<ArrayResult<R>>;

 * Async-parallel calls the specified *next* function for all the elements in an array, in descending order.
 * The return value of the *next* function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next
 * call to the *next* function. The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down
 * the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @param init If value is specified, it is used as the initial value to start the accumulation.
 * The first call to the *next* function provides this value as an argument instead of an first array value.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: accumulated result, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlReduceRight: <T = any, R = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: R) => void, r: R,
    x: T, i: number, arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void, init: R) => Promise<ArrayResult<R>>;

 * Async-parallel determines whether the specified *next* function returns true for any element of an array.
 * The length of chunk to process is calculated automatically to avoid slowing down the GUI.
 * @param prl Max count of parallel operations.
 * @param arr Array.
 * @param next Called one time for each element in the array until returns a value which is coercible to the
 * Boolean value true, or until the end of the array. To stop enumeration call *stop*.
 * @returns Promise resolves *{result: true or false, success: true or false if stop enumeration}*.
export const prlSome: <T = any>(prl: number, arr: T[], next: (done: (result: boolean) => void, x: T, i: number,
    arr: T[], stop: () => void) => void) => Promise<ArrayResult<boolean>>;


MIT. Copyright (c) 2021 Vitaliy Dyukar.


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