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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 25, 2021. It is now read-only.
Garrett Berg edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the artifact wiki!

This is a guide for those who wish to help contribute to artifact. First of all, thank you for your generostity! Your time and skills is what makes open source works.

Here are some initial documentation about artifact that are useful to be familiar with:

In general, I prefer to use gitter for general coding questions, and use github for all conversations regarding the project. I prefer to have all conversation about the project be as public as possible, so that if new members are confused they search the issue threads.

Pull Requests

Pull requests should be kept short, doing only a "single thing".

In addition, once a pull request is ready it should be squashed into a single commit.

You can check that your pull request is ready by running

  • make sure there are no Warnings when compiling your code
  • just test: run unit tests on your code with cargo test
  • just fmt: format your code with cargo fmt -- --write-mode overwrite and art fmt -w
  • just lint: lint your code with rustup run nightly cargo clippy

University Project

artifact has been selected for the Senior project by students Dan Kaufman and Jack McQuown, welcome!

We will be using gitter for chatting, github for discussing, etc. Our meetings notes will be recorded at: Standup Notes

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