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Parallel program to compute the Mandelbrot set using C++ multithreading. It features both static and dynamic work allocation.

The program generates an image of the Mandelbrot set where each element of the set is assigned a color based on the thread responsible for it.

Static work allocation Dynamic work allocation
Static Dynamic

2D Heat Equation

Parallel program implemented with MPI to solve the 2D heat equation using Jacobi iterative method.

The program generates a matrix with the final temperature for each point, in the range 0-100.



  • C++
  • MPI - Message Passing Interface


Once g++ (C++ compiler) and mpic++ (MPI C++ wrapper compiler) have been installed, the application can be run from the command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd parallel-computing

# Compile the programs
$ make

# Run Mandelbrot
$ ./mbrot --num-threads <num_threads> --work-allocation <static/dynamic>

# (Example) Run Mandelbrot on 32 threads and with dynamic work allocation
$ ./mbrot --num-threads 32 --work-allocation dynamic

# Run the heat equation solver
$ mpirun -n <num_processes> -ppn <num_processes_node> ./heat --cols <num_cols> --rows <num_rows> --epsilon <epsilon> --max-iterations <num_iterations>

# (Example) Run the heat equation solver with 96 processes, 16 processes per node,
#           on a matrix with 5000 columns and rows, an epsilon of 0.001 and at most 1000 iterations
$ mpirun -n 96 -ppn 16 ./heat --cols 5000 --rows 5000 --epsilon 0.001 --max-iterations 1000