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fastner is a Python package to finetune transformer-based models for the Named Entity Recognition task in a simple and fast way.
It is based on the torch and the transformer🤗 libraries.

Main features

The last version of fastner provides:


The transformer-based models that you can use for the finetuning are:

  • Bert base uncased (bert-base-uncased)
  • DistilBert base uncased (distilbert-base-uncased)

Tagging scheme

The labels of the dataset given as input must comply with the tagging scheme:

  • IOB (Inside, Outside, Beginning), also known as BIO

Dataset scheme

The datasets given as input (train, validation, test) must have two columns named:

  • tokens: contains the tokens of the several examples
  • tags: contains the labels of the respective tokens


tokens tags
['Apple', 'CEO', 'Tim', 'Cook', 'introduces', 'the', 'new', 'iPhone'] ['B-ORG', 'O', ''B-PER', 'I-PER', 'O', 'O','O', 'O']


With pip

fastner can be installed using pip as follows:

pip install fastner

How to use it

Use fastner is very easy! All you need is a dataset that respects the format previously given. The core function is the train_test() function:


  • training_set (string or pandas DataFrame) - path of the .csv training set or the pandas.DataFrame object of the training set
  • validation_set (string or pandas DataFrame) - path of the .csv validation set or the pandas.DataFrame object of the validation set
  • test_set: default (optional, string or pandas DataFrame) - path of the .csv test set or the pandas.DataFrame object of the test set
  • model_name (string, default: 'bert-base-uncased') - name of the model to finetune (available: 'bert-base-uncased' or 'distilbert-base-uncased')
  • train_args (transformers.TrainingArguments) - arguments for the training (see hugginface documenation)
  • max_len (integer, default: 512) - input sequence length (tokenizer)
  • loss (string, default='CE') - loss function, the only one available at the moment is the 'CE' Cross Entropy
  • callbacks (optional, list of transformers callbacks) - list of transformers callbacks (see hugginface documentation)
  • device (integer, default: 0) - id of the device on which to perform the training


  • train_results (dict) - dict with training info (runtime, samples per second, steps per seconds, loss, epochs)
  • eval_results (dict) - dict with evaluation metrics on the validation set (precision, recall, f1 both overall and for the single entities, loss)
  • test_results (dict) - dict with evaluation metrics on the test set (precision, recall, f1 both overall and for the single entities, loss)
  • trainer (transofrmers.Trainer) - transformers.Trainer object used


An example of fastner in action:

from transformers import TrainingArguments, EarlyStoppingCallback
from fastner import train_test

args = TrainingArguments(
            num_train_epochs = 5,
            per_device_train_batch_size = 32,
            per_device_eval_batch_size = 8,
            output_dir= "./models",
            logging_strategy = "epoch",
            save_strategy = "epoch",
            load_best_model_at_end= True,
            metric_for_best_model = 'eval_loss')
train_results, eval_results, test_results, trainer = train_test(
						training_set = conll2003_train,
						validation_set = conll2003_val,
						train_args = args,
						callbacks= [EarlyStoppingCallback(early_stopping_patience=3)],

Work in Progress

A few spoilers about future releases:

  • New models
  • New tagging formats
  • New function that takes as input the dataset without any tagging scheme and returns it with the chosen tagging scheme