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This is an implementation of the basic idea of PickleShare Python package as netstandard2 library.

Basic idea is that:

  • Database is under some "root directory"
  • The objects are stored as files under the root directory, serialized and deserialized through JSON.Net
  • Basic concurrent access is supported through exception handling and retries (with okay throughput even with contested database)
  • The API is not async (turned out to be much faster as a synchronous version)
  • Caveat emptor. This probably still has bugs, but it's simple and short so you can fix them as you go

Typical use cases:

  • Store configuration or incremental state in command line apps. It can be tedious to implement this manually
  • Backing store for small web apps with light throughput requirements (e.g. ones you run on localhost)



Example use (see Test.cs for more):

// Root entry point is PickleShareDb instance
var db = new PickleShareDb("c:/t/.testdb");

// All data stored needs to have a type, obviously
var tt = new TestType
    Foo = "hello",
    Bar = new[] { "world", "again" }

db.Set("straightset", tt);

// basic reading is done by TryGet, which returns tuple (result, ok)

Assert.IsTrue(db.TryGet<TestType>("straightset").value.Foo == "hello");
Assert.IsTrue(db.TryGet<TestType>("doesnotexist").ok == false);

// SetByType puts the data in directory name indicated by type. E.g. this
// one will go to "TestType/13". Use this to "database up" your directory layout

db.SetByType("13", tt);

// GetByType reads it from, you guessed it, "TestType/13"
var (gotval, ok) = db.GetByType<TestType>("13");
Assert.IsTrue(gotval.Foo == "hello");

// you can have a full path in the object id. It will appear in respective place under file system
db.Set("long/path", 11);
var (r, ok2) = db.TryGet<int>("long/path");
Assert.IsTrue(r == 11);

// you can use "Keys" to get all legal keys under directory.
var keys = db.Keys("long");
Assert.IsTrue(keys.Length == 1 && keys[0] == "long/path");


Q: Why did you write this in the first place?

A: I'm using pickleshare (the python version) in tons of hand-rolled command line apps, and wanted similar experience for .net

Q: Why not use SQLITE?

A: It sucks to maintain SQL schema for simple apps. Also, this is a 7kb DLL currently with only NewtonSoft.Json as dependency

Q: Why C# instead of F#?

A: The implementation is so small that it would have looked pretty similar in F#. I'm using it in F# apps myself.

Q: No way I'm adding a new nuget dependency for this small thing!

A: That's okay. Just drop PickleShareNet.cs file to your project. Be advised that you need C# 7 at least.




Copyright (c) 2018 by Ville M. Vainio


Like PickleShare, but for dotnet







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