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Description is a fitness tracking app designed to help users monitor their workouts, track their nutrient intake, and manage their calorie consumption. The app utilizes Flutter and Flutter Bloc for state management, providing a smooth and interactive user experience.

Key Features

  • Workout Tracking: Easily track and record your workout sessions, including exercises, sets, and repetitions.
  • Nutrient Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your daily nutrient intake, with the ability to log and track your meals and snacks.
  • Calorie Management: Set personalized calorie goals and track your calorie consumption to maintain a healthy diet.
  • Insights and Recommendations: Gain valuable insights and personalized recommendations based on your input details, helping you make informed decisions about your fitness and nutrition.
  • Server Communication: Seamlessly communicate with the server to retrieve and update data, enabling real-time synchronization of information.
  • Authorization: Securely authenticate users and implement authorization protocols to protect user data and ensure privacy.


Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 Screen 4 Screen 5

Getting Started

To get started with the Fittle app, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install the necessary dependencies using Flutter package manager.
  3. Set up the required server configurations and endpoints.
  4. Build and run the app on your preferred device or emulator.


For any inquiries or feedback, please reach out to the project maintainers:


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