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Releases: vivekkdagar/pyquantify


06 Apr 18:55
Choose a tag to compare
  • Extract keywords from text data to identify important terms and phrases.
  • Export extracted keywords to a file for further analysis or visualization.
  • Calculate the 'cosine similarity' between two data sources to identify how similar or dissimilar they are.
  • Updated command descriptions for better clarity.
  • Summarization now utilize a caching mechanism for faster retrieval of previously summarized text.
  • Git is now a command instead of a flag for better clarity.


17 Mar 07:28
Choose a tag to compare
  • Updated lang detection library, it now uses langid instead of langdetect
  • This allows it to work on Windows operating system as well.


31 Jan 16:35
Choose a tag to compare

Version 1.1.1 Release Notes

New Features:

1. Sentiment Analysis

  • Introducing a new feature: Sentiment Analysis!
  • Analyze sentiment data within the application.
  • Export sentiment analysis results for further analysis.


2. Command Grouping

  • Grouped 'generate-wordcloud' and 'generate-word-frequency-chart' commands for a more streamlined user experience.

Bug Fixes:

3. Analyze Command Fix

  • Language detection is now performed using an alternative library instead of the multinomial NB model.
  • Resolves the issue where the 'analyze' command was not functioning as expected.


26 Jan 20:47
Choose a tag to compare
  • Resolved an issue preventing the "analyze" command from executing.


24 Jan 13:19
Choose a tag to compare
  • Perform semantic analysis on raw data, files, or websites using the pyquantify CLI.
  • Explore various linguistic and statistical metrics for English text.
  • Introducing the generate_freq_plot command.
  • Analyze and visualize the frequency distribution of the top 20 words in your data.
  • Option to export the frequency plot as an image file.
  • Introducing the generate_wordcloud command.
  • Generate visually appealing word clouds from your data.
  • Option to export the wordcloud as an image file.
  • Search for a specific word in the morphological table.
  • Display morphological information for the searched word.
  • Option to limit the displayed rows and export the analysis results.
  • Generate abstractive summaries of the provided text and export it as a text file