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art-cli Ash Ra Template CLI Library

License Current version cljdoc

art-cli aggregates code common to the translation and processing of Ash Ra Template build tool and command line arguments into parameters for ART's Clojure API.

This API is in flux; please don't expect to be able to rely on a stable API until the 1.0 release.

Rendering and options

art-cli offers additional rendering options and processing capability in support of CLI tooling.

External :dependencies

art-cli provides the rendering option :dependencies. In addition to the dependencies configured in the runtime, this option allows you to specify your own set of dependencies for the template evaluation environment.

For example, this is template file that uses Hiccup to output an HTMl document. It requires namespaces from the hiccup/hiccup dependency:

(require '[hiccup.core])

(def ^:const toc-headings [{:id 738 :text "Move wing assembly into place"}
                           {:id 740 :text "Connect fuel lines and hydraulics"}
                           {:id 746 :text "Attach wing assembly to fuselage"}])

(defn toc-entry [heading]
  (hiccup.core/html [:li
      {:href (str "#" (heading :id))}
      (heading :text)]]))
<(= (apply str (map toc-entry toc-headings)) )>

The template's external dependencies are specified in Leiningen-style notation with :dependencies:

(require '[])

(def batch {:templates    "src/templates/html"
            :dependencies '[[hiccup/hiccup "1.0.5"]]
            :output-dir   "www"})

( batch)

;; Or, use a convenience function to render multiple batches:
( [batch

Prior to template rendering, dependencies are resolved and added to the classpath using pomegranate. After rendering, the classpath is restored to what it was at the call site. art-cli is configured to resolve dependencies using the clojars and maven-central Maven repositories.

Caveat emptor:

  • Add differing versions of dependencies that are already loaded into the classpath at your own peril.
  • The process of restoring the classpath might not be perfect.