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Deploying to production

Vizcentric Admin edited this page Aug 7, 2019 · 1 revision


Flair BI has been designed to leverage the power of cloud computing with its ability to scale and be cost-efficient. This document takes you through various ways you can deploy the application for production use.

Deploying in Container Orchestration Platforms

It is possible to run Flair BI on container orchestration platform like Kubernetes, Amazon ECS, Docker Swarm and Amazon Fargate as all the components are dockerised. This is the recommended way of deploying Flair BI as it is built to leverage the potential of these platforms to scale on-demand, unlike typical BI tools where scalability is a manual and tedious process.

It is recommended to make use of Helm to deploy all of Flair's services and we have an opensource version of Helm Charts being worked on currently and will be available soon.

All the helm charts can be referenced in your deployment pipelines to deploy, upgrade and scale Flair Platform based on your requirements. The same holds true for Kubernetes deployed in an on-prem infrastructure.

If the plan is to use Amazon ECS, Docker Swarm and Amazon Fargate you should be able to use the respective configuration for each of these platform's to deploy and scale the application based on your needs.

Deploying in Virtual machines

An alternative way of deploying Flair BI on cloud is to use virtual machines where the application runs inside these virtual machines. It's in our roadmap to release hardened machine images on all public cloud providers so that you will be able to run the application with a minimum number of clicks.

It would be wise to integrate these machine images with Infrastructure as Code tools to make sure we will be able to manage the deployment and version control it.

In an on-prem environment, you can make use of Puppet and Chef to achieve the same outcome.


  • Please raise a feature request if you need help with deploying Flair into orchestration platforms or maybe you would like to do it some other way. We are happy to assist.
  • You can check out all the security requirements which needs to be kept in mind while deploying Flair to production