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-*- PermalinkFu -*-

This is a simple plugin extracted from Mephisto for creating permalinks from attributes.

  class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_permalink :title

This will escape the title, making it fit to use in a URL in the after_validation callback.

Use PermalinkFu.escape to escape a string manually if you like.

If you're having issues with Iconv, you can manually tweak `PermalinkFu.translation_to` and
`PermalinkFu.translation_from`. These are set to `nil` if Iconv is not loaded. You can also
manually set them to nil if you don't want to use Iconv.

[Added 3.13.2008 by Pat Nakajima] You can now add conditions to #has_permalink like so:

	class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
	  has_permalink :title, :if => { |article| article.needs_permalink? }

Use the :if or :unless options to specify a Proc, method, or string to be called or evaluated. The permalink
will only be generated if the option evaluates to true.

[Added 1.20.2009 by Marcello Barnaba] You can now safely alter the attributes from which the
permalink is generated, getting a new permalink back. The old permalink will be still valid,
and it will redirect to the new one. This is achieved by saving the old and new permalink in
a database table, and checking it with a before_filter in the controller.

One example is worth a thousand words:

  $ rake permalink_fu:setup
  Wrote Redirect model in app/models/redirect.rb
  Wrote Redirect migration as create_redirects_table_for_permalinks.rb.
  Don't forget to run `rake db:migrate`

You can tweak both the model and the migration to fit your needs, as long as you don't change
the attribute names. You can add more functionality, though. Improvements are welcome.
The redirect model default name is "Redirect", you can change it by setting the MODEL_NAME
environment variable when launching the :setup rake task.

  $ rake db:migrate
  ==  CreateRedirectsTableForPermalinks: migrating ==============================
  -- create_table(:redirects)
     -> 0.1619s
  ==  CreateRedirectsTableForPermalinks: migrated (0.1622s) =====================

Now, assuming this is your model class:

  class Business < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_permalink [:category, :title]

whenever you alter the `category` or the `title` attribute of an instance, a new `permalink` is
generated, and a Redirect instance is created, that contains the former and the current permalink.

Then, in your controller:

  class BusinessesController < ApplicationController

That method installs a before_filter that checks whether the requested `id` is an old permalink,
and redirects (302 temporary) the client to the new one. Easy as pie. See the method documentation
in rdoc for supported options, by default the filter is run only on the :show action.

Redirect instances are linked to the original model via an `has_many` association, and you can
access them using the `.redirects` method on a model instance. Redirects are also destroyed when
the associated model is destroyed as well.

WARNING: this fork of permalink_fu contains an incompatible API change with the original one:
the `_changed?` methods support was removed. Instead of adding methods on the model, I implemented
checking for changed attributes by recalculating the permalink on the current attributes, and
comparing it to the saved one. This code is in the `create_redirect_if_permalink_fields_changed`

The test suite has been updated to reflect these changes, and also to test the added functionality.
ActiveRecord mocks were heavily improved, but the ActionController functionality hasn't got any
test. By the way, the code is really trivial, and IMHO there's no need to pollute the tests even
more with ActionController mocks to test a couple of lines of code. YMMV, though.

Thu Jan 29 13:24:20 CET 2009


ActiveRecord plugin for automatically converting fields to permalinks.






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