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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

What is this repository for?

To read a large file and solve following questions:

Write a program that will print out the total number of lines in the file. Notice that the 8th column contains a person’s name. Write a program that loads in this data and creates an array with all name strings. Print out the 432nd and 43243rd names. Notice that the 5th column contains a form of date. Count how many donations occurred in each month and print out the results. Notice that the 8th column contains a person’s name. Create an array with each first name. Identify the most common first name in the data and how many times it occurs.

How do I run the example?

  1. Here we have not pushed the real 4GB file named "itcont.txt" -- This file can be downloaded from ​
  2. Instead we pust dataFile.txt which is like a sample file
  3. To run the Project either run the test class ProcessFileTest or you can run Java main class ProcessFile

Couple of useful things to checkout:

  1. To test System.out.println try as follows:

private static final ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() private static final PrintStream originalStream = System.out;

@BeforeAll public static void setUp() { System.setOut(new PrintStream(outStream)); }

@AfterAll public static void cleanUp() { System.setOut(originalStream); }

  1. To mock final class-- add a file org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker under src/test/resources with an entry "mock-maker-inline". Then mock classes as usual


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