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Translate Channel (Automatic)

vkedwardli edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Auto Translate Channels/Users

Automatically translates any new messages in channel and forwards them to you. 
Admins/mods can set forwarding to other channels or users in server.
Messages in forwarded channels will also be sent back to origin*.


- !t channel
- !t channel to [lang] from [lang] for [me/@/#]
- !t stop for [me/@/#]


- to [lang] - defaults to server default language
- from [lang] -  language to translate from
- for [me/@/#] - defaults to "me", admins can use mentions


- !t channel to english from chinese
- !t channel to en from de for #englishChannel
- !t channel to de from en for @steve
- !t channel to en from ru for #ch1, #ch2, #usr1

Translated messages that are forwarded to users include a special id for replying. Simply copy the code and paste into DM window before your message to send a response, - example: XX123: your message here.";

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