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Adds convenience when using ValidatedExtension and EasyInject


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ValidatedInjectAdditions adds some convenience methods for projects that are using EasyInject and ValidatedExtension.


EasyInject is a Swift only project and supports Swift Package Manager, Carthage and CocoaPods.

Swift Package Manager

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YourPackage",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 6),
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 3, minor: 0),
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 2)


github "vknabel/EasyInject"
github "vknabel/ValidatedExtension"
github "vknabel/ValidatedInjectAdditions" ~> 0.2


source ''

pod 'EasyInject'
pod 'ValidatedExtension'
pod 'ValidatedInjectAdditions', '~> 0.2'


This code snippet is built on top of (EasyInject)[]'s example.

import EasyInject
import ValidatedExtension
import ValidatedInjectAdditions

// Define your a Validator as known from ValidatedExtension
struct NetworkServiceInjectorValidator: Validator {
    typealias WrappedType = AnyInjector<String>
    static func validate(_ value: AnyInjector<String>) throws -> Bool {
        let base = try value.resolving(from: .baseUrl)
        return URL(string: base)
            .flatMap({ _ in true })
            ?? false

// Add properties to Validated<NetworkServiceInjectorValidator>
extension ValidatedType where ValidatorType == NetworkServiceInjectorValidator {
    var baseUrl: String {
        return try! value.resolving(from: .baseUrl)

final class NetworkService: Providable, ValidatedDependency {
    // Declare your dependency
    typealias DependencyValidator = NetworkServiceInjectorValidator

    let baseUrl: String
    init<VT : ValidatedType where VT.ValidatorType == DependencyValidator>(validated dependencies: VT) {
        // Just focus on setting thing up 
        baseUrl = dependencies.baseUrl

var injector = LazyInjector<String>().globalize().erase()
injector.provide(for: .baseUrl, usingFactory: { _ in "https://my.base.url/" })

// this will throw an error if .baseUrl is missing
// Otherwise initializes NetworkService
let networkService = try NetworkService(injector: &injector)


Valentin Knabel,


ValidatedInjectAdditions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.