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GitHubActions Status Go Report Card

The imagebot service is designed to update k8s services via CD/CI pipeline. The CD/CI pipeline may be based on GitHub Action where one of the action will call this service to request update of the image on k8s infrastructure.

To do that we need few pieces:

  • add secrets into your GitHub repository
  • setup service on your k8s infrastructure
  • configure imagebot with allowed set of namespaces, repositories and services

Required secrets

In order to enabled CD/CI pipeline for your github repository and allow imagebot to update images on k8s infrastructure please create appropriate GitHub secrets in your github repository:

  • IMAGEBOT_URL represents URL of imagebot service
  • SERVICE_NAMESPACE refers to application namespace
  • DOCKER_IMAGE referts to docker hub image name

Please note: your namespace should be part of imagebot configuration

imagebot configuration

The configuration of the service should include

# secret represents imagebot secret used for token creation/encryption
# tokenInterval setups validity interval in seconds for generated token
# namespaces lists allowed namespaces
# services lists allowed services
# repository lists allowed repositories
# please note: namespaces/services/repositories list represent triplets
    "port": 8111,
    "base": "",
    "namespaces": ["ns1", "ns2"],
    "services": ["srv1", "srv2"],
    "images": ["repo1/srv1", "repo2/srv2"],
    "secret": "bla-bla-bla",
    "tokenInverval": 600,
    "verbose": 1

For the full set of allowed parameters please see server.go code.

Testing procedure

To test the service please run it as following:

imagebot -config config.json

and place two requests:

# first request to obtain the token
curl -v -X POST -H "content-type: application/json" \
    -d '{"commit":"dad51084ea82ab2f6f573b6daa464ed0d7c23a1d", "namespace": "http", \
         "repository": "vkuznet/httpgo", "tag":"00.00.01", "image": "httpgo:123", \
         "service":"httpgo"}' http://localhost:8111/token

# second request to process workflow
curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "content-type: application/json" \
    -d '{"commit":"dad51084ea82ab2f6f573b6daa464ed0d7c23a1d", "namespace": "http", \
         "repository": "vkuznet/httpgo", "tag":"00.00.01", "image": "httpgo:123", \
         "service":"httpgo"}' http://localhost:8111

repository settings

GitHub package should have the following workflow steps:

# some workflow organization
name: Create issue on commit
- push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    ####### ADD THIS STEP to your GitHubAction workflow
    # and replace NAMESPACE, SERVICE, IMAGE with appropriate values
    - name: Push new image to k8s
      run: |
        curl -ksLO
        sed -i -e "s,COMMIT,${{github.sha}},g" -e "s,REPOSITORY,${{github.repository}},g" -e "s,NAMESPACE,http,g" -e "s,TAG,${{steps.get-ref.outputs.tag}},g" -e "s,IMAGE,cmssw/httpgo,g" -e "s,SERVICE,httpgo,g" -e "s,HOST,${{secrets.IMAGEBOT_URL}},g"
        chmod +x
        sh ./