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vladfolts edited this page Mar 15, 2014 · 1 revision

A new basic type STRING is introduced because oberon has nothing to deal with strings of arbitrary length. Any possible library solution will have a lot of syntax noise and have no chance to optimize trivial string operations. Oberon is not C++ with all these complex things (like operator overloading etc.) which make library solution viable so it is simplier to just support a new basic type on compiler level.


STRING is a basic type. It represents a sequence of characters of any length (including zero - empty string). STRING is very similar to ARRAY OF CHAR:

  • STRING can be indexed [] as CHAR
  • predefined procedure LEN returns the length of STRING
  • STRING can be compared
  • STRING can be assigned from string literal
  • STRING can be passed as open non-VAR ARRAY OF CHAR

But also there are differences:

  • STRING content is read-only, it never modified
  • ARRAY OF CHAR cannot be assigned to STRING or passed as STRING
  • STRING can be returned as a result of procedure

STRING supports concatenation through '+' operator. Also '+' is supported for string literals:


CONST constString = 22X + "abc" + 22X;
s := s + constString + s;

STRING default value is empty string - "". STRING cannot be NIL.

All special cases described in original Wirth report regarding to ARRAY OF CHAR (comparing to other array types) seem not actual after introducing a separate type STRING to support strings but they are left as is in Eberon to maintain compatibility with original oberon.