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Folders and files

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Skeleton for F3 based PHP projects. Goal of the project is to provide sane defaults for PHP projects.


Project tries to utilize best practices of modern PHP web development:

  • Based on excellent Fat Free Framework
    • Caching, templating, routing and other goodies courtesy of Fat Free Framework
  • Deployment using deployer
  • Composer for dependencies management
  • Support for generating documentation using phpdoc
  • JavaScript dependencies management using Browserify
  • Support for running tasks using Grunt
    • Image optimization
    • JavaScript and CSS minimization
    • LESS compilation
  • PHP Debug bar support
  • Minimalistic database ORM using Idiorm
  • Multilingual from get go
  • Sane security settings
  • Easy to extend using plugins

Project structure

  • app - application logic
    • controllers - controller logic
    • dict - language files
    • models - database logic
    • plugins - plugins that can be used to extend functionality
    • views - templates
  • logs - application logs
  • node_modules - npm installation location
  • public - this folder needs to be exposed to web access
    • css - Minified and optimized CSS files
      • source - LESS source files
    • js - Optimized JavaScript files
      • source - JavaScript source files before processing by browserify
    • uploads - uploads folder (if your application needs an upload storage)
    • images - Optimized image files
      • source - Original image files
  • index.php - main application file (routing etc)
  • tmp - Temp files
    • cache - Cache files if file caching backend is used
  • vendor - composer files installation location
  • composer.json - Composer dependency file
  • config.ini - Web application config file (turn caching on/off, set language etc)
  • deploy.php - Deployment script
  • Gruntfile.js - Grunt configuration script
  • License - self explanatory
  • package.json - npm dependency file
  • - this file


Installing is simple and really straight forward (all commands should be performed in project's root directory):

  • run composer update to install all needed PHP dependencies
  • Configure application settings in config.ini
  • run cp -rpv vendor/maximebf/ public/vendor/ to get phpdebugbar working
  • Make sure tmp and tmp/cache folders is writable by httpd user
  • Run npm install to get all the npm based dependencies installed
  • Run grunt watch during development (autocompiling js and css)
  • Run grunt before deployment to optimize images and other time consuming tasks not ran by grunt watch
  • Edit deployment script
  • Deploy using ./vendor/bin/dep deploy


It's a small project, but if you want to contribute please do by submitting pull requests and reporting issues :)


Skeleton for F3 based PHP projects







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