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Action that will make github repo that contains a (more? versioned?) RO-Crate metadata-json into a proper machine accessible ROCrate including a ro-crate-preview.html using our widget these typically get published as subfolders of the root


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Repository files navigation


This is a gh-action to generate a GitHub Pages site from a github repo containing a RO-Crate.


Overview of the action



Construct a config.yml file using the flowchart below. The config.yml file should be in the root of the repo.


action part

- name: RO-Crate to Pages
    - ro-crate-to-pages@v1
        config: .config.yml

full workflow example

full yml example of a workflow file that will run the action on push

name: RO-Crate to Pages
      - main
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        - name: Checkout
          uses: actions/checkout@v3
        - name: RO-Crate to Pages
          uses: vliz-be-opsci/rocrate-to-pages@latest
            config: .config.yml
        # Deploy to GH-Pages branch
        - name: Deploy
          uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
            github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
            publish_dir: ./unicornpages

Example config.yml

example config.yml explanation

  • multiple_rocrates: if true, the action will look for multiple rocrates in the repo, and generate a page for each of them. If false, it will only look for one rocrate in the repo, and generate a page for that one.

  • RELEASE_management: if true, the action will look for a release, and generate a page for that release. If false, it will generate a page for the latest commit on the main branch.

  • RELEASE_verioning: if RELEASE_management is true, this will determine how the action will look for the release. If tag, it will look for the latest release by tag. If release, it will look for the latest release by release.

  • INCLUDE_draft: if RELEASE_management is true, this will determine if the action will include the draft release. If true, it will include the draft release. If false, it will not include the draft release.

  • index_html: if true, the action will generate an index.html file for each rocrate. If false, it will not generate an index.html file for each rocrate.

  • draft_folder_name: if RELEASE_management is true, and INCLUDE_draft is true, this will determine the name of the folder for the draft release. If draft, the folder will be named draft. If draft_release, the folder will be named draft_release.

  • theme: if filled in this will be the theme used for the generated pages. If not filled in, the default theme will be used. Currently available themes:

!important note: multiple_rocrates and RELEASE_management are mutually exclusive. If multiple_rocrates is true, RELEASE_management will be ignored.!

config.yml examples

config.yml example 1

  1. multiple_rocrates: false
  2. RELEASE_management: true
  3. RELEASE_versioning: tag
  4. INCLUDE_draft: true
  5. index_html: true
  6. draft_folder_name: draft
  7. theme: dark
# config.yml
multiple_rocrates: false
RELEASE_management: true
RELEASE_versioning: tag #by major tag or by release
INCLUDE_draft: true #include draft release which is the latest commit on the main branch 
index_html: true #generate an index.html file for each rocrate
draft_folder_name: draft #name of the folder for the draft release
theme: dark #theme used for the generated pages

config.yml example 2

  1. multiple_rocrates: true
  2. RELEASE_management: false
  3. index_html: false
# config.yml
multiple_rocrates: true
RELEASE_management: false
index_html: false


The action will generate documents for the gh-pages branch. Depending on the configuration, the action will generate a page for each rocrate in the repo, or a page for the latest release.

Outputs example

Outputs example 1

  1. multiple_rocrates: false
  2. RELEASE_management: true
  3. RELEASE_verioning: tag
  4. INCLUDE_draft: true
  5. index_html: true
# outputs
gh-pages (branch)
    - 0.1 (folder)
        - index.html
        - ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
        - ro-crate-preview.html
        - all_folders_and_files_in_repo
    - 0.2 (folder)
        - index.html
        - ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
        - ro-crate-preview.html
        - all_folders_and_files_in_repo
    - draft (folder)
        - index.html
        - ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
        - ro-crate-preview.html
        - all_folders_and_files_in_repo
    - index.html

Outputs example 2

  1. multiple_rocrates: true
  2. RELEASE_management: false
  3. index_html: false
# outputs
gh-pages (branch)
    - rocrate1 (folder)
        - index.html
        - ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
        - ro-crate-preview.html
        - all_folders_and_files_in_repo
    - rocrate2 (folder)
        - index.html
        - ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
        - ro-crate-preview.html
        - all_folders_and_files_in_repo
    - rocrate3 (folder)
        - index.html
        - ro-crate-metadata.jsonld
        - ro-crate-preview.html
        - all_folders_and_files_in_repo


The action and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License


Action that will make github repo that contains a (more? versioned?) RO-Crate metadata-json into a proper machine accessible ROCrate including a ro-crate-preview.html using our widget these typically get published as subfolders of the root








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