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Removes stale entries from .gradle folder to make CI caching better


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This utility:

  • Removes the stale files from .gradle folder to make CI caching better
  • Removes the corrupted files from .gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1 (see gradle/gradle#14774)

Cleanup Gradle Cache

Makes your builds faster, reduces CI cache usage, and protects you from cache corruptions

Note: it is recommended to make buildSrc.jar reproducible if you use buildSrc otherwise Gradle would produce slightly different buildSrc.jar every time and it might trigger CI cache invalidate and upload:


allprojects {
    tasks.withType<AbstractArchiveTask>().configureEach {
        // Ensure builds are reproducible
        isPreserveFileTimestamps = false
        isReproducibleFileOrder = true
        dirMode = "775".toInt(8)
        fileMode = "664".toInt(8)

Why should I use it?

The motivation to build the tool was cache corruption for pgjdbc and Apache Calcite projects at Travis CI. Of course, the corruption is not often, however, it is annoying to clean the cache manually every time.

Here's a sample from pgjdbc analysis: gradle/gradle#14774 (comment)

If you see the following error in your build logs, then you are likely hit by this error:

> Task :...:compileJava
error: error reading /home/travis/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/....jar; error in opening zip file

You might detect broken archives if you use checksum-dependency-plugin or Gradle Dependency Verification feature.

Recommended configuration for Travis CI


    - $HOME/.gradle/caches/
    - $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/
  - F=CleanupGradleCache sh -x -c 'curl -O$ && javac -J-Xmx128m $ && java -Xmx128m $F'

Why Travis recommendations are not enough?

Travis documentation suggests the following configuration:

  - rm -f  $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
  - rm -fr $HOME/.gradle/caches/*/plugin-resolution/
    - $HOME/.gradle/caches/
    - $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/

This configuration contains major drawbacks:

  • .gradle/wrapper/... contains both Gradle distribution and archive is needed only for unpacking the distribution, however, Gradle does not remove .zip file later.

  • By default, Gradle keeps old distributions just in case the developer would build a project with a different Gradle version.

    CI server does not need more than one Gradle version, so all the old ones can be removed as soon as the version in is updated.

    See gradle/gradle#7018

  • .gradle/caches folder contains user-id.txt and user-id.txt.lock which are recreated by Gradle.

  • plugin-resolution seems to be related to an old Gradle version, and the folder no longer exists in the current Gradle versions.

What does cleanup-gradle-cache do?

  • Removes journal-1.lock, modules-2.lock, user-id.txt, and user-id.txt.lock files from $HOME/.gradle/caches/...

  • Removes all the Gradle distribution .zip files from $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/dists/...

  • Removes outdated Gradle distributions from $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/dists/... (it keeps only the currently listed in version)

  • Removes caches for all the outdated Gradle versions from $HOME/.gradle/caches/... (it keeps only the currently listed in version)

  • Removes unzipped distributiosn from $HOME/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1 (it might contain .../unzipped-distribution/...)

  • Verifies checksums for files stored in $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1 (see gradle/gradle#14774)

    Gradle caches remote artifacts in .gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1, and the cache might corrupt (e.g. files might become truncated) if Gradle process terminates unexpectedly. That results in broken jar in the cache, and Gradle can't heal that on its own yet.

    cleanup-gradle-cache verifies checksums for all the files in .gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1, and it removes broken files, so broken files are no longer cached.

Command-line options

The following options are supported

Usage: java CleanupGradleCache [options]
  --verbose           (default: false) print verbose output
  --dry-run           (default: false) run as usual, however, avoid file removals
  --keep-old-versions (default: false) keep old Gradle distributions (by default, 
                                       all are removed except the version in wrapper)
  --keep-lock-files   (default: false) keep journal-1.lock and modules-2.lock files
  --keep-user-id      (default: false) keep user-id.txt and user-id.txt.lock files
  --keep-unzipped-distributions (default: false) keep transforms-2/.../unzipped-distributions
  --verify-checksums  (default: true) verify checksums for files in caches/modules-2/files-2.1

Why Java?

Well, initially I tried to implement the script with find + xargs as follows, however, the list of avaliable options differs between BSD and non-BSD utilities, so it turned out Java-based implementation is easier to test across different platforms.

echo Collecting files to verify
find ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1 -type f -print |
  awk -F '/' '$(NF-1) ~ /^[0-9a-f]+$/ { print sprintf("%040s", $(NF-1))" *"$0 }' > checksum.txt

echo Verifying checksums
# rev | cut | rev  cuts ': FAILURE' from the end of the string
shasum -c checksum.txt | grep -v ': OK' | rev | cut -c9- | rev > badfiles.txt

echo Removing invalid files
cat badfiles.txt | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm -v


Apache License 2.0

Change log


  • Wait for the checksums to be computed for 120sec


  • Initial release


Vladimir Sitnikov


Removes stale entries from .gradle folder to make CI caching better







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