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Repository files navigation


import {Router} from 'spine-router';

import {bundleLoader} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/bundleLoader.js';
import {resourceLoader} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/resourceLoader.js';
import {applicationLoader} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/applicationLoader.js';
import {basicLayout} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/basicLayout.js';
import {basicRender} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/basicRender.js';

let router = new Router({
    routes: {
        'user[/:login]': 'user',
        'page:/:id': 'page',
        '': 'home'

Routing system for SPA. This router is based on Backbone.Router and works like wrapper on it. Works great with marionette.js.

How it works

You can extend router by adding middlewares to it similar to connect. Each middleware will be consequentially executed according to labels. Each middleware can be labeled (optionally). Labels can be as follows:

  • When route is adding to router.
  • When route is changing.
  • When router caches error in any of middlewares above.

You can add function to chain as follows:

var middlewareFactory = function () {
    return function (event) {
        // middleware logic, function will be called for ALL labels


If you need specific labels:

var middlewareFactory = function () {
    return [{
        label: MATCHED_LABEL,
        handler: function (event) {
            // middleware logic, function will be called for MATCHED_LABEL only
    }, {
        label: REGISTERED_LABEL,
        handler: function (event) {
            // middleware logic, function will be called for REGISTERED_LABEL only
    }, {
        label: ERROR_LABEL,
        handler: function (event, errObj) {
            // middleware logic, function will be called for ERROR_LABEL only


Context of function is router instance itself. Middleware functions are not required to return anything. If function returns value other than false or Promise, it will be ignored.

To break middleware chain you need to return rejected Promise. In this case chain labeled as ERROR_LABEL will be executed with corresponding error. If you need to break chain silently, you can return false as middleware result.

Router event object

In each middleware you will receive event object. This object works as mediator between middlewares and can be extended. It will be passed as first argument to middleware function.

Event object properties:

Name Description
name Route name
label Event label, when middleware was called `"matched
route Route template "test/:id/:name"
routeParams Hash object with route properties
routeParams.paramNames Array with parameter names ["id", "name"]. Will be available at route registration
routeParams.urlTemplate Route template ("test/:id/:name"). Will be available at route registration
routeParams.params Hash with actual route parameters (parsed). Will be available at route match
bundles (optional) Loaded bundles. Result of work of bundleLoader middleware
resources (optional) Loaded resources. Result of work of resourcesLoader middleware
views (optional) Loaded view. Result of work of basicLayout middleware

Basic middlewares description

routeParamsFactory (cannot be disabled, works as default)

This middleware is parsing route and extracts its params. After each route match params will be updated accordingly. For example, for route template test/:id/:name and route test/1/hi params will be following:

routeParams: {
    paramNames: ['id', 'name'],
    urlTemplate: 'test/:id/:name',
    params: {
        id: '1',
        name: 'hi'

reverseFactory (cannot be disabled, works as default)

Extends router adding to it methods:

  • reverse reverses back router by specifying route name and its params
  • buildUrl builds url by specifying url and query (will be encoded) test?param=one
  • buildQuery builds query by specifying query hash object (will be encoded) param=one


Loads bundles, works with Webpack

import {bundleLoader} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/bundleLoader.js';

    // BaseLayout, HomeLayout, etc. will be found in the folder `views`
    Layout: require.context('bundle!./views/', true, /Layout.js$/),
    // BaseApplication, HomeApplication, etc. will be found in the folder `application`
    Application: require.context('bundle!./applications/', true, /Application.js$/)

For each route the following will be done:

  1. Name will be transformed to CamelCase: home -> Home, user:page -> UserPage
  2. To this name bundle prefix will be added: Layout -> HomeLayout, UserPageLayout
  3. Search for file with the result name: home -> ./views/home/HomeLayout.js, user:page -> ./views/user/page/or/some/another/long/path/UserPageLayout.js
  4. Load bundles
  5. Bundles will be available at event.bundles[resourceName]

If bundle cannot be found, it will just be ignored without throwing an error


Loads resourses and puts it to event.resources. What and how to load can be described in provider property. In this provider property should be defined functions that are returning ES6 promises.

import {resourceLoader} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/resourceLoader.js';

let resources = {

     * @returns {Promise<User>}
    user(event) {
        return User.fetchCurrentUser();
     * @returns {Promise<i18next>}
    translate(event) {
        return translate.init();
    homeApplication(event) {


    provider: resources,
    mappings: {
        // Loads for each route
        defaults: ['user', 'translate'], 
        // Only for route with name `home`
        home: {
            model: 'homeApplication' 
        // You can pass array, returns hash {homeApplication: *}
        user: ['homeApplication']


Builds application through factory. Factory will be expected in event.bundles[applicationBundle].factory. Result will be put in event.resources[resourceKey]. Factory will receive event object as first argument.

bundleLoader middleware required in order to work.

import {applicationLoader} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/applicationLoader.js';


// or

    applicationBundle: 'Application', // default
    resourcesKey: 'model' // default


Creates Layout from event.bundles[layoutBundle] with parameters from event.resources. Puts result in event.views[layoutName].

bundleLoader and resourceLoader or applicationLoader middlewares required in order to work.

import {basicLayout} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/basicLayout.js';

// or
    layoutBundle: 'Layout',  // default
    layoutName: 'layout'  // default


Inserts view to region

basicLayout middleware required in order to work.

import {basicRender} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/basicRender.js';

    region: new Marionette.Region({el: '#content'}),
    layoutName: 'layout' // default


Caches errors and logs to console

import {defaultErrorHandler} from 'spine-router/src/middlewares/defaultErrorHandler.js';


ES5 version

ES5 version (minified too) can be found at the folder dist. Requires dependencies from jquery, lodash, backbone.


Routing system for SPA






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