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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 6, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Build procedure: qmake-qt4 && make stub && make
Debian package generation: fakeroot make debs
Windows installer generation: make nsis
VC++ build: qmake -t vcapp + omniORB path fixes (see oo README)

Available documentation:

- Requirement specification: doc/spec.pdf (make -C doc spec.pdf)
- System design: doc/rendszerterv.pdf (make -C doc rendszerterv.pdf)
- API documentation: doc/devel.pdf (sh
- Installation documentation: doc/install.pdf (make -C doc install.pdf)
- User documentation: doc/user.pdf (make -C doc user.pdf)

To build a release zip which contains all documentation, source code and
binaries: make release.