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Code for 'Region Segmentation via Deep Learning and Convex Optimization' paper.

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Region Segmentation via Deep Learning and Convex Optimization

This repository contains

  • an implementation of a classical algorithm for segmenting surfaces in point clouds, called Region Growing Segmentation (RGS). It is based on RGS
  • a deep learning pipeline for segmenting faces in 3D point clouds


Create a virtual environment "venv_deepseg" with all required dependencies as follows:

  • Clone this repository
  • Use a shell to execute following commands:
    • cd deepsegmentation
    • conda create -y -n venv_deepseg python=3.6.8 anaconda
    • conda activate venv_deepseg
    • sh requirements.txt

Getting familiar with the folder structure

  • Root folder:
    • Contains all available jupyter notebooks
    • Contains shared functions
    • Contains configuration files:
      • config.json: Base file for network configuration
      • Dictionary to adjust the generated point clouds
  • Classic_RGS: Contains all program code that is only linked with the RGS algorithm. Also input and output files related to RGS are stored here. Note: The point cloud generator is not configured to store its output in this folder. Point clouds need to be manually shifted to the input folder.
  • data: Contains program code for the point cloud and patch datasets. Contains all data that is linked with the deep learning pipeline.
    • input_data: When a dataset is generated, data is automatically stored here
    • network_data: Configuration files and network configurations are stored here during training
    • output_data: Plots during training, testing results and prediction results are stored here.
    • temp_data: Temporary data is stored here and continuously overwritten. Used e.g. when running the voxelization notebook.
    • tensor_board_logs: Not used.
  • Network: Contains program files linked to the deep learning pipeline: Preprocessing, Network, Postprocessing
  • PolyhedronGenerator: Contains the program code for the polyhedron generator.
  • utils: Contains utility program code

Getting started

  • Region Growing Segmentation:
    • Open the Jupyter notebook "Classic_RegionGrowingSegmentation".
    • Make sure that the input path is correctly set.
    • After running the notebook, find the files in the specified output path.
  • Deep Learning Pipeline:
    • You can evaluate existing models via the notebooks "Predict" or "Evaluate". The difference is, that Evaluate has access to the ground truth data and returns more information.
    • You can train a new or existing model using the notebook "Training".
      • By setting an experiment name, it is assured that results are separated from other configurations.
      • To overwrite an existing experiment, uncomment the 'delete' line.
      • To continue training an existing experiment, uncomment the 'create_retrain_experiment' line. Make sure that the 'delete line' is commented.
    • Datasets will automatically be created in these notebooks, if not available. Make sure that "" is set as intended.
    • All results are stored in data/output_data
    • After training is finished, you can call the notebook "Read_Training_Results" which will display results on the validation set and automatically generate an html version for archiving.
  • Independent notebooks:
    • Notebook "PolyhedronGenerator": You can use this to try the polyhedron generator. Data will be stored in data/temp_data
    • Notebook "Voxelization": You can observe how the patches in a point cloud look and how a patch looks compared to its voxelized version. Data will be stored in data/temp_data


The following requirements are all satisfied via the installation procedure given above.

  • Python 3.6.8
  • Pytorch 1.1.0
  • numpy 1.15.4
  • numba 0.43.1
  • plotly 3.10.0
  • matplotlib 3.0.2
  • scikit-learn 0.21.2
  • scipy 1.3.0
  • tensorboard 1.14.0
  • tensorboardx 1.7
  • jupyter 1.0.0
  • python-constraint 1.4.0
  • cvxpy 1.0.24


Code for 'Region Segmentation via Deep Learning and Convex Optimization' paper.






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