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Tanzu Observability Demo Application

This project is a polyglot demo application with several services to show you how to send your data and view the data on Tanzu Observability.


To view data in Tanzu Observability by Wavefront, you need:

  • A Tanzu Observability account. If you don't have an account, register for the free trial.
  • Get the API token and the URL of your instance. For more information, see Managing API Tokens.

Send Data

You can:

  • Deploy with helm or kubectl using the preconfigured containers on
  • You can also build, package and push to your registry and deploy from there.

Deploy with Helm


You need an environment configured to run Kubernetes. See Install Tools on the Kubernetes Documentation for details.

Configure and Run the Application

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd demo-app/deploy/helm
  2. Edit values.yaml to match your environment:

    vi values.yaml
  3. Enter the API Token and URL of your instance:

  4. Optionally, to send logs to Tanzu Observability with fluentd, update values.yaml and set logs to true:

      enabled: true
  5. Install with Helm:

    helm install tacocat-demo .
  6. Verify that the pods are running.


    k get pods -n  tanzu-observability-demo
    ~/l/d/d/helm ❯❯❯ k get pods -n  tanzu-observability-demo
    NAME                                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    delivery-blue-764995948c-7g6vn                             1/1     Running   0          14m
    delivery-green-867f978c5f-gftdt                            1/1     Running   0          13m
    inventory-blue-b86c59d8d-sv2gg                             1/1     Running   0          13m
    inventory-green-85679dc4c6-lrhd5                           1/1     Running   0          13m
    loadgen-65676c865b-hkffn                                   1/1     Running   0          12m
    notification-blue-5668c6df94-cpvlm                         1/1     Running   0          13m
    notification-green-76895b75d6-tqr84                        1/1     Running   0          14m
    packaging-blue-5775f7c86f-tccsc                            1/1     Running   0          14m
    packaging-green-7cb5644df7-f766l                           1/1     Running   0          14m
    payments-blue-7486b5bd59-8rggp                             1/1     Running   0          14m
    payments-green-5bdf5869bc-447xf                            1/1     Running   0          14m
    printing-blue-9fb48997d-bwsqx                              1/1     Running   0          14m
    printing-green-7f66cd9bfd-npglt                            1/1     Running   0          14m
    shopping-blue-68b89984fd-x52bg                             1/1     Running   0          13m
    shopping-green-666dcc6966-lgmrp                            1/1     Running   0          14m
    styling-blue-64dbc49f5b-2wrg4                              1/1     Running   0          14m
    styling-green-75789ddc76-k77nx                             1/1     Running   0          14m
    tanzu-observability-demo-wavefront-proxy-65c544fdd-6959p   1/1     Running   0          14m
    warehouse-blue-6cb8f5c988-ltpgv                            1/1     Running   0          14m
    warehouse-green-5b65b7d764-z8g6n                           1/1     Running   0          14m

Build and Run the Application

You can build the application and run it locally on your machine or on Docker.


  • Bash or zsh
  • envsubst

Configure the Application

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
cd demo-app
  1. Configure deploy/src/ with your settings:
export K8S_NAMESPACE=tacocat
export K8S_APPLICATION=tacocat
export K8S_CLUSTER=cluster1
export K8S_LOCATION=americas
export WF_PROXY_HOST=${K8S_NAMESPACE}-wavefront-proxy  
  • The variables in are used to configure values for the yaml files.
  • K8S_REPOSITORY is the repository URL for container images. The repository URL needs to be specified for the deployment to properly download the images.
  • If you use the value that is already defined for K8S_REPOSITORY, skip the build and package steps. If running locally with docker-compose, you do not need the K8S_REPOSITORY settings:
export WF_PROXY_HOST=wavefront-proxy
  1. Generate the YAML files.
cd deploy/src
  • creates the 01-app-config-*.yaml files and runs which uses envsubst and to configure all of the *yaml files.
  • You must run this step before building the images as it also creates applicationTag.yaml files used by the services.*.


Build the Java services from the root folder:

mvn clean package

The .Net service (Payments) and the Golang service (inventory) are built when creating the docker container in the Package step.


Note: This step pushes data to the registry defined in K8S_REPOSITORY.

To run locally with docker-compose, K8S_REPOSITORY should be undefined or empty.

Create docker images and push them to the registry (if K8S_REPOSITORY is set).

cd ../images-k8s 


You can deploy they application using docker-compose or kubectl.

Deploy with docker-compose
  1. Navigate to the docker-compose directory.
    cd deploy/docker-compose
  2. Edit docker-compose.yaml and update the WAVEFRONT PROXY settings:
        container_name: wavefront-proxy
          - WAVEFRONT_URL=https://[YOUR TENANT]
  3. Deploy the application.
    1. Deploy using local containers:
      docker-compose up -d
    2. Or deploy using hosted containers:
      export export; docker-compose  up -d
  4. Verify that the containers are running:
    ~/l/d/d/docker-compose ❯❯❯ docker-compose ps
                                                                                                              ✘ 130 
              Name                        Command               State                         Ports                       
    delivery                   java -jar /delivery.jar -- ...   Up                                                        
    docker-compose_loadgen_1   java -jar /loadgen.jar sho ...   Up                                                        
    inventory                  /inventory /conf/inventory ...   Up                                                        
    notfication                java -jar /notification.ja ...   Up                                                        
    packaging                  java -jar /packaging.jar / ...   Up                                                        
    payments                   dotnet run --no-build -p / ...   Up                                                        
    printing                   java -jar /printing.jar /c ...   Up                                                        
    shopping                   java -jar /shopping.jar se ...   Up>50050/tcp,>50150/tcp
    styling                    java -jar /styling.jar ser ...   Up                                                        
    warehouse                  python3 runserve ...   Up                                                        
    wavefront-proxy            /bin/bash /opt/wavefront/w ...   Up      2878/tcp, 3878/tcp, 4242/tcp  ```
Deploy With kubectl
  • The yaml files are split into deploy, namespace, and services folders.
  • With this folder structure, you can redeploy the apps in the deploy folder without changing the Kubernetes service or namespace.

Follow these steps:

  1. Deploy the namespace first:
    kubectl apply -f namespace/
  2. Deploy the Wavefront proxy and shopping service:
    kubectl apply -f services/
  3. Deploy the app:
    kubectl apply -f . 
  4. To redeploy (but not delete the namespace or service):
    kubectl delete -f . 
    kubectl apply -f . 

View Data

Once the data is sent, you can:

  • Create charts and dashboards to monitor data.
  • Create alerts and get notified when the system notices data anomalies.
  • Get an overview of how the applications and services are linked using the Application Map.
  • Explore the context and the details of your application’s traces using the Traces Browser.
  • See the logs and find the root cause of issues using the Logs Browser.

See our documentation for details.

Getting Support

Please let us know how we can improve!

If you have problems with this application, let us know by creating a GitHub issue.