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Firehose Nozzle

A minimal example for connecting to Cloud Foundry's Loggregator system.


This code uses Glide for dependency management. After you install Glide, run glide install to install the Firehose Nozzle dependencies. After that, a go install should build and install the firehose-nozzle executable.

Ensure that you have installed firehose-nozzle using go get, this will put the dependent packages in the right place.

There are two options for creating credentials that can talk to the API:

  • UAA API user account (choose this route unless you have a reason not to)
  • UAA Client

Option 1: UAA API User Account

Create a UAA user with access to the Firehose and Cloud Controller:

  • Install the UAA CLI, uaac.
gem install cf-uaac
  • Use the uaac target uaa.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN command to target your UAA server.
uaac target
  • Record the uaa:admin:client_secret from either

    • The cf deployment manifest or
    • The Ops Manager UI, click on Pivotal Elastic Runtime tile, go to credentials tab, UAA -> Admin Client Credentials
  • Authenticate to UAA using the client_secret from the previous step

uaac token client get admin -s ADMIN-CLIENT-SECRET
  • Create a Nozzle user for your app with the password of your choosing.
uaac -t user add my-firehose-nozzle-user --password PASSWORD --emails na
  • Add the user to the Cloud Controller Admin Read-Only group.
uaac -t member add cloud_controller.admin_read_only my-firehose-nozzle-user
  • Add the user to the Doppler Firehose group.
uaac -t member add doppler.firehose my-firehose-nozzle-user

Option 2: UAA Client

Create a UAA client with access to the Firehose and Cloud Controller:

  • Install the UAA CLI, uaac.
gem install cf-uaac
  • Use the uaac target uaa.YOUR-SYSTEM-DOMAIN command to target your UAA server.
uaac target
  • Record the uaa:admin:client_secret from either

    • The cf deployment manifest or
    • The Ops Manager UI, click on Pivotal Elastic Runtime tile, go to credentials tab, UAA -> Admin Client Credentials
  • Authenticate to UAA using the client_secret from the previous step

uaac token client get admin -s ADMIN-CLIENT-SECRET
  • Create a new UAA client for your firehose
uaac client add my-firehose-nozzle \
    --access_token_validity 1209600 \
    --authorized_grant_types authorization_code,client_credentials,refresh_token \
    -s <SECRET> \
    --scope openid,oauth.approvals,doppler.firehose \
    --authorities oauth.login,doppler.firehose

For information about creating a UAA user, see the Creating and Managing Users with the UAA CLI topic.


For development against bosh-lite, copy scripts/ to scripts/ and supply missing values. Then run ./scripts/ to see events on standard out.

Install dependencies

glide install

Setup Tests

go get  # installs the ginkgo CLI
go get         # fetches the matcher library

Run test from toplevel directory

run ginkgo -r  -skipPackage vendor/   # runs test recursively


Other nozzles
