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A vCloud Air Application Services Demo

This demo highlights the use of Application Services on VMWare vCloud Air

##Demo Scenario The ficticous company MediStuff wants to mobile enable it's sales workforce as soon as possible. The new mobile application should enable sales reps to view Customer Service calls placed by their accounts.

####The demo illustrates the following

  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) on vCloud Air exposing REST services to a mobile client.
  • A PCF User Provided Service connecting to a remote on-premise mySQL Database
  • A mobile client utilizing Kinvey mBaaS for Push Notifications


The demo is composed of a number of components each with their own gitHub repository

mCare Web Client


mCare Web Client Use Cases


  1. Search for Customer by Name
  2. Search for Customer by Contact Phone Number
  3. Search for all Customers
  4. Search for Ticket by Ticket Number
  5. Search for all Tickets


  1. Create a new User
  2. Edit a User
  3. Delete a User
  4. List all Users
  5. Login as a user
  6. Logout
  1. Add a New Customer
  2. Edit a Customer
  3. Delete a Customer
  4. View a Customer's tickets
  5. Change Customer User/Owner
  1. Create a New Ticket for a customer
  2. Edit a Ticket
  3. Delete a Ticket
  4. View a Ticket Detail and its Comments
  5. List a customers tickets
  6. Close a Ticket
  7. Reopen a Ticket
  8. Set Ticket Priority
  1. Create a New Comment on a Ticket
  2. Delete a Comment on a ticket
  1. Add a user as a follower to a ticket
  2. Remove a user as a follower to a ticket
  1. Create the database
  2. Reload the database with sample data

mCare Mobile Client


mCare Mobile Client Use Cases

  1. Login
  2. Logout
  3. List all Customers for the current User
  4. List all Tickets for all the current User's Customers
  5. List all Tickets for a given Customer
  6. View the Ticket's Comments
  7. Add a New Comment to an open Ticket
  8. Receive an Apple push notification whan a Customer Ticket is modified

Developer Workstation Installation Steps

Install Python and Python Virtual Env

if python virtualEnv is not already on the workstation

   $virtualenv --version

   $ sudo pip install virtualenv

Then once virtualenv is installed

   $ mkdir ~/vcademo/virtualEnvs
   $ cd ~/vcademo/virtualEnvs

   $ virtualenv mcare
   $ cd mcare
   $ source ./bin/activate
   (mcare) $

Checkout the mcare project from github

   $ git clone

Open the mcare Python Web Project

Open the project with an editor such as sublime. Note sublime opens the directory and treats it as a project. File-> Open Browse to /Users/bwebster/vcademo/virtualEnvs/mcare/mcare-demo/mcare-web

Running the Web Project locally

The project should be executed within a python virtual env to keep python modules separate the base python install on your workstation.

Ensure the python virtual env is activated, you should see a command prompt that includes the the virtual env name

For example


If is not activated then run

$ cd mcare
$ source ./bin/activate

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

Once the application has started, open a browser to the url http://localhost:5000

to deactivate the virtualenv at some point in the future, rather than simply
closing the terminal window, run

(mcare)$ deactivate

## Mac xcode project

Using Apple Xcode 6.1 or greater

Open the project


Deploy to iphone or iphone  emulator

Use home button to go to iPhone settings.
Open mCare app and set local flask server url

For example

##### Local flask server testing:

The values should set in the

  PYTHON_PORT= '5000'

  The host value depends

Use a value of localhost if you don’t need to connect from iPhone, set PYTHON_HOST to localhost and use

Use a value of the local nic ip address if connecting from a browser and an iPhone, for example

##### Cloud Foundry testing

If testing on Cloud Foundry install the Pivotal Cloud Foundry CLI
following the instructions at this location


For Cloud Foundry use the following url in the phone, no need to set PYTHON_HOST in the file.

login with user  bwebster / welcome1
or another registered user created through the Web version of the App.


No description, website, or topics provided.


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