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kpack dependencies

kpack utilizes unprivileged Kubernetes primitives to provide builds of OCI images as a platform implementation of Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB).

kpack requires dependencies in the form of buildpacks and stacks to keep app images patched and up-to-date.

This package provides a curated set of dependencies to be used with the kpack package.


  • kpack dependencies

Supported Providers

The following table shows the providers this package can work with.

AWS Azure vSphere Docker


The following configuration values can be set to customize the kpack installation.

kpack Configuration

Value Required/Optional Description
kp_default_repository Required Docker repository used for builder images (i.e. or mydockerhubusername/my-repo. This must be the same value used during installation of kpack.



Package Installation steps

You can install the kpack dependencies package using the command below:

tanzu package install kpack-dependencies --package-name --version 0.0.1 -f kpack-deps-values.yaml


Once the package is installed you can view the resources that have been created:

NOTE: These resources cannot be modified manually, they can only be upgraded via upgrades of the kpack dependencies package. If you wish to create custom ClusterStores, ClusterStacks, or ClusterBuilders you must create new resources and manage them manually.

$ kubectl get clusterstore
default   True

$ kubectl get clusterstack
base      True
default   True

$ kubectl get clusterbuilder
base      <some-image>   True
default   <some-image>   True


Currently, the kpack dependencies package will not immediately fail if the installation is in a bad state.

If your installation is reconciling for a long time or receives a timeout, check the status of the relevant resources:

kubectl describe clusterstore
kubectl describe clusterstack
kubectl describe clusterbuilder

Configuration and Usage

After installing the kpack dependencies package, ClusterStores, ClusterStacks, and ClusterBuilders do not need to be manually installed, and you can immediately create source-to-image builds.

Creating an image using kp CLI

  1. Create a secret with push credentials for the docker registry that you plan on publishing OCI images to with kpack.

    The easiest way to do that is with kp secret save

    kp secret save tutorial-registry-credentials \
       --registry <REGISTRY-HOSTNAME> \
       --registry-user <REGISTRY-USER>

    Note: The <REGISTRY-HOSTNAME> must be the registry prefix for its corresponding registry

    • For dockerhub this should be kp also offers a simplified way to create a dockerhub secret with a --dockerhub flag.
    • For GCR this should be If you use GCR then the username can be _json_key and the password can be the JSON credentials you get from the GCP UI (under IAM -> Service Accounts create an account or edit an existing one and create a key with type JSON). kp also offers a simplified way to create a gcr secret with a --gcr flag.

    Your secret create should look something like this:

    kp secret save tutorial-registry-credentials \
       --registry \
       --registry-user my-dockerhub-username
  2. Create a kpack Image Resource.

    An Image Resource is the specification for an OCI image that kpack should build and manage.

    We will create a sample Image Resource that builds with the base builder installed with the kpack dependencies package.

    The example included here utilizes the Spring Pet Clinic sample app. We encourage you to substitute it with your own application.

    Create an Image Resource:

    kp image save tutorial-image \
      --tag <IMAGE-TAG> \
      --git \
      --git-revision 82cb521d636b282340378d80a6307a08e3d4a4c4 \
      --builder base
    • Make sure to replace <IMAGE-TAG> with the tag in the registry of the secret you configured. Something like: your-name/app or
    • If you are using your application source, replace --git & --git-revision.

    Note: To use a private git repo follow the instructions in secrets

    You can now check the status of the Image Resource.

    kp image status tutorial-image

    You should see that the Image Resource has a status Building as it is currently building.

    Status:         Building
    Message:        --
    LatestImage:    --
    Type:        GitUrl
    Revision:    82cb521d636b282340378d80a6307a08e3d4a4c4
    Builder Ref
    Name:    base
    Kind:    Builder
    Last Successful Build
    Id:              --
    Build Reason:    --
    Last Failed Build
    Id:              --
    Build Reason:    --

    You can tail the logs for Image Resource that is currently building using the kp cli

    kp build logs tutorial-image

    Once the Image Resource finishes building you can get the fully resolved built OCI image with kp

    kp image status tutorial-image

    The latest built OCI image is available to be used locally via docker pull and in a Kubernetes deployment.

  3. Run the built application image locally.

    Download the latest built OCI image available and run it with Docker.

    docker run -p 8080:8080 <latest-image-with-digest>

    You should see the java app start up:

               |\      _,,,--,,_
              /,`.-'`'   ._  \-;;,_
     _______ __|,4-  ) )_   .;.(__`'-'__     ___ __    _ ___ _______
     |       | '---''(_/._)-'(_\_)   |   |   |   |  |  | |   |       |
     |    _  |    ___|_     _|       |   |   |   |   |_| |   |       | __ _ _
     |   |_| |   |___  |   | |       |   |   |   |       |   |       | \ \ \ \
     |    ___|    ___| |   | |      _|   |___|   |  _    |   |      _|  \ \ \ \
     |   |   |   |___  |   | |     |_|       |   | | |   |   |     |_    ) ) ) )
     |___|   |_______| |___| |_______|_______|___|_|  |__|___|_______|  / / / /
     :: Built with Spring Boot :: 2.2.2.RELEASE
  4. Rebuilding kpack Image Resources.

    We recommend updating the kpack Image Resource with a CI/CD tool when new commits are ready to be built.

    Note: You can also provide a branch or tag as the spec.git.revision and kpack will poll and rebuild on updates!

    We can simulate an update from a CI/CD tool by updating the spec.git.revision on the Image Resource.

    If you are using your own application please push an updated commit and use the new commit sha. If you are using Spring Pet Clinic you can update the revision to: 4e1f87407d80cdb4a5a293de89d62034fdcbb847.

    Edit the Image Resource with:

    kp image save tutorial-image --git-revision 4e1f87407d80cdb4a5a293de89d62034fdcbb847

    You should see kpack schedule a new build by running:

    kp build list tutorial-image

    You should see a new build with

    BUILD    STATUS     IMAGE                                            REASON
    1        SUCCESS    BUILDPACK
    2        BUILDING                                                    CONFIG

    You can tail the logs for the Image Resource with the kp cli.

    kp build logs tutorial-image

    Note: This second build should be notably faster because the buildpacks can leverage the cache from the previous build.

  5. Next steps.

    The next time new buildpacks are added to the store, kpack will automatically rebuild the builder. If the updated buildpacks were used by the tutorial Image Resource, kpack will automatically create a new build to rebuild your OCI image.

Creating an image using kubectl

  1. Create a secret with push credentials for the docker registry that you plan on publishing OCI images to with kpack.

    The easiest way to do that is with kubectl create secret docker-registry

    kubectl create secret docker-registry tutorial-registry-credentials \
        --docker-username=user \
        --docker-password=password \

    Note: The docker server must be the registry prefix for its corresponding registry. For dockerhub this should be For GCR this should be If you use GCR then the username can be _json_key and the password can be the JSON credentials you get from the GCP UI (under IAM -> Service Accounts create an account or edit an existing one and create a key with type JSON).

    Your secret create should look something like this:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry tutorial-registry-credentials \
        --docker-username=my-dockerhub-username \
        --docker-password=my-dockerhub-password \

    Note: Learn more about kpack secrets with the kpack secret documentation

  2. Create a service account that references the registry secret created above

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: tutorial-service-account
    - name: tutorial-registry-credentials
    - name: tutorial-registry-credentials

    Apply that service account to the cluster

    kubectl apply -f service-account.yaml
  3. Create a kpack Image Resource.

    An Image Resource is the specification for an OCI image that kpack should build and manage.

    We will create a sample Image Resource that builds with the builder we created.

    The example included here utilizes the Spring Pet Clinic sample app . We encourage you to substitute it with your own application.

    Create an Image Resource:

    kind: Image
      name: tutorial-image
      tag: <DOCKER-IMAGE-TAG>
      serviceAccountName: tutorial-service-account
        name: my-builder
        kind: Builder
          revision: 82cb521d636b282340378d80a6307a08e3d4a4c4
    • Replace <DOCKER-IMAGE-TAG> with a valid image tag that exists in the registry you configured with the --docker-server flag when creating a Secret. Something like: your-name/app or
    • If you are using your application source, replace source.git.url & source.git.revision.

    Note: To use a private git repo follow the instructions in secrets

    Apply that Image Resource to the cluster

    kubectl apply -f image.yaml

    You can now check the status of the Image Resource.

    kubectl get images

    You should see that the Image Resource has an unknown READY status as it is currently building.

     NAME                  LATESTIMAGE   READY
     tutorial-image                      Unknown

    You can tail the logs for the image that is currently building using the kp cli

    kp build logs tutorial-image

    Once the Image Resource finishes building you can get the fully resolved built OCI image with kubectl get

    kubectl get image tutorial-image

    The output should look something like this:

    NAMESPACE   NAME                  LATESTIMAGE                                        READY
    default     tutorial-image   True

    The latest OCI image is available to be used locally via docker pull and in a Kubernetes deployment.

  4. Run the built application image locally.

    Download the latest OCI image available and run it with Docker.

    docker run -p 8080:8080 <latest-image-with-digest>

    You should see the java app start up:

               |\      _,,,--,,_
              /,`.-'`'   ._  \-;;,_
     _______ __|,4-  ) )_   .;.(__`'-'__     ___ __    _ ___ _______
     |       | '---''(_/._)-'(_\_)   |   |   |   |  |  | |   |       |
     |    _  |    ___|_     _|       |   |   |   |   |_| |   |       | __ _ _
     |   |_| |   |___  |   | |       |   |   |   |       |   |       | \ \ \ \
     |    ___|    ___| |   | |      _|   |___|   |  _    |   |      _|  \ \ \ \
     |   |   |   |___  |   | |     |_|       |   | | |   |   |     |_    ) ) ) )
     |___|   |_______| |___| |_______|_______|___|_|  |__|___|_______|  / / / /
     :: Built with Spring Boot :: 2.2.2.RELEASE
  5. Rebuilding kpack Image Resources.

    We recommend updating the kpack Image Resource with a CI/CD tool when new commits are ready to be built.

    Note: You can also provide a branch or tag as the spec.git.revision and kpack will poll and rebuild on updates!

    We can simulate an update from a CI/CD tool by updating the spec.git.revision on the Image Resource.

    If you are using your own application push an updated commit and use the new commit sha. If you are using Spring Pet Clinic you can update the revision to: 4e1f87407d80cdb4a5a293de89d62034fdcbb847.

    Edit the Image Resource with:

    kubectl edit image tutorial-image

    You should see kpack schedule a new build by running:

    kubectl get builds

    You should see a new build with

    NAME                                IMAGE                                          SUCCEEDED
    tutorial-image-build-1-8mqkc   True
    tutorial-image-build-2-xsf2l                                                       Unknown

    You can tail the logs for the image with the kp cli.

    kp build logs tutorial-image -b 2

    Note: This second build should be notably faster because the buildpacks can leverage the cache from the previous build.

  6. Next steps.

    The next time new buildpacks are added to the store, kpack will automatically rebuild the builder. If the updated buildpacks were used by the tutorial Image Resource, kpack will automatically create a new build to rebuild your OCI image.

Additional Resources