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The GUI new front-end for VOC2CORE.

1.1. Contents

1.2. Purpose

The VOC2GUI is a GUI client for VOC2CORE. It can connect to a running VOC2CORE host and then uses GTK to provide a graphical interface to control a lot of the core's functionality.

VOC2GUI Screenshot

Since the focus of VOC2MIX is to process and control the video mixing of a single A/V recorded talk on stage, VOC2GUI is the part where A/V mixing operators can get an easy to use interface to do their job while the event is running.

This include mixing video, audio, blinding of live output and monitoring the VOC2MIX setup.

After reading a configuration VOC2GUI connect to a host that is doing the bare work of mixing several input video and audio sources into several mixing outputs. All A/V processing of the core is done by an underlying GStreamer instance that processes a so-called pipeline. To understand what you are able to control with VOC2GUI you might first try to understand the principle pipeline construct of VOC2CORE. In this document we presume that you know what your core was configured for.

1.3. Installation

On top of the dependencies of the core the following is needed.

sudo apt-get install python-gi-cairo

1.4. Running

1.4.1. Usage

python3 [-h] [-v] [-c {auto,always,never}] [-t] [-i INI_FILE] [-H HOST] [-d] [-D GST_DEBUG_DETAILS] [-g]

1.4.2. Options

Option Alternative Description
-h --help show this help message and exit
-v --verbose Set verbosity level by using -v, -vv or -vvv.
-c { auto, always, never } --color { auto, always, never } Control the use of colors in the Log-Output.
Default: auto
-t --timestamp Enable timestamps in the Log-Output
-i INI_FILE --ini-file INI_FILE Load a custom configuration file INI_FILE.
Default: ./voctogui/default-config.ini
-H HOST --host HOST Connect to this host instead of the configured one.
-d --dot Generate DOT graph files of pipelines into directory set by environment variable GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR
-D GST_DEBUG_DETAILS --gst-debug-details GST_DEBUG_DETAILS Like -d but set detail level in DOT graph. GST_DEBUG_DETAILS must be a combination the following values:
1 = show caps-name on edges
2 = show caps-details on edges
4 = show modified parameters on elements
8 = show element states
16 = show full element parameter values even if they are very long
Default: 15 = show all the typical details that one might want (15=1+2+4+8)
-g --gstreamer-log Log gstreamer messages into voctocore log.
Set log level by using -g, -gg or -ggg).

1.5. Configuration

By default VOC2GUI reads a configuration file from it's repository called ./voctogui/default-config.ini but it also asks the core for it's configuration.

1.5.1. Connecting to Host

Do be functional VOC2GUI has to connext to the a VOC2CORE instance via TCP/IP. Usually this is done by setting the attribtue server / host within the configuration.


The host entry in the configuration is obligatory unsless you use -H to set the host. The argument overrides the configuration if you use both at the same time.

1.5.2. Server Configuration Overwrites Client's One

The attributes in the core configuration overwrite the ones defined in the GUI's one so every item (except server/host) does not have to be included within the GUI configuration but can be defined by the core configuration to unify all connecting GUI instances. Instead you could leave things more open to set them in the client configuration individually.

1.5.3. Main Window Properties

Because VOC2GUI is a GTK application it needs to open a main window on the screen. You can influence the way this window appears by the following options:

forcefullscreen=true Window Size

Add pixel sizes to width and height to set the main window extents when not in full screen mode. Force Full Screen

Set forcefullscreen if you like VOC2GUI to start in full screen mode. Main Window Toolbar

The availability of the buttons in the main window toolbar can be customized by the following options:

ports=true Hide Close Button

Setting close to false will hide the close button which is on by default. Show Full Screen Button

By setting fullscreen to true a button wilöl appear which allows the user to toggle full screen mode. Some window managers might still give the user the ability to toogle full screen mode even if this button is hidden. Show Expert Buttons

Setting queues and ports to true will show buttons which toggle the visiblity of the queues and the ports bar.

Hint: If you want to prevent the users to enable those features by changing the GUI configuration file you have to set it to false wthin the core configuration!

1.5.4. Mixing Toolbars

VOC2GUI can show several tool bars enveloping different aspects of the mixing process. In the following paragraphs you learn how to configure them to customize availability of different functionalities, rename widgets, change keyboard accelerators and more. Common Widget and Button Configuration

Every mixing toolbar can be configured by using the following attributes.

Attribute Description
.key Set the keyboard code that triggers this button.
See about accelerator key codes in GTK.
.name Customize name of the button on screen.
.tip Customize the tool top of the button on screen.
.expand Whether to expand the button within GTK layout.
.pos Position (0..n) within the toolbar.
If not given append in order they appear in configuration.
.replace Add composite modificator by character replacement (see chapter Modifiers below) Sources Toolbars

Without configuring the sources toolbars explicitly VOC2GUI lists automatically the available A/B sources as buttons and names them in upper case letters. Tooltips will be generated too and keyboard accelerators will be set to F1..F4 for sources A and 1..4 for sources B. If you want to vary the visual appearance of the buttons you can use the two sections toolbar.sources.a and toolbar.sources.b:

buttons = cam,grabber = CAMERA
cam.tip = Select camera on A = LAPTOP
grabber.tip = "Select speaker's laptop on A"

[toolbar.sources.b] = CAMERA
cam.tip = Select camera on B = LAPTOP
grabber.tip = "Select speaker's laptop on B"

First you list all sources which shall be shown buttons for by using the buttons attribute followed by a comma separated list of the related source's names. These sources must be defined within the host's configuration.

Then you might add one or more of the common attributes. Composites

Without any configuration composite buttons will be named automatically by their uppercased source names and keyboard accelerators will be F5..F8.

If you want to vary the visual appearance of the buttons you can use the two sections toolbar.composites:

buttons = fullscreen, sidebyside = FULL SCREEN
fullscreen.tip = Show channel A on full screen = SIDE BY SIDE
sidebyside.tip = Put channel A beside channel B

These composites must be defined within the host's configuration. Modify Toolbar

Without any .key attributes keyboard accelerators of the buttons in toolbar.mods will be F9..F12. Because there are no default modifiers you are free to define some:

buttons = mirror,ratio = MIRROR
mirror.replace = lecture->|lecture = 4:3
ratio.replace = lecture->lecture_43

Currently there is only one possibility to add modifiers by using the attribute replace:

Replacement Modifier

Composites are described in VOCTOMIX by a specific string format c(A,B), where c is the composite and A and B the sources to show). For example if you have two sources cam and grabber and a composite lecture. Assume that lecture is a composite which shows a big picture of source A and beside a small one of source B. You can user modifications for this composite by using mirroring or just a fancy way to name your composites.

Mirroring is done by adding a | in front of the composites name which then mirrors all coordinates of the composite. So if lecture has the big picture at the left and the other on the right then |lecture as the big picture at the right and the other at the left. Usually this is helpfull if the big picture represents a laptop screen showing a presentation and the small one a camera picture of the speaker. If the speaker walks from left to right you might use mirroring to fix the visual impression, when the speaker is not looking at the presentation.

Another way is to have two different composites like one for when the laptop screen can have different ratios (like 16:9 and 4:3). You then can configure an additional lecture composite called lecture_43 which crops the laptop screen content to 4:3 for example.

In both cases we can define modifier buttons with .replace just by defining a replacement rule for the composite definition string that replaces lecture with |lecture or lecture with lecture_43 and vice versa like configured in the above sample. Mix Toolbar

The mix toolbar can show the following buttons retake, cut, trans. By adding the attribute buttons to the section toolbar.mix you might restrict the availability of those.

Without any .key attributes keyboard accelerators of the buttons in toolbar.mods will be BackSpace for retake, Return for cut and space for trans.

buttons = cut,trans

trans.expand  = true

The example will hide the retake button and the transition button will expand in the window layout so that it might be bigger than the cut button. Insertions Toolbar


auto-off.key  = o
auto-off.tip  = automatically turn off insertion before every mix

update.key    = u
update.tip    = Update current event

insert.key    = i
insert.tip    = Show or hide current insertion

1.5.5. Customize UI Style

Edit voctogui/ui/voctogui.css to change the way the user interface will be drawn. Currently there is no list of class names or IDs but you might start VOC2GUI with GTK debugging to get these information by setting environment variable GTK_DEBUG to interactive:

GTK_DEBUG=interactive voctogui/

You will get a window which allows you to browse through all widgets within the VOC2GUI window.

1.6. Usage
