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NickleDave committed Dec 29, 2018
1 parent bf58817 commit d565d76
Showing 1 changed file with 226 additions and 32 deletions.
258 changes: 226 additions & 32 deletions doc/tutorial.rst
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@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@

.. _tutorial:


This tutorial present beginners with an introduction to ``crowsetta``.
You can get the Jupyter notebook for this tutorial by going to and clicking on the big green
“Clone or Download” button on the right side of the screen. You can then
find this notebook and others in the ``crowsetta/notebooks/`` directory.

**Finding out what annotation formats are built in to** ``crowsetta`` **and getting some example data to work with**

Since ``crowsetta`` is a tool to working with annotations of
vocalizations, we need some audio files containing vocalizations that
are annotated. In this case, birdsong.

The first thing we need to do to work with any Python library is import
Expand All @@ -12,46 +24,47 @@ it.
import crowsetta
Getting some data to take ``crowsetta`` for a test drive

Since ``crowsetta`` is a tool to working with annotations of
vocalizations, we need some audio files containing vocalizations that
are annotated. In this case, birdsong.

The ``formats`` function tells us what formats are built in to
Now we can use the ``formats`` function to find out what formats are
built in to Crowsetta.

.. code:: ipython3
.. parsed-literal::
'Annotation formats built in to Crowsetta: notmat, koumura'
You can download small example datasets of the built-in formats with the
``fetch`` function in the ``data`` module, like so:

.. code:: ipython3'notmat')
.. parsed-literal::
Downloading (8.6 MB)
[........................................] 100.00000 - ( 8.6 MB / 8.6 MB, 12 kB/s)
[........................................] 100.00000 \ ( 8.6 MB / 8.6 MB, 2.5 MB/s)
File saved as ./cbin-notmat.tar.gz.
extracting ./cbin-notmat.tar.gz
Here we downloaded some ``.cbin`` audio files. Each ``.cbin`` file has
an associated ``.not.mat`` file that contains the annotation.

.. code:: ipython3
!ls ./cbin-notmat/032312/*.cbin*
.. parsed-literal::
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,31 +94,40 @@ an associated ``.not.mat`` file that contains the annotation.
evsonganaly, and are used to annotate audio files produced by a Labview
program for running behavioral experiments called EvTAF.)

Using the ``Transcriber`` to load annotation files into a data type we can work with in Python
**Using the** ``Transcriber`` **to load annotation files into a data type we can work with in Python**

Now we want to use ``crowsetta`` to load the annotations into some
**data type** that makes it easy to get what we want out of audio files.
Python has several data types like a ``list`` or ``dict`` that make it
easy to work with data; the data types that ``crowsetta`` gives us,
``Sequence``\ s and ``Segment``\ s, specifically make it easy to write
clean code for working with annotation formats for birdsong and other

| Now we want to use ``crowsetta`` to load the annotations into some
data type that makes it easy to get what we want out of audio files.
| First we need all the annotation files.
First we need to get all the annotation files in some variable. We can
use the ``glob`` function built into Python to do so.

.. code:: ipython3
from glob import glob # function that finds files matching an expression
notmats = glob('./cbin-notmat/032312/*.not.mat')
for notmat in notmats: print(notmat)
.. parsed-literal::
Now that we have our annotation files in a variable, we use the
``Transcriber`` to load them.
Expand All @@ -119,12 +141,24 @@ and assign it to some variable, like this:
.. code:: ipython3
scribe = crowsetta.Transcriber()
print("scribe is an instance of a", type(scribe))
Now our ``scribe`` object has ``methods`` (functions that “belong” to
it) that we can use on our annotation files.
The ``to_seq`` method converts each file to a ``Sequence``, one of the
data types that helps us work with the annotation.
.. parsed-literal::
scribe is an instance of a <class 'crowsetta.transcriber.Transcriber'>
Now we have a ``scribe`` with ``methods`` that we can use on our
annotation files (methods are functions that “belong” to a class).

**Using the** ``to_seq`` **method to load annotation format files into** ``Sequence``\ **s**

The ``to_seq`` method loads each file into a ``Sequence``, one of the
data types that helps us work with the annotation. We call the method,
passing our list of files as an argument for ``file`` and telling the
``scribe`` our ``file_format``.

.. code:: ipython3
Expand All @@ -139,24 +173,184 @@ For each annotation file, we should have a ``Sequence``.
if len(notmats) == len(seq):
print("The number of annotation files is equal to number of sequences.")
.. parsed-literal::
Number of annotation files: 10
Number of Sequences: 10
The number of annotation files is equal to number of sequences.
Each ``Sequence`` consists of some number of ``Segment``\ s, i.e., a
part of the sequence defined by an ``onset`` and ``offset`` that has a
``label`` associated with it.

.. code:: ipython3
print("type of first element of seq: ", type(seq[0]))
print("\nFirst two Segments of first Sequence:\n", seq[0].segments[0:2])
print("\nFirst two Segments of first Sequence:")
for seg in seq[0].segments[0:2]: print(seg)
.. parsed-literal::
type of first element of seq: <class 'crowsetta.classes.Sequence'>
First two Segments of first Sequence:
[Segment(label='i', onset_s=0.435, offset_s=0.511, onset_Hz=13924, offset_Hz=16350, file='./cbin-notmat/032312/gy6or6_baseline_230312_0819.190.cbin'), Segment(label='i', onset_s=0.583, offset_s=0.662, onset_Hz=18670, offset_Hz=21184, file='./cbin-notmat/032312/gy6or6_baseline_230312_0819.190.cbin')]
Segment(label='i', onset_s=0.435, offset_s=0.511, onset_Hz=13924, offset_Hz=16350, file='./cbin-notmat/032312/gy6or6_baseline_230312_0819.190.cbin')
Segment(label='i', onset_s=0.583, offset_s=0.662, onset_Hz=18670, offset_Hz=21184, file='./cbin-notmat/032312/gy6or6_baseline_230312_0819.190.cbin')
**Using** ``crowsetta`` **data types to write clean code**

Now that we have a ``list`` of ``Sequence``\ s, we can ``iterate``
(loop) through it to get at our audio data in a clean, Pythonic way.

Let’s say we’re interested in the mean amplitude of each type of
syllable in an individual bird’s song. How do we get that data into
something in Python we can analyze? One approach would be to create a
Python ``dict`` that maps the name of each syllable type to a list of
the mean amplitudes of every occurrence of that syllable in our dataset.

Something like this:

.. code:: python
syl_amp_dict = {
'a': [0.01, 0.023, ..., 0.017],
'b': [0.03, 0.032, ..., 0.291],
'j': [0.07, 0.068, ..., 0.71],
So to do that, we need to first figure out the unique types of syllables
that will be the ``keys`` of our dictionary, ``a``, ``b``, …, ``n``.

We’ll ``iterate`` over all the ``Sequence``\ s, and then in an inner
loop, we’ll ``iterate`` through all the ``Segment``\ s in that
``Sequence``, using the ``label`` property of the segment to figure out
which syllable type we’re looking at from this bird.

.. code:: ipython3
import numpy as np
all_labels = []
for sequence in seq:
for segment in sequence.segments:
unique_labels = np.unique(all_labels)
# now we make our dict,
# with some fancy Pythoning
syl_amp_dict = dict(
[[] for _ in range(len(unique_labels))])
print("syl_amp_dict", syl_amp_dict)
.. parsed-literal::
syl_amp_dict {'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': [], 'd': [], 'e': [], 'f': [], 'g': [], 'h': [], 'i': [], 'j': [], 'k': []}
(There are more concise ways to do that, but doing it the way we did let
us clearly see iterating through the ``Segment``\ s and
``Sequence``\ s.)

Now we want to get the amplitude for each syllable. We’ll take the
amplitude from the audio waveform (instead of, say, making a spectrogram
out of it and then getting an amplitude measure by summing power of
every time bin in the spectrogram).

Since the audio signal might be a bit noisy, we’ll use a function,
``smooth_data`` (from the
```evfuncs`` <>`__ library) that
takes the raw audio from a file, applies a bandpass filter, rectifies
the signal, and then smooths it with a sliding window.

.. code:: ipython3
import evfuncs
.. parsed-literal::
Help on function smooth_data in module evfuncs.evfuncs:
smooth_data(rawsong, samp_freq, freq_cutoffs=(500, 10000), smooth_win=2)
filter raw audio and smooth signal
used to calculate amplitude.
rawsong : ndarray
1-d numpy array, "raw" voltage waveform from microphone
samp_freq : int
sampling frequency
freq_cutoffs: list
two-element list of integers, [low freq., high freq.]
bandpass filter applied with this list defining pass band.
If None, in which case bandpass filter is not applied.
smooth_win : integer
size of smoothing window in milliseconds. Default is 2.
smooth : ndarray
1-d numpy array, smoothed waveform
Applies a bandpass filter with the frequency cutoffs in spect_params,
then rectifies the signal by squaring, and lastly smooths by taking
the average within a window of size sm_win.
This is a very literal translation from the Matlab function SmoothData.m
by Evren Tumer. Uses the Thomas-Santana algorithm.
.. code:: ipython3
for sequence in seq:
cbin = sequence.to_dict()['file']
raw_audio, samp_freq = evfuncs.load_cbin(cbin)
smoothed = evfuncs.smooth_data(raw_audio, samp_freq,
freq_cutoffs=[500, 10000])
for segment in sequence.segments:
smoothed_seg = smoothed[segment.onset_Hz:segment.offset_Hz]
mean_seg_amp = np.mean(smoothed_seg)
mean_syl_amp_dict = {}
for syl_label, mean_syl_amps_list in syl_amp_dict.items():
# get mean of means
mean_syl_amp_dict[syl_label] = np.mean(mean_syl_amps_list)
.. code:: ipython3
for syl_label, mean_syl_amp in mean_syl_amp_dict.items():
print(f'mean of mean amplitude for syllable {syl_label}:',
.. parsed-literal::
mean of mean amplitude for syllable a: 208207.12402863556
mean of mean amplitude for syllable b: 16679.46415410411
mean of mean amplitude for syllable c: 1327150.5563241516
mean of mean amplitude for syllable d: 510289.3285039273
mean of mean amplitude for syllable e: 846590.5009779686
mean of mean amplitude for syllable f: 522099.17255753896
mean of mean amplitude for syllable g: 192993.6353244887
mean of mean amplitude for syllable h: 167343.7423264921
mean of mean amplitude for syllable i: 16903.56906972767
mean of mean amplitude for syllable j: 3005979.15761373
mean of mean amplitude for syllable k: 170753.77886737106
Okay, now you’ve seen the basics of working with ``crowsetta``. Get out
there and analyze some vocalizations!

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