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NON-LINEAR DYNAMICS AND VIBRATIONS PROJECT HARMONIC BALANCE METHOD Initially start with linear equation solving using FFT and comparing with the general solution x¨+x=cos(2t) In [13]:

%matplotlib inline import pylab as pl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.optimize as sci ​

I am solving the equation dotdotX + X = cos(2*t)

​ ​

this is method 1

N = 17 t = np.linspace(0, 2np.pi, N+1) # time samples of forcing function t = t[0:-1] # Removing the extra sample f = np.cos(2t) # My forcing function F = np.fft.fft(f) omega = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1/N) + 0.0000001 # list of frequencies X = np.divide(F, 1 - omega**2) x = np.fft.ifft(X) ​ t_eval = np.linspace(0,2np.pi,100) X_analytical = -(np.cos(2t_eval)/3) ​ #pl.scatter(t,x) ​

this is the Dr. Slater method, this will work with nonlinear functions

xbar = f0 + np.cos(2t) ​ def FUNCTION(xbar): N = len(xbar) Xbar = np.fft.fft(xbar) omega = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1/N) + 0.0000001 # list of frequencies dotdotxbar = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply((1j*omega)**2,Xbar)) R = np.sum(np.real(np.abs(dotdotxbar + xbar - f))) return R ​ optimizedResults = sci.minimize(FUNCTION, xbar, method='SLSQP') xbar = optimizedResults.x ​ #optimizedResults = sci.fmin(FUNCTION, xbar, args=(), xtol=0.0000001, ftol=0.0000001,maxiter=10000, maxfun= 100000) #print(optimizedResults) #xbar = optimizedResults ​

func, x0, args=(), xtol=0.0001, ftol=0.0001, maxiter=None, maxfun=None, full_output=0, disp=1, retall=0, callback=None

​ ​ print(optimizedResults) print(xbar) ​

pl.plot(t_eval, X_analytical)

fig = plt.figure() pl.plot(t,xbar) pl.plot(t_eval, X_analytical) fig.suptitle('Plot of numerical and analytical solutions', fontsize = 14) plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Displacement') plt.grid() message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.' x: array([-0.33399111, -0.24765072, -0.03254632, 0.19884773, 0.32566032, 0.28171368, 0.090065 , -0.14903459, -0.31051256, -0.30977985, -0.14694131, 0.09323082, 0.28551165, 0.32957866, 0.2023549 , -0.02992393, -0.24624732]) nit: 57 fun: 0.00061673628981899964 njev: 57 jac: array([ 50.20082419, -49.72596857, 24.96704244, 14.99586373, -19.59926716, 4.82634378, -0.98889774, 3.21597896, -2.61095873, 8.83656553, -27.47077913, 51.4611969 , -47.60202626, 26.80753248, 14.87814988, -11.54410474, -26.40722304, 0. ]) success: True nfev: 1257 status: 0 [-0.33399111 -0.24765072 -0.03254632 0.19884773 0.32566032 0.28171368 0.090065 -0.14903459 -0.31051256 -0.30977985 -0.14694131 0.09323082 0.28551165 0.32957866 0.2023549 -0.02992393 -0.24624732]

Now non-Linear governing equation x¨+x˙+x−(x3)=cos(2t) In [30]:

%matplotlib inline import pylab as pl import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as sci import scipy.integrate as sp ​

this code is the nonlinear case of \dotdot{x} + \dot{x} + x - x**3 = cos(2*t)

Plotting some solutions

def solve_hw2(max_time=5,x0 = 1, v0 = 1): def hw2_deriv(x1_x2,t): x1, x2 = x1_x2 return [x2, -x2-x1+0x1**3+np.cos(2t)] t = np.linspace(0, max_time, int(2000max_time)) x_t = sp.odeint(hw2_deriv, [x0,v0], t) return t, x_t ​ t, x_t = solve_hw2(max_time=10np.pi, x0 = 0, v0 = 0) ​ pl.plot(t,x_t[:,0]) pl.xlabel('$t$', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('$x(t)$', fontsize=20) pl.grid() ​

this is method 1

N = 99 t = np.linspace(0, 10np.pi, N+1) # time samples of forcing function t = t[0:-1] # Removing the extra sample f = np.cos(2t) # My forcing function T = t[-1] ​

this is the Dr. Slater method, this will work with nonlinear functions

xbar = 10f ​ def FUNCTION(xbar): N = len(xbar) Xbar = np.fft.fft(xbar) omega = np.fft.fftfreq(N, T/(2np.piN) )# + 0.0000001 # list of frequencies dotxbar = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply((1jomega),Xbar)) dotdotxbar = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply((1jomega)**2,Xbar)) R = dotdotxbar + dotxbar + xbar - 0xbar3 - f R = R2 R = np.sum(R) return R ​ optimizedResults = sci.minimize(FUNCTION, xbar, method='SLSQP') xbar = optimizedResults.x ​ print(optimizedResults) print(xbar) ​ pl.plot(t,xbar) fig.suptitle('Plot of numerical and analytical solutions', fontsize = 14) message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.' x: array([-0.2269576 , -0.09457638, 0.07464096, 0.21477433, 0.2712435 , 0.22206631, 0.08640336, -0.08294603, -0.21998014, -0.27136719, -0.21705891, -0.07824011, 0.0910573 , 0.224883 , 0.27110127, 0.21175185, 0.06991033, -0.09916168, -0.22962745, -0.27067243, -0.20630755, -0.06161503, 0.10706445, 0.23403439, 0.26983651, 0.20055443, 0.05313599, -0.11496897, -0.23833719, -0.26888741, -0.19474358, -0.04474781, 0.12266197, 0.24230869, 0.26754044, 0.18856447, 0.03614386, -0.13034627, -0.24606704, -0.2659775 , -0.18229411, -0.02763065, 0.13780366, 0.24956817, 0.26412495, 0.17580149, 0.01900045, -0.14520008, -0.25284252, -0.26203693, -0.16919084, -0.01047116, 0.15231495, 0.25577571, 0.25963789, 0.16237244, 0.00186643, -0.15938775, -0.25855739, -0.25703624, -0.1554077 , 0.00674356, 0.16624768, 0.26099878, 0.25408775, 0.14823427, -0.0153723 , -0.17300518, -0.26328521, -0.25103288, -0.14102553, 0.02391705, 0.17952267, 0.26519556, 0.24757449, 0.13350905, -0.03254442, -0.18595457, -0.26693181, -0.24400056, -0.12602346, 0.0410053 , 0.19206557, 0.26829345, 0.24001884, 0.11826323, -0.04956223, -0.19808594, -0.26947622, -0.23591289, -0.11047376, 0.05799932, 0.20386087, 0.27032064, 0.23149168, 0.10252667, -0.06638535, -0.20944567, -0.27095904]) nit: 7 fun: (9.3350815920486145e-06+2.1763039852596424e-17j) njev: 7 jac: array([ 0.02963091, -0.03594344, 0.02704825, -0.0194165 , 0.02821188, -0.04945367, 0.06693083, -0.07285542, 0.07138489, -0.06541759, 0.05643656, -0.04334512, 0.01634988, 0.02058951, -0.04098144, 0.03206228, -0.01267933, 0.00369413, -0.00264571, -0.00114539, 0.00296166, 0.00222337, -0.0111953 , 0.02540854, -0.04582336, 0.06578334, -0.08210321, 0.08292786, -0.0691236 , 0.06602266, -0.0659803 , 0.06098209, -0.07374723, 0.07287435, -0.0393447 , 0.02159294, -0.01278491, -0.01700141, 0.03629565, -0.03518946, 0.035307 , -0.02926687, 0.00654301, 0.011297 , -0.00865435, 0.00373906, 0.00734438, -0.02707554, 0.02346103, -0.00984745, 0.00748757, -0.00410849, 0.01823706, -0.04646991, 0.05124505, -0.04769921, 0.04923475, -0.04015107, 0.0304789 , -0.02342241, 0.00835121, 0.00655341, -0.01541291, 0.03506062, -0.05792021, 0.05067566, -0.03565204, 0.03732305, -0.03476962, 0.03893307, -0.05004896, 0.03143551, 0.00536126, -0.03615547, 0.06161528, -0.07660452, 0.08379688, -0.09643309, 0.10870267, -0.10309764, 0.08517776, -0.07080981, 0.04506939, -0.00571451, -0.01794237, 0.02575222, -0.03941623, 0.05170951, -0.05091811, 0.05181294, -0.06807327, 0.07341853, -0.05505013, 0.05553206, -0.06777283, 0.05134556, -0.03168856, 0.02564437, -0.02240041, 0. ]) success: True nfev: 734 status: 0 [-0.2269576 -0.09457638 0.07464096 0.21477433 0.2712435 0.22206631 0.08640336 -0.08294603 -0.21998014 -0.27136719 -0.21705891 -0.07824011 0.0910573 0.224883 0.27110127 0.21175185 0.06991033 -0.09916168 -0.22962745 -0.27067243 -0.20630755 -0.06161503 0.10706445 0.23403439 0.26983651 0.20055443 0.05313599 -0.11496897 -0.23833719 -0.26888741 -0.19474358 -0.04474781 0.12266197 0.24230869 0.26754044 0.18856447 0.03614386 -0.13034627 -0.24606704 -0.2659775 -0.18229411 -0.02763065 0.13780366 0.24956817 0.26412495 0.17580149 0.01900045 -0.14520008 -0.25284252 -0.26203693 -0.16919084 -0.01047116 0.15231495 0.25577571 0.25963789 0.16237244 0.00186643 -0.15938775 -0.25855739 -0.25703624 -0.1554077 0.00674356 0.16624768 0.26099878 0.25408775 0.14823427 -0.0153723 -0.17300518 -0.26328521 -0.25103288 -0.14102553 0.02391705 0.17952267 0.26519556 0.24757449 0.13350905 -0.03254442 -0.18595457 -0.26693181 -0.24400056 -0.12602346 0.0410053 0.19206557 0.26829345 0.24001884 0.11826323 -0.04956223 -0.19808594 -0.26947622 -0.23591289 -0.11047376 0.05799932 0.20386087 0.27032064 0.23149168 0.10252667 -0.06638535 -0.20944567 -0.27095904] /Users/soumithvodnala/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part jac[i] = (func(*((x0+dx,)+args)) - f0)/epsilon /Users/soumithvodnala/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part slsqp(m, meq, x, xl, xu, fx, c, g, a, acc, majiter, mode, w, jw)

linear equation with damping x¨+x˙+x=cos(2t) In [50]:

%matplotlib inline import pylab as pl import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as sci ​

This equation has a damped term

I am solving the equation dotdotX + dotX + X = cos(2*t)

this is method 1

N = 40 t = np.linspace(0, 2np.pi, N+1) # time samples of forcing function t = t[0:-1] # Removing the extra sample f = np.cos(2t) # My forcing function ​ t_eval = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100) X_analytical = (2/13)np.sin(2t_eval) - (3/13)np.cos(2t_eval) ​

this is the Dr. Slater method, this will work with nonlinear functions

xbar = f ​ def FUNCTION(xbar): N = len(xbar) Xbar = np.fft.fft(xbar) omega = np.fft.fftfreq(N, 1/N) + 0.0000001 # list of frequencies dotxbar = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply((1jomega),Xbar)) dotdotxbar = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply((1jomega)2,Xbar)) R = dotdotxbar + dotxbar + xbar - f R = R2 R = np.sum(R) return R ​ optimizedResults = sci.minimize(FUNCTION, xbar, method='SLSQP') xbar = optimizedResults.x ​ print(optimizedResults) print(xbar) pl.plot(t_eval, X_analytical) pl.plot(t,xbar,'ro') message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.' x: array([-0.23078748, -0.17195167, -0.09628588, -0.01119672, 0.07498669, 0.15382806, 0.2176098 , 0.26008859, 0.27710652, 0.26699757, 0.2307509 , 0.17191524, 0.09624947, 0.01116024, -0.07502299, -0.15386426, -0.21764609, -0.26012496, -0.27714288, -0.26703389, -0.23078764, -0.17195183, -0.09628583, -0.01119651, 0.07498662, 0.15382803, 0.21760979, 0.26008849, 0.2771066 , 0.26699761, 0.23075103, 0.17191536, 0.09624953, 0.0111603 , -0.07502303, -0.15386438, -0.21764624, -0.26012494, -0.27714293, -0.26703393]) nit: 2 fun: (1.870940816986629e-08+8.579837955882194e-11j) njev: 2 jac: array([-0.00098101, -0.00347981, 0.01079302, -0.01592444, 0.02098032, -0.02296801, 0.02703271, -0.0265175 , 0.02122016, -0.01329544, 0.01481399, -0.02200066, 0.03179598, -0.03448112, 0.03185778, -0.02466498, 0.01964074, -0.01324119, 0.00906573, -0.00308937, 0.00139186, -0.00101529, -0.00056345, 0.00445414, 0.00182687, -0.01452569, 0.03107271, -0.03938777, 0.03622966, -0.02416758, 0.01751106, -0.01471969, 0.01539185, -0.01140917, 0.0045364 , 0.00655207, -0.01494941, 0.01919772, -0.01357294, 0.00719662, 0. ]) success: True nfev: 93 status: 0 [-0.23078748 -0.17195167 -0.09628588 -0.01119672 0.07498669 0.15382806 0.2176098 0.26008859 0.27710652 0.26699757 0.2307509 0.17191524 0.09624947 0.01116024 -0.07502299 -0.15386426 -0.21764609 -0.26012496 -0.27714288 -0.26703389 -0.23078764 -0.17195183 -0.09628583 -0.01119651 0.07498662 0.15382803 0.21760979 0.26008849 0.2771066 0.26699761 0.23075103 0.17191536 0.09624953 0.0111603 -0.07502303 -0.15386438 -0.21764624 -0.26012494 -0.27714293 -0.26703393] /Users/soumithvodnala/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part jac[i] = (func(*((x0+dx,)+args)) - f0)/epsilon /Users/soumithvodnala/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part slsqp(m, meq, x, xl, xu, fx, c, g, a, acc, majiter, mode, w, jw)

The Duffing oscillator x¨+x˙+x+sin(x)=Acos(2t) In [2]:

%matplotlib inline #From posted by Daniel Clark import pylab as pl import numpy as np import scipy.optimize as sci import scipy.integrate as sp ​

this code is the nonlinear case of \dotdot{x} + \dot{x} + sin(x) = Acos(wt)

​ def DuffingOscillatorTimeSeriesResults(N = 3,w = 2,A = 1.2): t = np.linspace(0, 10np.pi, N+1) # time samples of forcing function t = t[0:-1] # Removing the extra sample f = Anp.cos(wt) # My forcing function T = t[-1] xbar = 10f ​ def FUNCTION(xbar): N = len(xbar) Xbar = np.fft.fft(xbar) omega = np.fft.fftfreq(N, T/(2np.piN) )# + 0.0000001 # list of frequencies dotxbar = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply((1jomega),Xbar)) dotdotxbar = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply((1jomega)2,Xbar)) R = dotdotxbar + dotxbar + xbar + xbar3 - f R = R**2 R = np.sum(R) return R ​ optimizedResults = sci.minimize(FUNCTION, xbar, method='SLSQP') xbar = optimizedResults.x ​ print(optimizedResults) print(xbar) ​ pl.plot(t,xbar,t,f) pl.legend(['x','Forcing Function']) pl.xlabel('Time (s)') In [55]:

DuffingOscillatorTimeSeriesResults(N = 100) message: 'Iteration limit exceeded' x: array([ 1.93231467, 2.761191 , 6.56007893, -5.69931079, -6.18589595, 6.39014429, -2.43811206, -6.79780479, 6.4360562 , 1.04942178, -4.97578723, 2.27259475, 6.78116385, -6.3970828 , -2.53759707, 4.38919529, -1.49647857, -6.49488355, 6.51123622, 2.85800151, -1.84717195, 2.6175274 , 6.31776043, -6.35084087, -0.20977508, 5.58697419, -3.56354495, -6.21113358, 6.06015409, 3.52638829, -0.01560659, 3.06725075, 6.14298348, -5.71493984, -3.72465619, -0.92800328, -3.66997754, -4.57900394, 1.67260324, 5.08275259, -0.16495957, 2.67374523, 6.6608363 , -6.45740315, -3.24554895, -0.449441 , -2.66062281, -5.02471201, 1.43495415, 4.62968953, 1.8734431 , 3.83741209, 5.45473806, -4.57953635, -4.61033393, 0.05355531, -2.70677313, -6.34262689, 5.95604728, 3.82770711, -1.18260163, 2.55618692, 6.84805821, -6.61914357, -0.92439409, 5.33069177, -2.06601128, -5.99600655, 5.02065392, 4.12449356, 0.00704862, 3.42803705, 5.63993052, -5.7671419 , -3.58864064, -0.63731389, -3.45666529, -4.74614198, 1.92318711, 4.6743782 , 0.30659006, 2.90502672, 6.73157741, -6.73444189, 0.48834469, 5.64905455, -5.04895119, -5.88796434, 5.87672073, 3.57822035, 2.67748897, 4.5759838 , 0.51027309, -3.32313041, -3.4168456 , -2.11545865, -3.16977364, -1.66698476, 1.29716472, 4.4688917 ]) nit: 101 fun: (232169.97653255676+15501.871111197212j) njev: 101 jac: array([ 3117.09765625, 266.61914062, 7954.96875 , -9166.40039062, -6707.15625 , -4153.03125 , -1150.3046875 , -3471.51953125, -1831.93359375, 475.40234375, 3032.29101562, -535.0703125 , 2763.015625 , -2286.49609375, -2063.46289062, -4027.58203125, 2683.3984375 , 5879.00390625, 7920.29101562, 1733.52539062, 1630.03515625, -813.91015625, -3935.0234375 , 766.21875 , 1630.3515625 , -2485.20117188, 350.6875 , 1393.9609375 , 4059.0390625 , 1414.06445312, 3169.7265625 , -645.47070312, 50.6015625 , -2595.18945312, -1087.4453125 , -1733.61328125, -2088.9296875 , -2067.3515625 , 1885.1484375 , 2578.30859375, -436.48828125, 656.36132812, 2026.54296875, -7975.5546875 , -1080.51953125, -3176.828125 , 1231.890625 , -3351.4609375 , 4037.29296875, 944.765625 , 3791.9296875 , 2249.41796875, 1681.93359375, -2661.46875 , -1496.765625 , -3447.5 , 1761.71484375, -353.59765625, 4055.61328125, 1379.453125 , 2316.55859375, -444.6484375 , 4836.80273438, -3022.40429688, -48.4375 , -1719.125 , 2216.6171875 , 1461.75390625, -344.62695312, 866.97460938, 1260.484375 , 662.57421875, -3728.13085938, -5224.109375 , -794.77929688, -1325.98242188, -1275.70507812, -2418.90625 , 3090.7265625 , 223.89257812, 1324.21875 , 293.81640625, 3042.80664062, -2973.44140625, 612.5546875 , -6928.64257812, -4656.4921875 , -1388.91796875, 4390.60546875, 2994.40820312, 3006.91015625, 2484.27734375, 702.02539062, -773.60351562, -1768.9140625 , 1025.19921875, -1724.30273438, 713.17382812, -374.59960938, 2581.68554688, 0. ]) success: False nfev: 10691 status: 9 [ 1.93231467 2.761191 6.56007893 -5.69931079 -6.18589595 6.39014429 -2.43811206 -6.79780479 6.4360562 1.04942178 -4.97578723 2.27259475 6.78116385 -6.3970828 -2.53759707 4.38919529 -1.49647857 -6.49488355 6.51123622 2.85800151 -1.84717195 2.6175274 6.31776043 -6.35084087 -0.20977508 5.58697419 -3.56354495 -6.21113358 6.06015409 3.52638829 -0.01560659 3.06725075 6.14298348 -5.71493984 -3.72465619 -0.92800328 -3.66997754 -4.57900394 1.67260324 5.08275259 -0.16495957 2.67374523 6.6608363 -6.45740315 -3.24554895 -0.449441 -2.66062281 -5.02471201 1.43495415 4.62968953 1.8734431 3.83741209 5.45473806 -4.57953635 -4.61033393 0.05355531 -2.70677313 -6.34262689 5.95604728 3.82770711 -1.18260163 2.55618692 6.84805821 -6.61914357 -0.92439409 5.33069177 -2.06601128 -5.99600655 5.02065392 4.12449356 0.00704862 3.42803705 5.63993052 -5.7671419 -3.58864064 -0.63731389 -3.45666529 -4.74614198 1.92318711 4.6743782 0.30659006 2.90502672 6.73157741 -6.73444189 0.48834469 5.64905455 -5.04895119 -5.88796434 5.87672073 3.57822035 2.67748897 4.5759838 0.51027309 -3.32313041 -3.4168456 -2.11545865 -3.16977364 -1.66698476 1.29716472 4.4688917 ] /Users/soumithvodnala/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part jac[i] = (func(*((x0+dx,)+args)) - f0)/epsilon /Users/soumithvodnala/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/scipy/optimize/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part slsqp(m, meq, x, xl, xu, fx, c, g, a, acc, majiter, mode, w, jw)

In [56]:

#import numpy as np import scipy as sp import scipy.integrate import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ​

More plotting stuff

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib.colors import cnames from matplotlib import animation ​

Needed for sliders that I use.

import IPython.core.display as ipcd from ipywidgets.widgets.interaction import interact, interactive ​

These make vector graphics... higher quaility. If it doesn't work, comment these and try the preceeding.

In [57]:

import numpy as np import pylab as pl def solve_sdof(max_time=10.0, g = 9.81,l = 1,m = 1,zeta = 0.1, A = 3.78, w = 2, x0 = 0, v0 = 0, plotnow = 1): ​

def sdof_deriv(x1_x2, t, g = 9.81,l = 1,m = 1,zeta = 0.1,A = 3.78, w = 2):
    """Compute the time-derivative of a SDOF system."""
    x1, x2 = x1_x2
    return [x2, -zeta/m/l*x2 - g/l*np.sin(x1) + A*np.cos(w*t)]

​ x0i=((x0, v0)) # Solve for the trajectories t = sp.linspace(0, max_time, int(250*max_time)) x_t = sp.integrate.odeint(sdof_deriv, x0i, t)

x, v = x_t.T
f = A*np.cos(w*t)

if plotnow == 1:
    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], projection='3d')
    pl.legend(['x','Forcing Function'])
    plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
    plt.title('Integrated Response of the Damped, Nonlinear Pendulum')

​ return t, x, v In [58]:

solve_sdof(max_time=310np.pi, x0 = 0, v0 = 0, plotnow = 1) ​

Out[58]: (array([ 0.00000000e+00, 4.00033020e-03, 8.00066041e-03, ..., 9.42397789e+01, 9.42437793e+01, 9.42477796e+01]), array([ 0.00000000e+00, 3.02402364e-05, 1.20938577e-04, ..., 7.21703534e-01, 7.21888299e-01, 7.22029750e-01]), array([ 0. , 0.01511765, 0.03022593, ..., 0.05160135, 0.04077355, 0.02994625])) still working...


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