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Torcs Simulated Car Racing Driver Client in Python.


  • Custom Robot Drivers
  • Human Keyboard Driver
  • Human Gamepad Driver
  • Sensor Data Recorder
  • Action Data Recorder
  • Realtime Car Monitor

Get Started


At first you will have to install Torcs - The Open Race Car Simulator and patch it. To do this stick to this manual. Tested under Debian 4.16.16-2kali2 64it. Then install the following core dependencies.

pip install getopts
pip install inputs
pip install json
pip install pydoc
pip install pynput

The realtime car monitor is based on flask microframework.

pip install flask
pip install flask-socketio
Command Line Options

To start the application, navigate to the root directory and call python This will start the default client ( with a default driver. The following options can be passed.

[-h | --host ]...........: the servers host
[-p | --port ]...........: the servers port
[-d | --driver ].........: the driver to be used
                           if unused, a default driver will be used
[   | --logfile ]........: log to a file in app dir
[   | --verbose ]........: log output level
[   | --human ]..........: flag to use a human driver
[   | --noshell ]........: flag to kill shell output

[-r | --record ].........: acitvates the data recorder, pass a filename
[-m | --monitor ]........: flag to activate the realtime monitor
Custom Robot Drivers

To add a custom driver create a file in the application directory. Every driver has to have name and angles attributes as well as a driving method. Stick to the driver to see a minimal configuration for that. If you start the client with a call like this, python --driver Example, your custom robot driver logic will be used.

Human Drivers

There are two human driving options, gamepad and keyboard. To use one of them add the --human to the client start command.

python --human --driver=keyboard
python --human --driver=gamepad

To change the input settings open and change it according to your personal demands.

Data Recorder

The internal data recorder is to by started by the --record or just -r option. The option needs a file name where the data will be written to. The record file will be created in die application root directory and contain sensor and actor values of the used driver.

python --record=data.log
Realtime Monitor

To see how you driver does add the --monitor flag to the application start command. This will start a flask based background webserver access under localhost:5000. The monitor interface consist of a one file html document with a socket connection to the driver client. Open monitor.html according to change the interface to your personal demands.


Torcs Simulated Car Racing Driver Client in Python.


  • Custom Robot Drivers
  • Human Keyboard Driver
  • Human Gamepad Driver
  • Sensor Data Recorder
  • Action Data Recorder
  • Realtime Car Monitor

Get Started


At first you will have to install Torcs - The Open Race Car Simulator and patch it. To do this stick to this manual. Tested under Debian 4.16.16-2kali2 64it. Then install the following core dependencies.

pip install getopts
pip install inputs
pip install json
pip install pydoc
pip install pynput

The realtime car monitor is based on flask microframework.

pip install flask
pip install flask-socketio
Command Line Options

To start the application, navigate to the root directory and call python This will start the default client ( with a default driver. The following options can be passed.

[-h | --host ]...........: the servers host
[-p | --port ]...........: the servers port
[-d | --driver ].........: the driver to be used
                           if unused, a default driver will be used
[   | --logfile ]........: log to a file in app dir
[   | --verbose ]........: log output level
[   | --human ]..........: flag to use a human driver
[   | --noshell ]........: flag to kill shell output

[-r | --record ].........: acitvates the data recorder, pass a filename
[-m | --monitor ]........: flag to activate the realtime monitor
Custom Robot Drivers

To add a custom driver create a file in the application directory. Every driver has to have name and angles attributes as well as a driving method. Stick to the driver to see a minimal configuration for that. If you start the client with a call like this, python --driver Example, your custom robot driver logic will be used.

Human Drivers

There are two human driving options, gamepad and keyboard. To use one of them add the --human to the client start command.

python --human --driver=keyboard
python --human --driver=gamepad

To change the input settings open and change it according to your personal demands.

Data Recorder

The internal data recorder is to by started by the --record or just -r option. The option needs a file name where the data will be written to. The record file will be created in die application root directory and contain sensor and actor values of the used driver.

python --record=data.log
Realtime Monitor

To see how you driver does add the --monitor flag to the application start command. This will start a flask based background webserver access under localhost:5000. The monitor interface consist of a one file html document with a socket connection to the driver client. Open monitor.html according to change the interface to your personal demands.

Create a robot

create source
cd pi.simulation/torcs/torcs-1.3.7/
./robotgen -n "name_of_car" -a "name_of_author" -c "type_of_car" --gp

All available types of cars are located in$TORCS_BASE/data/cars/models/. Your driver will crash if you select a type of car can not be found the directory.

static int InitFuncPt(int index, void *pt){
    tRobotItf *itf = (tRobotItf *)pt;
    itf->index      = index;
    itf->rbNewTrack = initTrack;  /* init new track */
    itf->rbNewRace  = newRace;    /* init new race */
    itf->rbDrive    = drive;      /* drive during race */
    itf->rbShutdown = shutdown;   /* called for cleanup per driver */
    itf->rbPitCmd   = pitcmd;     /* pit command */
    itf->rbEndRace  = NULL;       /* end of the current race */
    return 0;
compile source
export TORCS_BASE=/root/pi.simulation/torcs/torcs-1.3.7
sudo make install

Capture robot data

Navigate to the robot source directory (e.g. cd $TORCS_BASE/src/drivers/berniw) and find the main control file. It's the file with the InitFuncPt method. InitFuncPt assigns the driver interface methods that will be used during the simulation. To make changes working, recompile the driver.

#include "pirate.cpp"
static int InitFuncPt(int index, void *pt){
    itf->rbNewTrack = initTrack; /* init new track */
    itf->rbNewRace  = newRace;   /* init new race */
    itf->rbDrive = drive;        /* drive during race */
    itf->rbEndRace = kill;       /* stop data capturing */
    return 0;
static void initTrack(int index, tTrack* track, void *carHandle, void **carParmHandle, tSituation* s){
    create(track); /* create capturing file */
static void newRace(int index, tCarElt* car, tSituation *s){
static void drive(int index, tCarElt* car, tSituation* s){
    capture(index,car,s) /* capture race data */

Extend scr_server Data

Navigate to $TORCS_BASE/src/drivers/scr_server/scr_server.cpp. To make changes working, recompile the driver.

/** Track structure 
    location: src/interfacex/car.h */
typedef struct{
    const char *name;        /* Name of the track */
    const char *author;      /* Author's name */
    char *filename;          /* Filename of the track description */
    void *params;            /* Parameters handle */
    char *internalname;      /* Internal name of the track */
    const char *category;    /* Category of the track */
    int nseg;                /* Number of segments */
    int version;             /* Version of the track type */
    tdble length;            /* main track length */
    tdble width;             /* main track width */
    tTrackPitInfo pits;      /* Pits information */
    tTrackSeg *seg;          /* Main track */
    tTrackSurface *surfaces; /* Segment surface list */
    t3Dd min;
    t3Dd max;
    tTrackGraphicInfo graphic;
} tTrack;
/** This is the main car structure.
    location: src/interfacex/car.h   */
typedef struct CarElt{
    int index;              /* car index */
    tInitCar info;          /* public */
    tPublicCar pub;         /* public */
    tCarRaceInfo race;      /* public */
    tPrivCar priv;          /* private */
    tCarCtrl ctrl;          /* private */
    tCarPitCmd pitcmd;      /* private */
    struct RobotItf *robot; /* private */
    struct CarElt *next;
    int RESTART;
    int RESET;    
} tCarElt;
/** cars situation used to inform the GUI and the drivers
    location: src/interfaces/racemen.h   */
typedef struct Situation {
    tRaceAdmInfo    raceInfo;
    double          deltaTime;
    double          currentTime; /* time in sec (start=0) */
    int             nbPlayers;   /* number of human players */
    tCarElt         **cars;      /* list of cars */
} tSituation;

Capture Race Engine

Navigate to $TORCS_BASE/src/libs/raceengineclient/raceengine.cpp and add the following statements to this file. To make changes working, recompile the game.

#include "pirates.h"
void ReStart(void){
    create("track","drivers") /* create data sources */
static void ReOneStep(double deltaTimeIncrement){
    if ((s->currentTime - ReInfo->_reLastTime) >= RCM_MAX_DT_ROBOTS) {
        s->deltaTime = s->currentTime - ReInfo->_reLastTime;
        for (i = 0; i < s->_ncars; i++) {
            if ((s->cars[i]->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU) == 0) {
                robot = s->cars[i]->robot;
                robot->rbDrive(robot->index, s->cars[i], s);
                capture(robot->index, s->cars[i], s); /* start data capturing */
        ReInfo->_reLastTime = s->currentTime;
void ReStop(void){
    kill(); /* stop data capturing */



Torcs Simulated Car Racing Client in Python







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